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Fifth Singularity: North American Myth War E Pluribus Unum
Release date: 2018-03-15 7:00 UTC
Like and Share on Facebook for up to 10 Quartz
www facebook com/FateGO.USA/videos/1137040129785352/

>[Singularity Pickup Summon]
Period: 2018-03-08 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC
Fuyuki, Orleans, Septem, Okeanos, and London will be featured.
Each rateup will feature story locked servants from said singularity.

>[Half AP Story Quests]
Period (story quests only): 2018-02-22 04:00 - 03-15 03:59 UTC

>[Half AP Training Grounds]
Period: 2018-03-08 04:00 - 2018-03-15 03:59 UTC

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/ins41Ts
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975
Friendlist: pastebin.com/Am2aVbVW


Good bread

this muramasa shit wasn't funny the first time why the fuck does he keep doing it

I still don't get why Tesla is so high, even on NA he's pretty rare and I've never heard anyone saying what he's good for.

Bryn is mine forever.

You like Bryn Senor?!

I like altera

He's Drake, but as an Archer and with not-shit stats.

Hello, I work for Aniplex USA, please get tune the next Wednesday 14th, we have a big surprise for you, I can give you the first part of the surprise, we decided to replace the Japanese voices with Americans so you can fully enjoy the games, please don't miss the second part.

You can keep her.

The highest ATK thread


I like Nightingale

Are we getting the poo in loos



What happened to Horta?

I also work for Aniplex USA and since the first part has been spoiled, I will reveal the second part; we decided to replace the Japanese art with American art so you can fully enjoy the games. Please like and subscribe the facebook post when this goes up.

>t. Amakusa Soyboy
Dont ever use my name again faggot

More than likely they will be used as something to fill till Da Vinci event.

my wife is so cute.

AOE > ST recently because of multi break bar bosses

ST, latest challenges have multiple high HP enemies so AOE is rated higher this time around.

All these lines are much lewder with that background.

Good stats
Unique NP that's kind of similar to Gil's where it does bonus damage to select servants(Not as many as Gil's though which is why he's reffered to as Gil lite)
Guts skill

Really the only thing that sucks about him is his NP damage up skill is tied to guts and is RNG. Gets a strengthening quest later on where he gets an attack buff too.

New meta favors extremely strong AoE rather than mediocre ST NPs. Hokusai is the new busted hotness, Horta is dead.

>Entire America chapter is Wild West themed.
>Takes place in 1783.
Why are nips so fucking dumb.

Weaker than Raikou, nice meme servant

There's been complaints about Fran not being remotely book-accurate to The Creature.
What would be a more accurate class/skillset? Would he have to be an extra class?

Remember when AoE servants were considered terrible and only good for farming?

How does it feel to know that she spends all of Christmas Eve sneaking into other men's houses and giving them "gifts" to make them happy?

his invul pierce comes in handy later too

So the memelist people are legitimately retarded, right?

Most of them still are. The best ones are the ones who have great skills like Hokusai (absurd defense downs) or Raikou (crit strength and a fantastic third skill)

Cause they like anything that has do with the wild west and won't fact check.

Bonjour, Jalter here! I hope you all die.

How long will I wait before Amakusa Shirou gets good? Got NP2

Honestly only being 100 years off of correct dates of foreign history is pretty good for Japan.

2 years

plus tax

/fgog/ here, are you guys having a stream soon? I'm in the mood for a good laugh.

Still a pretty good chapter. I mean you're making America great again.

p-please bro

D-Don't look Onii-chan

You didn't give poster girl here buff you can't laugh at anyone if you couldn't get the Japanese to buff Saber.

yeah stream next week, come back in 7 days from now at this exact time

Yeah onii-chan we are, hope you're liking that Melt strengthening and the """"""mystery"""""" 12 MM servant. Really turned out well for you guys.

Any more but with nightingale being forced to submit

yes but you have to like and share the facebook post to watch it. Please. I want the full 10 quartz for the America release how far are we with that anyways?

i haven t read ataraxia but i found karen cute. is it true that she is a slut?

>map artists do a somewhat credible background image of victorian London
>can't just make murrica chapter take place in 1840 or something

>some alter anons actually quartz revived this event
I can't wait until the rerun gauntlet shreds you to pieces.

We'll have Merlin by that point

I want to fuck this gross albino girl

Heaven's Feel Bluray when?

>Bryn is the best female lancer

Thanks, hope you guys enjoy it too in 2 years.

Post them.

reddit spics already bought enough fake shares/likes to get the 10 quartz. Check the kikebook post.

>multi break bar bosses
this sounds like hell

we need 5k more likes or 2k more shares actually

Reminder that Fujino is not 8.5 like Kuro just because the memelist guy gave her a huge minus over
>being too hard to level to 10/10/10

So many gameplayfags will have Merlin or Dragonslut that the boss rush will be trivial.

I'm really not planning on trying for either. I have pretty much all the SSRs I wanted from this game and am content to blow quartz willy-nilly.

Pig related.

Yeah, she pretty much lets anyone that wants to fuck her do so.

So she can be as good as an NP5 welfare if you're willing to spend hundreds of quartz and a ton of mats? Ok.

literally Satan's personal onahole

She's really lacking on crit star absorption though. She's almost there as a top Archer, but not quite.

too bad she had potential

Oh no how will we manage that in eight days

>I have pretty much all the SSRs I wanted
>meanwhile I don't have even a SSR I never wanted
Kill me. Or let me roll Dantes, I want him, along with Jeanne Alter. Or Waver for gameplay if that's the only way.

Won't VotM fix that?

She's cute. Don't bully.


What do you think VotM does

>needing star weight

victor doesnt have star absorb

Yes? They're not Riders.

150 star weight, you don't need more unless you're a shitter pairing them with riders and other archers.

The purest of them all.

>people actually read the Fate VN's when they have ass for dialogue and double ass for portraits
It's like an entire game made by DEEN or something.

what's up with this lady and eyepatch bikinis

>seems to feel bad about it
ok maybe she is redeemable also do you have this entire convo in screenshots?

But any servant needs a ton of mats and QP if you want to take them to 10/10/10
Kuro doesn't shit her own SKILL mats...

They'll get more stars than others but it's not overwhelming. Even paired with casters a lot of stars will go to them.

Reminder to level your Mash and get her to 10/10/10

Caren is fucking amazing. I don't care how many men have gone there before, I'd fuck the shit out of her anyway.

My bad, forgot what it did since I HAVEN'T GOTTEN ONE

Even paired with Casters, that's still not good enough to guarantee stars. Have you actually used Fujino?

Yes, have you used any archer in the game? Casters have ~50 star weight, 2030 exists.

Does the Euryale strengthening happen before Camelot?

Nice try, maybe next time.

Here's a (You) on the house.

Had to retake this screenshot several times so it only had her first line

I like her too. The final scene with her and Manjew is great.
Nah, sorry. I really recommend you read H/A though. It's quite good.

>Pictures taken moments before disaster.

Unless Gil is using his third skill you can't be sure at all that he'll be able to crit next turn.

That's not enough to guarantee all the stars go to your Archer even when paired with two Casters+2030. What's hard to understand about that?

>dialogue is awkward and stilted
>dialogue talks about the dumbest of shit like "pleasing men" and anuses
>FGO's art, a fucking mobile game at that, is better somehow
>most if the dialogue is shit that could be done in a 24 minute anime episode instead of a giant wall of text since most of said text is wasted on describing a fucking chair