/owg/ - Overwatch General

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>it's pronounced "brih-gee-tuh"

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But how do I get it?
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shanghai fans. hot

2nd for esports

Shanghai Dragons 0-15

tfw the best widowmaker skin is a one everyone gets for free just for logging in

reminder that if you play genji, you're a 12 year old who dreams about being a cyborg pirate zombie ninja


i hope seoul are gentle with my dragons

What the fuck why are there so many cute girls at these things. Holy shit.



I'm 28 and I dream of being a cyborg, fuck you.

>look up how an aids test looks like
>alter some values and print it and make a picture of it
>talk like a faggot
>years later people still post about it
literally fake and gay

imagine having to hype this match for an hour and a half

Imagine watching that match,

>genji and zen unbalanced

t. shitter

>he didn't do a basic stalk of the guy who posted it
>doesn't know he's actually a fag
I know you're new, but sure.

Seoul's B team won't even give them a pity win.

buff ana

i was giving it a chance, gonna fuck off to bed and have a wank now

Ziggy is cute. CUTE!


There really aren't that many. You're only seeing a very small percentage of the people that go there, and only some of the cute ones are confident enough to have their photos taken.


Can Shanghai be removed from the league yet?

>grandmasters vs bronzies

>one last attack, less than one minute remaining
>enemy team has 5 ults

why bother

Kill yourself.

The fact that they have a couple every day is enough to impress me.

Doesn't change anything, still fake and gay

Moira is ugly, stop being contrarian

>shanghai paid actors
Fixed that for you

Geguri will save shanghai

Invincible heros such as trance zenyatta, wraith form reaper, ice block mei should not be able to contest while invincible.

Tracer is uglier

Even bastion is cuter than her

I agree except for trance zen. Ultimates are special.

is that a he or a she?

Orisa is cuter than all of them

This is my husband. He just woke up so he's a bit cranky. Say something nice to him!

na production

>implying shanghai has any money left

it makes up for strategic uses, you stupid neanderthal

>It's a "Enemy realizes ooga booga and you just get focused by 6 nonstop" episode

The absolute fucking worst honestly

Bastion is by far the cutest hero in game.

>e-soys hour
Gross desu

>wait for reaper to become vulnerable
>finish him off

It's a she.
You're really bad at this user

says increasingly nervous man

It makes 2cp last overtime last 5 minutes you stupid inbred retard.

eh, I cant tell them apart.

Your IQ is not high enough to find Moira attractive.

She's objectively not attractive


I had to leave before the game started, i-is Shanghai winning

you: all the girls are cute except moira
me, an intellectual: moira is the only cute girl in the game

but I love androgyny


I want her to peg me while she sucks away my life force

>whining about 2cp
>not just leaving every single 2cp game just to make a point
>not taking your suspensions as a badge of honour
>not making a long post on the overwatch forums about being suspended for leaving 2cp games
lmao at ur life kid


>posting doki doki weeaboo club
>complaining about basically anything with that said
LITERALLY choke on a lijiang tower and fucking die, please.

>reaper fucks outta of wraith
>wait to kill him
>mei ice block + wall
>wait to kill her
>wait to kill him
You'll be fighting a 6v5 after. It's literally a last ditch effort. Please, use your brain.

>sub 4k shitter thinking his opinion matters

my sides


Shanghai 4-0ed Seoul in 45 minutes, it was brutal.

They are. Seoul is really confused right now. Their healers switched to DPS and are carrying them!

show us your dick bitch

the irony

>tumblr gifs

You can tell someone is not even masters when he thinks Zen is balanced. Past a certain skill threshold, zen is a must pick or lose in ladder (just like dva and tracer, genji too for certain maps).

>me, an intellectual

More like (you), a retarded silver trash.

xushu is really bad

>reddit spacing

the whole team is bad

How do you balance him, then?

Does zenyatta have the best viability to hate ratio? zenyatta is very commonly picked/very strong, but I very rarely see people complain too much about him

Because he's only OP at levels most people don't play at.

Zen can get bullied by Sombra, though. D.Va, Tracer and Genji have no real counters.

Even the pros don't hate him tho. I rarely see the top players spass out about zen like they do with mercy or junkrat

>tracer now has 35 ammo

is she fixed?

I've seen plenty of people call his right click and Discord broken.


zen should be back to having only 150 health, or widow should be back to doing 150 bodyshots. few admit this.

fuck off

winston counters genji hard though

>buffing widow

>overwatch fags arguing over balancing
holy fuck this is hilarious

Just do something about her spread/falloff so she's forced into more dangerous situations

>zen should be back to having only 150 health,
>widow should be back to doing 150 bodyshots
very no


>buffing widow

>more time reloading than actually shooting
retarded idea.

What will it feel like when shanghai finally win?


At this point I just feel bad for them.

Fuck off back to your country, then.


>dive still viable win method


they won't

>bodyshot widow meta

Christ man no

What if Widow's scoped was a 1hk railgun but could only be fired at max charge and had a cooldown?

>bunny proving that almost all tracer players are tryhard scum that you'd never share a beer or three with
