I vaguely recall a screenshot of a Vodyani quest in which one is standing there saying "I don't regret a single thing"
Anyone have that, or am I crazy? Have this as payment.
Carson Harris
fuck you
Angel Davis
>Species Name/Species Plural/Species Adjective Amoran/Amorans/Amoran >Namelist Humanoid 3 >Ship Prefix AIV >Star Name Sadama >Ruler Name Goma na-Tukan >Ruler Title Serene Master/Serene Mistress
Kevin Williams
Reposting for new thread; post your empires if you want in.
Respond with empire summary screen if interested, along with relevant information listed below; I'll be taking 30 empires (31 total, including mine) >species name/plural/adjective >namelist >ship prefix >star name >ruler name >ruler title >heir title (if applicable)
One mod will be in use; More Hyperlane Chokepoints.
Proposed settings are: 1000 Stars Elliptical (or Spiral 4; haven't decided yet) 0 advanced empires 5 fallen empires 3 marauder empires 1x tech/tradition cost 2x habitable worlds (down from 5x) 2x primitive civilizations (down from 5x) 2x crisis strength 2300 midgame 2400 endgame Normal AI agressiveness Normal AI difficulty Random empire placement 1x hyperlane density 1.5x abandoned gateways 1.5x wormhole pairs
Already submitted empires: If you have any suggestions, please say so; going to go get some dinner and we'll hopefully have enough empires by then to start.
John Collins
Linking to keep things straight; also, whoops, wrong pic of my empire.
Jace Moore
I edited the definitions to do away with that. I made it completely pop based.
Oliver Jones
Michael Lee
Brandon Myers
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that wiz is a failure and that Endless Space 2 is the superior game?
Gavin Allen
Even placing Stellaris in the same league as ES2 would be an insult to the 4x genre. Stellaris is a really shitty GSG that actively punishes you for doing 3 out 4 xs in the 4x, nothing more.
Joseph Morales
>DoomDark could have been project lead for Stellaris after release, and we could have gotten Victoria 2 in space
Mason Ward
>tfw you're not aztec I get these fucking insane lake starts, and then when i pick the aztecs i wont see a single lake in 10 rerolls. I'm mad
Landon Jones
posting the fan favorite
Thomas Lewis
Calling Stellaris a GSG is just as insulting as calling it a 4X. Hell, even calling it a RTS is insulting.
Grayson Ross
>species name/plural/adjective Slop/Slops/Slop >namelist Fungoid 4 >ship prefix None. Literally no prefix, I found it works well with weird namelists. >star name Slop >ruler name Slop >ruler title Prime
I think their set of ethics and traits will give them the migratory flock AI personality, so they'll try to spread their awful pops everywhere until some militarist puts them out of their misery.
Joseph King
what about "fucking shit" i find it real sad because i really want this game to be good i guess that's to much to ask from pdx
Gavin Long
Endless space 2 is a meme
Isaac Scott
It's a fun meme.
Owen White
Endless space 2 is just a generic 4x game
Colton Adams
Mason Bennett
Compared to stellaris, which is so shit and barely defined that both 4x-fags and gs-fags hate it.
>species name/plural/adjective Dwarf/Dwarves/Dwarven >namelist Humanoid 1 >ship prefix none >star name Burning Eye >ruler name Urist Tordekson >ruler title Emperor >heir title (if applicable) Deputy Mayor
Josiah Anderson
>everyone is wiz!
Thomas Lewis
Should have called the planet Boatmurdered.
Brandon Diaz
There's no proof that you AREN'T wiz.
Gavin Williams
Yes, that would have worked better.....
Keep empire name. Change home world to Boatmurdered.
Adrian White
>Best guess for this image: suburb It looks like Africa or the US.
Justin Sanchez
Add Midia for one last time. Next time if you do one of these things I'll add a new empire.
>species name/plural/adjective Human, Humans, Human >namelist SPQR >ship prefix MHI >star name Midia's Tear >ruler name pic related >ruler title pic related Male: Prophet >heir title (if applicable) pic related Male: Prophet Son
Hunter Hughes
>species name/plural/adjective Nymph/Nymphs/Nymph >namelist Humanoid 2 >ship prefix TNRS >star name Cum >ruler name CockGobbler >ruler title Your Horniest
Connor Rivera
A city builder where you have to manage a shithole would be cool. Kind of like tropico 3 and how you drop tenements everywhere.
Landon Price
It could be a "normal" city builder if they just change up the mechanics to make it more like real life.
Brayden Rogers
>make that image barely two hours ago >somebody else manages to post it in the new thread before I do
ah well this one hasn't been posted yet
Austin Robinson
Matthew Ward
South Africa?
Alexander Powell
>species name/plural/adjective Grogi, Grogies, Grogian >namelist Avian 2 >ship prefix GFS >star name Alooboo >ruler name Baboobi >ruler title Arch Befriender >heir title (if applicable) None applicable
Kevin Price
>Veeky Forums image username
Camden Garcia
I have countless games in stellaris but I have never seen a war in heaven. Anyway to force it or at least encourage it besides just having max ancient empires.
Kayden Collins
Libertarian: skylines
Elijah White
legitimately looks like detroit, it's just missing a few burned down houses
Nathaniel Smith
>has never heard of Randomize Filename in Veeky Forums X
Chase Jackson
Why is /civ4xg/ so tsundere for stellaris. You whine about it nonstop yet when most people actually talk about playing a game it is stellaris.
Juan Cox
Dylan Harris
>Dollar Tree
Christian Smith
This is going to end in elves being gang-banged by horrid tooth-beaked birdmen and glowing betentacled mushrooms, isn't it?
Christopher Cox
If looks amazingly real.
Dylan Cooper
Just like my Japanese annie-mays
Brandon Rivera
>type of game where the burden of creating and having fun is largely predicated on the player's experience >developers find ways to unnecessarily hinder or muddy that with their incompetence or uninspired decision making and changes to the game >players get mad at it but are still somewhat able to play the game and certainly able to discuss it
there'd actually be less to talk about if they weren't so bad at making the game. if it weren't so constantly broken or strange there'd simply be less to say about it, and that's why it's so actively discussed here. "it's pretty good" "yeah" doesn't tend to create continuous generals on the topic. "what the fuck were they thinking, why is this happening, is this a bug, is this a feature, are they going to fix this, how am I meant to do that, etc" does.
Andrew Roberts
How often does the Stellaris science leader recruitment pool refresh?
Evan Butler
it's not a vodyani quest cutscene, it's to do with the academy metaquest, isyander's gambit the cutscene in question is played for rejuvenator team members when the defenders succeed in destroying the lodestones. it's basically the heretic isyander st shaiad's last words before the academy detonates and he dies. you can find it here youtube.com/watch?v=mR26iqSvr4g
Asher Rogers
Aight, gonna start putting these into the game. Since we're obviously nowhere near 30 civs, I'll leave it open till about 9 pm or so before starting.
If we don't get enough civs, would you guys prefer more AIs, or just a smaller galaxy?
Eli Rogers
Smaller galaxy. If the cast is too big, it's hard to follow and get invested in the characters, so to speak.
Justin Jenkins
Same sized galaxy, just less civs to populate it. Having AI would kind of ruin the fun of it. Imagine if some AI-generated empire ended up dominating all of our precious snowflakes.
Daniel Cook
Re-use past empires to fill gap?
Tyler Ramirez
Daily reminder that Riftborn/Horatio is best ship.
I'm a different guy from the other user's that do these, and I want to limit it to submitted empires only, otherwise I'd have to pick and choose from the others.
Andrew Ortiz
Owen Clark
>timelords Is he also calling Lumeris "venetians"? Because that's how they are referred to in the game's files.
Lucas Lopez
you posted the wrong image
Josiah Wright
Does ES2 have an anchievement for winning the game on max difficulty as a custom faction with negative traits only?
Logan Morales
Hey user, I'm putting your guys in, but you posted their bio instead of their traits and civics. Could you post that?
Luke Morales
Boib/Boibs/Boibish. Avian 3. BAV. Boi. Beak of Bae. Chief Mechanist.
what i suggested to the other guy. Have you looked into the Enhanced AI mod? I've never used it myself to be honest, but it would make sense to me as the AI is utter garbage as it is right now.
Blake Morgan
>speciesname/plural/adjective Gurite/Gurites/Gurite >ship prefix GS >star name Caig >ruler name Menron >ruler title Most Excellent >heir title N/A
Things are looking pretty skewed towards xenophile/materialist
Luis Brown
>namelist Molluscoid 3
Colton Perry
I don't get what the trouble is.
It's a global United Nations government. Basically, Stellaris' lite/bland version of Commissioner Pravin Lal
The trouble is Wiz is a gigantic cuck If you ever wondered if the memes about Sweden are true, this is proof right here
Michael Baker
Is this starlifting? Is starlifting a thing in vanilla?
Luis Rogers
>The trouble is Wiz is a gigantic cuck Explain. I didn't even realize Wiz was married.
Gabriel Taylor
Here ya go name set anthropod 2 and starting star Ellis
Michael Scott
How do you guys handle the first few years of Authoritarian caste-system slavery? I'm finding that I get revolts (or at least the threat of revolts) before I manage to invest heavily enough in Harmony to get the Unrest reduction.
Xavier Hughes
>Stellaris' lite/bland version of X Man, you can use this for literally anything in the game.
Jayden Sullivan
f. spiritualist authoritarian imperial cult, police state barely had any trouble with unrest, even before building strongholds did breeze through harmony very quick with traditional species though
Asher King
Aight, here we go! We have 18 Empires, so I'm doing last call until 9:30 CST. Past that, we'll go with what we have. (not all empires shown, of course)
So far, it's going to be a 600 star elliptical galaxy with 3 fallen empires, 2 marauders, 2x habitable worlds, 2x primitives, 2x crisis strength, 1x hyperlanes, and 1.5x wormholes and gates.
As before, only mod in use is More Hyperlane Chokepoints.
Leo Bennett
Out of curiosity, do you guys want the galaxy to be as small as allowed for the number of empires, or stay max size for them all to have some breathing room?
James Gray
No Enhanced AI? dissapoint
Kayden Phillips
Max for breathing room. I like to see them expand and blob. Otherwise they might not fuck with one another enough and it'll get stale.
Thomas Morales
Pentagruel time.
Henry Jenkins
Eh, I would, but I don't want to use an mod I haven't tried before. I'll try it in an another game on my own to see how it is, and if I run another game I'll use it.
Leo Harris
HAK HAK HAK please if its not asking for too much
Samuel James
What species portrait do you want used instead? Only mod is more hyperlane chokepoints
Ethan Carter
Jace Gray
Are shields or armour better for a corvette/destroyer?
Jace Long
Is Stellaris fixed yet?
Camden Carter
literally all you have to do is add the line "Swarm" to this file at \Stellaris Apocalypse\common\species_classes\00_species_classes like this
Nicholas Nguyen
Isn't Imperial a lame government type, though?
I thought Oligarchy was the best?
It's also got access to Corporate Dominion!
Cooper Myers
>Play a fanatical spiritualist civ that bans robots and AI >Two AI planets spawn in my territory T-thanks
Lincoln Foster
Wait wait wait do i still have time to put mine in?
Kayden Adams
Do you guys just beeline towards habitable planets and take surrounding resources, or is there a point where you know to stop expanding and instead just gear up for whatever else?