/tf2g/ - Team Fortress 2 General

Pyro can't be OP edition

Stupid circlejerk ceremony for SFM "movies" begins

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Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn (embed)
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz (embed)
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crap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
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Skins: p337.info/tfview

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ (embed)
pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB (embed)
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
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FACEIT (NA/EU): faceit.com
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Chaplaria (SA): steamcommunity.com/groups/chapelaria

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fighting demoknights in a shellnut

Post your hats. Themed loadouts get bonus ducks.

second for this game is too fucking fat for its own good

i enjoy this game

>sentry can't fuck demoknights
>but scoots can
The fuck is this scramble?

it was a level 1 sentry you fucking idiot

welcome to tf2 general. we all hate the game and cry like babies everyday over mundane shit!

I am demorai

>level 1 sentry
Come again

Literally the only loadout I don't have random cosmetics/strange lime gibus on

playing against pyros after jungle inferno is like playing dark souls

so, extremely easy? I agree

post essential fempyro cosmetics

Who has good and inexpensive NA servers to rent from?

>actually dies against pyros

It's just like playing cuphead going up against all these pyros

can you imagine being a spy and youre supposed to do your job sapping an engies building then a pyro shows up and prevents you from doing what youre supposed to do?
damn valve fix your game.

Sounds like fun since Cuphead was fun

I can't fucking imagine the engi being allowed teammates but as a spy I don't get to have one

the game truly was rigged from the start



soldier and could kill all those heavies at the same time too, faster even. Nerf when?

soldier could not kill all of those heavies that fast

15$ well spent

Why do people buy strange pro ks bazaar bargains and slap them on their lmaobox accounts? Why throw away so much money?

if this is so effective then where are my spinbot pyros?

>he thinks hitscan takes skill

>thinking anything takes skill besides countering pyros

Engineer takes skill

>>engineer takes skill

tf2 is supposed to make me not want to kill myself and it's failing miserably


tf2 is not anti depression medicine retard


Scout takes the most skill

I selected all of them lol

>pyro frag movie

>scout takes the most skill

Your main takes the least skill

>[Your Favorite Class] takes the most skill

what possesses people to try and ask more than five keys for any hat with a nuts and bolts effect

Why does nobody properly respond to each other

because this general is fucking retarded

cuz they think acting like despondent teenagers is cool lol. sincerely hope they're not above the age of 14.

>pyro is the hardest class to counter

who was niggers = the disease me = the cure on well because fuck me you're an edgelord.

what did he mean by this

Maybe one day we'll find the Rosetta Stone of shitposting.

>Fastest move speed in the game, "lower" healthpool is actually just the same as half the other classes, insane burst damage, double jump spam on top of speed makes him extremely hard to hit
>Shoot feet, spam corners, shoot your own feet while holding space and ctrl to have the highest mobility in the game
>Is pyro
>Spam pipes in general direction of the enemy, when those run out, spam stickies in the general direction of the enemy
>Literally just hold M1 in the general direction of the enemy while your pocket medic injects estrogen into you
>Put down buildings, type +attack in console while looking at your sentry, AFK
>Hold M1 to inject your heavy/soldier boyfriend with estrogren, press M2 to transition
>Fight from the other side of the map in a game where every other class is mostly close range
>Abuse shitty hitboxes and networking for free kills, other than that be mostly useless
If you think any class in TF2 takes skill you're a retard, it's like a short bus full of retards fighting over who would survive the longest after taking their safety helmet off

>it's impossible to fight against a pyro while he is using his flame thrower,heaven forbid he use a secondary

very ugly loadouts user

sounds like a cool guy, let me add him to friends.

reminder to hit the enemy you just fragged with a lol in chat if the frag was nice

i thought you were supposed to spam stickies and the use pipes

>there is literally no way to fight back if the enemy team has multiple pyros

z+2 faggot


thanks isnt personal enough, saying lol in chat is now the new way to get under their skin



>every pyro player need to be murdered along their family, you can't join a game without playing against 50 pyro


>cheap unusuals at that


>Reminder that if you think Pyro is fine right now you probably exclusively play wide open maps like Process and Harvest


i love discord coordinated shitposts

>pyro is even more of a crutch now
>he rewards bad players more with better w+m1 damage and punishes good players more by having almost all combo potential gone

it's literally one pyro main from /v/ whos flying into a fit of autistic rage

>every single time I die it's a dead gibus pyro in the killcam that just flung himself around a corner, killed half my team (and me) in 3 seconds and died to a sentry

>Pyro is broken as fuck and if you disagree you're either a pyro main or a dumb compfag that thinks only soldier/demo/scout/medic should be in the game anyways

very ugly loadouts anons

>the pyro is so fucking broken and exemplifies everything that is wrong with tf2 as a whole, the jungle inferno update was a mistake

wow lots of true posts itt

can you show me yours for reference please?

>the pyro is objectively the most difficult class to 1v1 after the jungle inferno update, you literally cannot refute this

it's quite the coincidence that /v/ both (mostly) mains pyro AND has shit opinions on the game, isn't it?


>How the fuck can anyone defend valve after the jungle inferno update? Literally making the most furfag casual kiddie accessible class into the strongest in the game, and people have the fucking gall to complain about soldier being overpowered, not even the soldier can kill you in half a second unless he gets a crit and even then thats not consistent

only good one itt. that, or minimal use of non-disruptive looking pre-2012 cosmetics.

>use direct hit rocket to airblast jump
>while in the air reflect fully charged huntsman arrow to headshot speedjumping soldier
>land behing heavy medic, puff n sting the medic, airblast heavy off cliff

>not the highest skill ceiling
>b-but muh w+m1 meme video from 2007
>le c-tap mastering so difficult, much skill XD

sorry bro, pyro has one of the highest skill ceilings. that's why comp players rarely play him, he's too risky because he's so difficult to play

any rocket/sticky jump or airshot demo and soldier can do, the pyro can do as well. with stricter timing and only when the enemy allows it, meaning you have to react faster than when you can jump at will.

>Please for the love of fucking christ nerf Pyro
>This game is unironically not playable
>Literally you get W+m1d down 15 seconds after spawning in 1/2 your matches
>I have unironically played Pyro over 1,300 hours so I know what I'm talking about
>They ruined the class

>the pyro has never been fair and fun to play against or with at any point in tf2's lifetime, but now it's become that much worse after the update. How the fuck can valve let this game be so imbalanced? There's nothing you can do if the enemy team decides to stack pyros.

>The game shouldn't have to be so fucked that the only reasonable counter to pyro now is being a sniper and hoping the pyro doesn't notice you to shoot at you in spawn, with flares that do 90 FUCKING DAMAGE PLUS AFTERBURN from a safe distance, while you have to hope the pyro ventures into the sightlines you have at spawn. How did this make it to live?

pyro is gay

>you literally can't fight a pyro as a soldier, and now you can't even get away from them because he can just jetpack after you as you rocket jump away, where he's going to have more health than you already because you have to take damage to jump away and he gets to jump for free, immediately giving the fucking furfag an advantage. seriously, how the fuck do you counter pyro as soldier? there's nothing you can do, he'll just reflect your rockets every time and outrun you and flame you to death in less than a picosecond if you pulled out your shotgun, so don't fucking tell me to 'just use your shotgun' either. I shouldn't have to fucking switch classes to deal with one class because it's broken out of this world.


Poor and Irish detected.

>you can't kill pyros without your team backing you up now


>bro just press s and hope he doesn't hit you with a single puff or you're going down to at least 60hp
>bro just tank the damage and hope he doesn't know to wiggle his mouse
>bro just sit in a corner the entire round with a sentry
>bro just shoot him lol
>bro just pick pyro haha havent you heard of fight fire with fire
>bro just win it's just that easy

its a team game of couse you have to use yor team mates to win a fight against me

what the fuck is going on. Is /v/ raiding us again?

>unless you're a vacc pocketed DDS aimbotting sniper, theres simply no way you're ever going to kill a pyro 1v1 after they buffed the shit out of him, he does too much fucking damage and at any r

discord actually


it's just some assblasted pyro main pissed off that people know his favorite class is completely brainless garbage

>Literally what the fuck was valve thinking when they made the noob friendly class the best class in the game?

>discord shitters bringing up the /v/ boogeyman again
lol just take responsibility for your own shit

post a screenie then mr. anonymous discord stalker

>the pyro needs a movement speed nerf, there is no reason why a fucking pyro shitter should be able to catch up to me while I'm holding down s (for soldier, also superior because that's what soldier fucking was to pyro before this stupid ass update) as soldier and shooting him with rockets that he can somehow reflect even when I shoot them at his feet
>while they're at it, nerf the pyro's health to at least 150 if not 125, theres no reason why the pyro needs to have 175 health for how strong they are and the fact that they can easily survive 4 point blank rockets.

>/v/ shitter bringing up the discord boogeyman again
lol just take responsibility for your own shit