/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #309

The average players edition


● Latest News
>Syrus is now roaming Duel World (GX)
>The 'Duel Island' event will end on the 9th
>The D.D. Tower: Wind and Earth Dimension is on the 9th
>A 'superb' legendary duelist will be roaming Duel World mid March
>Jesse Anderson will be obtainable late March

● Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

● Future content (No release date but it's in the files)

● Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

● A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively
>Don't get baited into buying the box Land of the Titans. It's bad.


konami will fear the samurai

/dlg/ will fear the roids

Rebecca when?

Konami will fear the mighty Mako.


If that other user is right, and you are taken out of the cycle once you hit 1 mil points, most decks remaining are from gold at the most, so the qualifications for a high score can't be that strict now

Furries fear the oyster

Burn-cucks fear the chad.

Why does every burncuck have those card sleeves?

Truly there is no superior feeling

I think they implemented something along those lines to balance out the fact the top point decks were getting all the duels for the first few days while everyone else got next to nothing.


>Duel Tower event starts tomorrow
What the fuck is Konami doing? Events used to all start around the same time, this entire month they have been all over the place, and on top of that, frequently overlapping

Probably when we get Zane, he has dialog for it

umm which characters can unlock balance?
gamea doesnt have any gx characters there...

And umm user also:

The reason the Tower event is both Earth and Wind is because this time there's going to be a tag duel mode where you fight both earth and wind monsters at the same time.

This will be their second test run of the tag duel system before finally implementing it for real.

The sea guy learns Balance at lvl 20.
It's the easiest way to get it.

Not even a lolifag, but I want to protect that smile.

Does anyone else like Koa'ki Meiru archetype? Would they be too broken for duel links?



>people are still sleeping on archfiend giant

Konami will suffer if they don't add Stratos or Air Neos to tomorrow's Wind section rewards. They will pay.

>not even the right smile.

Fuck off rata

Stratos is gonna be the invader for wind tower

Nice meme card there.

Back to sleep.

Depends on which KMs we get. Some of the "reveal X attribute" ones being added would help different decks better than their own KM deck


im gonna sue konami if that happens

what decks benefit from this most


What would Rebecca even have? Her ace card's not even printed. Joan maybe?

I play destiny draw burn and in only a day got right back to KoG,(btw was using bamboo before it was cool) I use the modded apk to cheat in events and to scan people's hand and set cards in PvP, when I'm dueling a 3rd world mexican, brazilian or african I hack my LP to 90000 and there's nothing they can do because they don't know how to report me to Konami. Life's good

I'd probably have a stroke from laughing if that happened

Obviously anything that tries to mill into the graveyard as a resource. So probably anything that runs Grass Looks Greener.

whatever they want to give her if they actually wanted too. They gave Bonz Ghosttricks despite those being made way after his original appearance.

he has a dialog for power bond too but i doubt we will ever get that

some kind of burn skill based on cards in your graveyard.

As an actual card likely not knowing how Konami hates fun, but datamined skills shows Zane has one that gives him Power Bond from outside his deck one he's at _500 LP or less.


i will remember this post when the shaddocalypse happens


AIs making some top tier plays.

t. Gold Virgin beasts player

You won't reach me from behind bars, Construct

Nigga, even an honest silver player with no cheats is better than your cuck ass

Be honest here.
How long did it take for you all to realize it was just a joke and remember Steam Gyroid is a vanilla?
Do you wish it was real?

might as well make it 1lp jewnami

Boy I sure wish it was real, Steam Gyroid is mediocre by the standards of the card game as it just game out at best let alone by GX era standards.

This is why nobody runs miracle fusion as well [/spoiler] not to mention the lack of good hero fusions .

I'm King of Games, you're probably just hitting Gold 3 for the 1st time. I don't care what people say about burnstall. I love it and it gets me lots of wins.

I already knew it was fake. I actually like the roids and have wanted good retrains for a long time.

Doesnt Rafa post on Veeky Forums?

He made a goldface anal vore joke in his last video.

Will we ever get a society of light event or an Alexis event in general?

>admits to using cheats to win
>thinks being kog means skill
>is proud he uses burnstall, a literal cuckold deck

Here’s your last (you) soyboy

How can ANYONE play this game without apk? I can't stand losing or taking 10 minutes to farm someone only to get shit and redo it again, I go to the gate, surrender, get 8k and 6 prismatic dakinis and bam. Also I use cheats because it's a necessity. You have to be a literal sod to not play with apk

>>is proud he uses burnstall, a literal cuckold deck
Burnstall are faggots
Gladbeasts are cucks.

>more CAncer
konami already rejects her existence like jaden rejects her pussy

>need to cheat to win

No, no you fucking don't. Just because you get 8k doesn't mean the duelist is gonna drop jack shit. I've been farming lvl.40 Bakura with 9k points at least 30 times this week and I have yet to see 1 Necrofear or Archfiend Queen.

Also yes, KoG does mean skill believe it or not because surprise, surprise! This is a strategic game. I have to brave through KEKfirra, Virgin beasts, REZD, Gayliens and other burn. It's a test of willpower and strength to get to KoG and I have what it takes, stay crying in gold while I sit on my golden KoG throne like a king

>Wind section rewards

Wait what?

>shadman dolls

>get 5 drops in 1 turn from gate farming
I think I'm going to stick with this over 8k farming taking forever

D.D. Tower rewards are attribute themed, last water one gave a bunch of Gishkis are Sirenorca for epic Glad Beast Bestiari and Murmillo combos :^)

> when I'm dueling a 3rd world mexican, brazilian or african I hack my LP to 90000

You misunderstood, I go to gate; surrender and get 8k in less than a minute, stop expending 5 mins of your time to farm when you can get apk and complete a farm in 2 seconds lol the absolute state of this general

>someone used my OC as thread OP
I feel special

Are you autistic? Focus on one thing you fucking sperg. I have the same APK and auto win, you don't even have to surrender to get the full 8k. Jesus christ you're a fucking retard

>mfw im brazilian

I really liked talking about it with you user, what can I say.

>Chazz vs Chazz
>i'm playing ojamas
>he's playing some weird gandora/ojama go! setup
>he summons 3 ojamas to my side of the deck and i kill him on the second turn
Neither of us knows what the fuck happened

That's right, not like I'm gonna get in trouble. You can only send a response to Konami in 2 different languages: English and Japanese. What the fuck is an ESL brazilian gonna do? I doubt they even know how to go to the official Konami website to send a report, I always get away scot free.
I'm just gonna accept the fact you're a retard, I gave you a chance

you rn

Hey lads, how do I build a decent Six Sams deck? I opened the box looking for powerful rebirths and grabbed the filler meanwhile. Do I need any of the support cards in Primal Burst? Got plenty staple spell/traps and a couple sphere ebolas.

this shit is outdated, needs more fish and aliens

>how do I build a decent Six Sams deck?
its not possible

Six Sams are kind of weak right now, the best thing you can do is make a variant with Red-Eyes for Red-Eyes Slash Dragon from Resonance of Contrast and the Dark Hex-Sealed Fusion from the Nepthys box. The Primal Burst support cards aren't good really unless you count pre-nerf Bamboo.

>"Y-Yeah lemme make an image of my salt, yeah-hah! That'll show em!!!"

>neosfag and gladbeasts are redditfrogs
accurate picture

Will keep it updated as characters release and we get a grasp at their playstyle


>when I'm dueling a 3rd world mexican, brazilian or african I hack my LP to 90000

>reddit frogs

Pepe has always been our frog. I don’t know what you’re even talking about. You have to go back.

Pepe stopped being related to Veeky Forums around the same time the popular name for him became the one from the comic again

>hack my LP to 90000
It's not actually possible to do that in pvp though

So what we've learned so far this past week is that BR-PT and burnfags like to cheat in shit other than gate farming and event farming

t. hacklet

Good, brazillians don't deserve to play this game after that cheating brazillian cuck cheated in the mcs

Aw fug. Shame, they seemed fun and their concept appeared cool to me because Im a giant weeb. Guess we'll have to wait for the syncro era.

I'm sitting in KoG, I chuckle whenever I see that image knowing a virgin beast player was so mad that they kept getting cucked by burn they went out of their way to make that image, A literal manifestation of SALT in the form of poorly photoshopped "art"

hes full of shit

lmao this nigga mad af

no ur