/2hug/ - Touhou General #126

Graze for score you bakas edition
Previous thread >What is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN where cute girls graze other cute girls.

>I have questions!
pastebin.com/PMpRnhmb (Includes FAQ, netplay guide, 1cc charts and more)

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)
nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Touhou 16 and 15.5 on steam! Please support the official release.

>Introduction and tips for new players~

>Download and apply Vpatch for reduced lag, MoF MarisaB glitch fix, extremely high FPS fix and Windowed screen adjustment (Search ‘vpatch tutorial’ on youtube if you have problems installing it)

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version for game breaking bug in FMW2)

>/2hug/ Highscore Spreadsheet! (If you want to submit score, use the term 'score' somewhere in your post)

Touhou is not a video game, it’s a grazing simulator.

Other urls found in this thread:

touhounosekai.blogspot.ca/search/label/Juegos Doujin

>grazing simulator
Does this means we can mow grass?

print works were a mistake.

Third for /2hug/ has lame autism unlike /jp/'s autism! Be more like /jp/!

I love youkai!
Tengu, Magicians, shitty vampires brats, gap hags, oni, they all deserve love and support!

t. /jp/

I may not love youkai, but I'd certainly make love to them.

Where did it say Yukari kidnap suicidal people/evil/prisoners?


PCB where she says she spirits away "easily missed" and interesting people and keeps them in her house for long periods of time. I dunno how you can miss that, it's one of the few concrete canon facts around.

I hate (you)kai!


top this

you can't

this one too

always in my head

In her PCB profile? There’s no such thing like that. It say random people.

in her phantasm stage lines.

Is TPDP technical support senpai around? If so I have a quick question. Is it normal that the expansion is way less translated than the original version? I started up the original and everything is translated, poorly translated but still everything is in engrish, while in the expansion only some of the main dialogue is translated, and almost nothing else. Is that normal or did I fuck up the patching? I assumed that all I had to do was delete that gn_dat5 file from the game directory and replace it with the provided folder in the patch...


My nigga

Did you put it in the shard of dreams folders dat file?

>”My house is full of nice things.”
>“Like human children. Or adults.”
This? Which character scenario?

Yes it and it is named gn_dat5.

Each one has some reference to it. Sakuya's mention s the kidnapping of children right out. If I recall in that same scenario she mentions how Ran "prepares" them for her long periods of hibernation.

Between Akyuu and Reimu who hates youkai more?

Here's how it looks like.

For the record, i'm not the support user, i just figured it was an easy mistake to put it in the wrong folder.

Here's hoping he can help you out though

Yeah, it’s random people, not suicidal nor evil nor prisoners.

Akyuu hates the race itself while still having a few friends, Reimu only somewhat hates the race and sees them more as annoying while hating the individuals like Aya or Yukari.

I just need to know if the lack of translation is a normal thing. Don't want it to turn out I finished a game that had broken files.

that sounds right. some of the main dialogue is untranslated, but every dialogue or hint telling you where to go or what to do next plus item and move descriptions are translated.

Yeah the puppets, their skills, items, menus and some dialogue is translated. But for example when you need to select a "Yes" or "No" that isn't translated also after sealing a puppet, that choice you get isn't translated. For example the fight with the Cirno and the other bakas was translated but everything from the bookstore to Miko wasn't. I hope that's not just me?

thats all fine, nothing is wrong. The wiki is slightly outdated since it doesn't include the changed/new spawns added in from the expansion but still perfectly fine.

Thanks for clearing up my worries! But was it really that hard to just transfer the translations from the original to the expansion?

Go to sleep /2hug/

Can't Sleep Because it's Nighttime.

a good amount of shit was changed or added, both gameplay and story. The whole grand masoleum wasn't in the base game.

Ohh. I guess that answers my question. Hope they get to it eventually, it's a fun game. Really nostalgic.

When someone says Gensokyo isn't an Eastern Paradise

Would you faku a baku?

All the time.

You tell me bucko

I would fakku this smug baku.

Not this one, though. What's she holding?

The greatest fangame to have never existed.

>What's she holding
It's in the filename.


Also, I was asking what she was actually holding. T-they wouldn't seriously give her an onahole, right?

Its the dream goop she's capable of controlling. It just looks like a pink onahole there because its art from an H-artist

Muh fuggin cirnoposter stealing my get.

You think I'm joking? Check this out, You see a camera lens here. This ain't a phone she's holding I assure you.

I want pictures of Yamame RIGHT NOW!

Yes, she’s my fourth favorite 2hu.

I'm late and other anons have answered wonderfully in my stead, but yeah, the SoD translation is still a work in progress. It's getting updated bit by bit, to the point that the version I uploaded the other day isn't even up to date anymore.

If you want, you can always download the most recent version from here: github.com/TPDPTranslationTeam/TPDP_Translation_Team/tree/Testing

You don't even need the whole thing, just replace the gn_dat5/script/talk folder, which is the only thing that changes. Be warned though, you may need to mess around with the formatting to get it to work properly.

On the plus side, sometimes you get to see TN notes the translation team hasn't removed yet, which can be pretty neat. And if you find anything that looks like a mistake you can post it here and it'll eventually make it to the translation team.


how do I get past Suika behind the shrine to get to Makai? I beat Yuuka and have incident cases 2-6 and both Akyuu and Yuuka talked about another world and mentioned Makai. I already checked Muenezuka again and there was nothing there.

I want to stick my dick in the bucket.

>Search up Touhou on gamejolt
>Come across this
Good fucking lord

Who else knows about Makai? Somebody you haven't fought yet?

Go see Byakuren

Even when the world ends, there will be still Flandrefags.

What in the fuck


That's what I hate about puppet dance, there's no real direction to the plot, like I got confused on where to go after the SDM really, because going up to the mountain seemed pointless, going under ground really was pointless, then I was apparently supposed to go to the garden of the sun, which I only knew because I figured Medicine was there, then got lost and had to check a guide because again the game doesn't signpost anything. I eventually made it to the elite four but got my ass beat by them so I just gave up. I really felt like I was just checking off the locations and characters on a list instead of actually doing something resembling a goal.

relevance I agree, but up until needing to go see Byakuren I knew what to do and where to go.


Shard of Dreams is a bit better about that, but yeah, it's definitely more about exploring the world and happening upon the plot than a direct A-B storyline. You get short term goals but your long term is basically just look around and hope you find a solution to the incident.





Thanks user! I'm really enjoying the game so far. The music is amazing, the puppets cute and the aesthetics likable. Really brings back some long forgotten feelings from my childhood.

Has /bant/ surpassed /jp/ as the 2hu board yet?

Looks to be the case.

Do you guys have any Touhou Doujin sites for fangames? Here's what I got.
touhounosekai.blogspot.ca/search/label/Juegos Doujin

>Political shitposting board turned into S4S More Touhou Edition
That's fantastic.

Glad to hear it. Make sure to keep us updated on your playthrough, I'm always interested in seeing teams.

i will marry this general

I'm convinced that it's being raided.

>So many Patchoulis
Vikings don't have such shit taste tho

>go on bant
>see 'happy day general'
w-what the fuck is this?

Nah, it's just natural shitposting, if it was being raided it would be the most pointless raid in history, I mean what would be the point you know?

So, how did she lost her eye? Facial gone wrong?

I only went on there because user asked whether it had surpassed /jp/ as the 2hu board. To put it lightly I was surprised beyond belief at what I saw.

Same way how Aya lost her eye here.

Well more people getting into 2hu is good so I'm all for it, even if they start out from memes and shitposting.

>implying /bant/ isn't a circlejerk board

You never know, we had a yukarianon here who got into 2hu from a cute Marisa image on /a/ and he's been with the series for years. Maybe the same deal is gonna happen with /bant/ for a few anons.

For every user that finds his way toward touhou because of a meme there's twenty more that stay quaternary memers.

Those are pretty good sites, anything but moriyashrine FUCK moriyashrine

And the memers stay in /bant/ or /s4s/, it's a good trade

Whats wrong with it?

I agree, that site needs to burn down. I wasn't even considering it when I posted that.

The staff, the bad website design and outdated as fuck uploads, they are good for the official games though.

They have bad dumps of many games, misplaced translation files even though the correct ones are there but placed in the wrong folder, sometimes random pictures of people are included (how the fuck did that happen???) They also repack shit from superior sites and include extra garbage as well as never fixing their bad files.

Given the links are on the OP, I thought it was trustworthy and downloaded, fuck (probably not) you guys.

I say we replace that site in the OP with

They have way more Touhou Content, they're better organized and I haven't had a single problem with any of their uploads.

Relax user you're not getting a virus, only reason it's still in the OP was because no one brought up any alternatives until now.

From a cursory glance, the hashes of the essential game files from the AIO torrent match my personal collection which I have had a for a very long time so that one is fine for the main games. For the fan games use other sites.

you wont get any viruses from moriya just low quality downloads

Gravity has nice uploads a lot of times they are doujinstyles repacked with a "uploaded by doujingravity readme" attached, although sometimes you will get a nice clean iso/bin+cue

Well here is my starting team so to say. I didn't particularly have any kind of tactic with them just selected them by personal preference and it's kinda working out for now.

Shame both websites are inactive right now, I assume it's because of no 2hu events being hosted. That said, you found any good fangames I might have missed there?

Goodnight, /2hug/. Please expect Shanghai tomorrow.

Goodnight 2hug, God bless. I expect Shanghai tomorrow from user.

Personal preference is always the best philosophy. I'm guessing that Koishi is your starter? Extra Koishi is kind of a weird one, but infiltration can save you in some of the postgame battles. Take good care of her.

Some of the taiwanese and chinese forums are pretty active but can be a pain to get access to the games.

Not him but you got a link to those user? I might be able to pull something off there.

only the strongest taste

I'll do my best! Thanks for all the help!

This is the strongest viking I have ever seen!

I never knew I would have so much fun playing with her.