Why are you not learning how the fuck a blockchain works and applying your knowledge rather than investing in shitcoins

Why are you not learning how the fuck a blockchain works and applying your knowledge rather than investing in shitcoins

There is going to be a skills shortage in a few years. Get ahead of the curve.

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Further proof of ever needed that banks are starting to take proper notice.

>wanting a tedious tech-junkie wageslave job
enjoy being poor your whole life

> £130,000

No thanks m8 I'll stick to the trading.

Because with the skills and background you need to land these jobs, you could make just as much as a developer in just about any other field. I'm a developer btw

>> £130,000

>No thanks m8 I'll stick to the trading.

my nigga

How would I get started in this as someone with no tech knowledge? Computer science degree in college? What?

>trading without an understanding of the fundamentals of the assets you trade
Typical Veeky Forumsraelite.


im sorry man i lost my mind. but if you google it it isnt that hard. "Our philosophy at Ethereum is that every developer no matter what their level of technical ability should be able to utilise the blockchain to construct amazing things. With this in mind we are building a site that will allow anyone from seasoned full stack developer to a complete beginner to learn the skills to build decentralised applications on top of Ethereum."

see? its easy. it will be your new life okau? thank you.

>blockchain skills shortage
Will that come before or after the IRC spambot skills shortage?

Honestly "the blockchain" makes no goddamn sense outside of a p2p cryptocurrency. Those of us who write software and understand how it works are trying not to die from laughter at the notion that blockchains should be applied to every problem under the sun. Bankers see that bitcoin made money and they want in on it despite having zero understanding of what it is or how it works.

I know enough to know to invest in that nigga.

Then you probably don't know enough because you wouldn't be investing in that nigga.

Oh really why's that?

Nobody wants to be a wageslave.

Consultant. $1000 a day??

Veeky Forums got me interested enough to get a job in crypto. moving to Europe to continue the remote job I started in the fall.

Did you already have prior CS experience?

yes, some. But not much.
Also a lot of the startup-type companies in crypto just want someone knowledgeable of the tech and community surrounding it, not necessarily he most experienced.

I know for a fact that several more experienced people applied for the same position I got (CS degrees etc), but were turned down for not knowing that much about either blockchains or related things.

I have a science degree, but not CS or even related.

>I know for a fact that several more experienced people applied for the same position I got (CS degrees etc), but were turned down for not knowing that much about either blockchains or related things.
What did you read to learn about blockchain tech?

How did you learn about Blockchain, if you don't mind sharing.

My advice is probably going to sound generic unfortunately, but here goes:

> What did you read to learn about blockchain tech?

Everything I could.
If you choose a position you want in one of these companies (developer, marketing, whatever), there is already material out there regarding your position in the blockchain space. Medium has a lot of great articles of course.

I can only speak from having been hired for a dev position though, and doing online courses on udemy, and bitcoin/cryptofinance courses offered as MOOCs by universities are what helped me get my job.

If you code, make some contributions to an open source project in crypto and it will help immensely.

Read pic related.
It covers blockchain tech in general. You can read it for free here: github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook

Thanks Anons!

oh and most importantly, log things you do that you consider worthy re: crypto. Articles/books you read, thoughts you have, poddcasts you subscribe to, and most importantly, things you've created or written.

Your list doesn't need to be shared in entirety, but it will be useful to refer to even for your own purposes.

this one is good, also blockchain revolution and digital gold are both great. Audiobook them while in transit someplace.

I have a Geology degree. Could I get a job in crypto-finance if I learn enough about block chain technology?

Short answer: yes.

As long as you stay motivated, prior experience won't matter. Maximize your chances by contributing in whichever way you can, and sharpening your skills with paid or free courses, whichever you can afford.

Thanks, user.

Lesson 1

Creating a smart contract


No prob. To put it more concretely, I know a couple people with even more obscure degrees that are managing millions between them right now, due to persistence.

Keep going.

Why is that?
Give me one good reason apart from "derp, its a russian scam go... guiz!!" Youve been shitting up /biz since january 16th when it was $1/eth