/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

what went RIGHT edition


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shitty wowg guild(s):
@ Argent Dawn EU Alliance

@ Illidan

Well better than nothing I suppose!

KHF welcome to wowg!

This thread was first don’t worry mate.

cross-region merge/transfers when?

reminder that has an avatarfag, a scatfag, and its leader is the dogfucking cumeater himself, koragon
still pretty synonymous though, right?

So why does fel give everything horns?

>be transmog god
>every single one of my transmogs are top tier, get compliments from randoms in my LFR runs
>no desire to do trial of style

those transmog awards are atrocious

Drunk night elves!

>male troll shaman

>Sargeas impales his hot tool into Azeroth's planetpussy
>Horde and Alliance lapping up the juice leaking out

wew lad great story

How the fuck do you deal with that big pelter pack after the first boss of NL on teeming weeks?


Zandalari Trolls
Dark Iron Dwarves
Mag'har Orcs

Highmountain Tauren

Blood Elves
Void Elves

Night Elves


God damn friend take it easy

Sorry to hear about your personal vendettas against our members..

It doesn't matter which thread goes up first, it matters which links first.

I've beaten a few others with earlier gnome OPs before, but people seem to care more about the link timestamp than the actual thread timestamp.

Don't worry. I may lose this time, but I'll make a hypno OP again soon enough.


Do drunken night elves appreciate a good foot rub?

>its leader is the dogfucking cumeater himself, koragon
wait really?


Does anyone not expect degenerates in Veeky Forums guilds? You must be new here.

>Zandalari Trolls
>Dark Iron Dwarves
>Mag'har Orcs
Will be playing all of these
Feels good to be God tier.

>t. soyboy who can't beat a male Troll Shaman in the meters

Why are you so obsessed with Tink
Are you even in the guild

*rangebans you*
heh what now kid

what's this about koragan and a dog
i know about the cum eating but wtf

if someone playing a female panda with the name "tsundere" didn't already tip you off, then idk what to say
and no i'm not basing things solely off of that, it's just what i've heard


Straight back Orcs fuck up all the helms.

>Sylvanas with a bunch of literal whos
Horde, I...


The hunch is an evolutionary trait to keep feminine men away from the horde
Most don't understand this

It's a cute gnome with a lot of content. Only reason.

I am not sure you know how bans work.

No, the guy who reposts all the hypno shite said once that he was sad to be US instead of EU that he couldn’t play with Tink
Probably a raging autist, hope he gets rangebanned for evasion and flooding

Demons have horns.

Are you awmbh or gnogames?

>someone so much as thinks angry thoughts about your shitty guild
>you pop up to defend it with your life
like clockwork. maybe you should try not being so cringe inducing if you want people to not hate you

huh, i didn't know tsundere was koragon

Neither. Just an user that likes hypnosis and mind control in WoW.

Wait a minute that filename.

I enjoy it, from time to time, kind of like Pezado, but when it's the OP or when it's the main focus of the thread it's just annoying...

I’m phoneositng from bed don’t worry about it, I’m not the hypnigger

Voidwalker are demons and dont have horns.
Checkmate atheists.

Can I be explained the connection of koragon to the gm of khf? Or is this about as real as my 'leaked discord logs'. Because if that's you then I cant really take your word for anything

Spread the word brother.

>H-haha its not me guys, really! Its just someone whos soooo obsessed with me because i'm such a cutie~~ x33

shill incognito detected

>People posting concepts for classes not in the game
Is there anything more cringe? Imagine spending an extraordinary amount of hrs creating a concept for something that won't happen
>h-hey guys wna see my fantasy class for WoW?

What's wrong with gnomes? Besides that one hypnofag that is.

It could be, it could not be.
I don’t care whether it is or isn’t samefaggotry on tink’s behalf I want it gone it makes me want to delete my gnome and reroll it

reminder gnomes make the best mothers!

What's wrong is that there's only one hypnofag instead of all of them being hypnofags.

hey u wanna check out my original class concept bro it's a shadow hunter, uhh it's like rogue shaman priest and hunter all in one sounds real cool huh
don't like it? well lucky for u i have another super cool idea... TINKER they have a MECH SUIT BRO how awesome is that

Is picking Blood Elf really that bad? I want to play a healer for Horde but I cant stand how most of the other races look/walk. Do people judge you for being a bitch if you pick blood elf?

>hypno gnome fag OP gets beaten to the post
>non-hypno thread is still getting shit up by hypno and gnome discussion

There's just no winning, is there?

The majority of the horde is blood elves, nobody will complain except for that one super autistic orc player you'll encounter once in a while


Dark Iron





The hunchback looks like shit it has nothing to do with how masculine it is. You can't seriously tell me that trolls or orcs as they look now are good. There's a reason why people have been asking for the hunch to be changed for years.

>Doesn't like the male forsaken bounce

>These Gnome posters
>King's Honor Friend
>Feet circlejerking
Are you really and truly sure you can't find anything more cringeworthy than fanmade classes?

Are Demon Hunters good yet?

I swear to god, autists on mmo champ have been making concepts of tinkers since TBC
It's fkn cringey is what it is


I only really like to play as 4 races: Night Elf, Worgen, Blood Elf, Undead. These are the only models I can really stand. All the others look so bad I can't even deal with it. I don't get why everyone says the Worgen look bad, I think they have the best model in the game.


I like it just not for a healer

Well, aside from those obvious cringe-lords that is
Fanmade classes are up there though

i want, no, NEED a cute draenei girl to spit in my mouth.

You wouldn't be a healslut for a tankbull mommy (male).

>job is to get pounded into the ground 24/7

still boggles me that the healers are the ones getting memed as sluts

She nicked a cucumber from the local store, by hiding it below her dress?
I hope she'll serve time

why is the undead starting area the only one thats actually fun to play through

No really, any connection between them? Please inform me, Keve or Blueno- whatever you'd like to be called

Reminder to report and ignore all shitposting. This includes but is not limited to:
>tranny shit
>repeated brainlet posts (falls under avatarfagging)
>pesado’s frogposts and pink wojaks (see above)
>cropped porn

The problem with hunchbacks is that it makes clothing/armor look really bad and stretched out. Blood Elves are the only Horde race in which the clothes actually look good on full display.

You used to be alright but now you’ve just devolved into an attention whoring avatarfag.

But how will you get hate from anons if you're turning them on?

So there is absolutely no merit to your words, and nothing you say should be taken as serious or fact at any point is what you're saying

No one cares

You always stop when called out, out of fear that the mods will ban you.
At least that is your redemption.

>leveling up bl*zzard's OC reskin sonic the hedgehog
>finish all the quests in a zone
>still somehow 2 levels short of the breadcrumb to the next zone
>have to spam dungeons till I get to the right level
The absolute STATE of nu WoW


There's nothing wrong with smelly male nelf feet

1-3 level highmountain tauren
4-6 level nightborne
7-9 gear brewmaster
0 - play pillars of eternity
dubs - play HOTS
trips - play diablo
quads- play FFXIV
quints - move to private servers

La creatura....

Who /showthemwhatitmeanstobecalledhellscream/ here?

Hey I'm just trying to get any real information out of this cringy, braindead moron that cant handle the concept of people not liking him and his creepy personality

Wow is dead. I went to the auction house in org yesterday and it wasn't even a quarter full. The realm I played on was filled to the brim everyday and now it's just medium.

Only if you're a good girl and offer your feet to fellow foot slaves.

El elfo con pies repugnantes...


is not , nor am i any of those people you listed

surprise, continuously doing autistic shit where everyone can see you earns you a reputation, who would have thought? better get used to it

>Wow has been out for 15 years
>there is still no proper response to a troll /dancing while saying "u mad" after beating you in a duel

Dueling is still in the game?


i'm rubber, you're glue and everything that you say bounces off me and sticks to you

>horde keep camping all the argus teleport spots
>they make sure turalyon is accompanying them too so you cant solo them
>they camp the dark portal
>they camp kara portal
>they camp caverns of time

Please daddy more...

All the same, I've never heard of Koragon and I still haven't received any connection.

If you don't like me, I'm sorry to hear that seeing a picture of a Draenei on your wow image board and my friendly remarks darken your day so much. Truly

What is that?

Those are mommy feet tho

A high elf. This is what the alliance could have had

No no no...NO

i'm sorry that apparently multiple people recognize you as an insufferable autist because you act like an insufferable autist. truly