Correct my brainlet mind- with "1H" left, Celica is going to push Grima into "Stronger!" territory and have the insane multiplier for the last hour of the gauntlet, ensuring her victory. Am I right or am I missing something?
Logan Diaz
wrong thread
Samuel Jackson
I get the feeling it’s gonna be one last Echoes banner, before FE16’s announcement.
Logan Scott
Mason Phillips
One hour actually means two hours, it's annoying. It starts counting down minutes when it's really on the final hour.
Jack Morris
pls be nuFE heroes
Chase Anderson
Connor Barnes
I hate Peri but I think she's cute when drawn by this artist
Leo Mitchell
Tharja no what are you doing
Jacob Jenkins
>Taillte has wrath in the original game but not in FEH UMMMMM GRAMPAKEKS??
Jacob Bell
>Two Tharjas and shitlicia Free win!
Anthony Baker
Grima has the larger playerbase unlike Takumi, him having the bonus at the final hour gives him a guarenteed win
>accidentally in the wrong thread A big thank you to these fella's on team Celica, Your units were excellent and didn't fail me once. There was also an Eldigan I kept getting in the early stages too, you were great but I forgot to screenshot you.
Isaac Ramirez
a +10 4* Olivia with a Ruby sword +
Jaxon Lewis
What time is it? [seethe] SEETHING time[/seethe]
Blake Morales
That's actually sickening to look at.
Noah Johnson
the trailer will be in the direct after the feswitch reveal
Justin Flores
Why is Boey more orange than usual?
Blake Butler
What does this gesture mean? Is Lute implying that she wants to do something to me?
Oliver Wright
The fuck is with the orange filter?
James Ortiz
>less than 30 minutes til trailer HYPE
Adrian Hughes
>two left hands
Joshua Watson
It's a blue light filter.
Charles Collins
Post scores before final hour!
Hunter James
That's my daughter
Joseph Brown
Grats to Grima...epik! in being the second male winner I guess
Logan Nelson
He's signalling the arrival of his lost cousin Leif.
Jeremiah Roberts
nobody cares about round rank, total rank is for high IQ people
Nathaniel Gray
>bunch of anons telling the early thread post to fuck off >everyone says they hate early threads >the early thread has more posts even though this "proper" thread was made Fuck this place desu
Owen Russell
Pot calling the kettle black here. You were the biggest part of the reason why the WWD went upwards to 10 god damn threads a weekend, because of the early threads
Lincoln Brown
Jesus fuck, has this guy NEVER used a feather?
Henry Harris
And we're down to 3 at most now, so I'd say it's improved.
Owen Young
Sorry girl No refunds!
Jacob Barnes
Keep posting bros We can't lose to the early thread
Juan Nguyen
>mfw thinking of all the money that went into that account that could have been used to take vacations or do just about anything else
Aaron Taylor
Julian Flores
Joshua Taylor
>nuFE maps are all shit, only old FE has good map des----
Jayden Morales
How the fuck is he popular enough to have a larger playerbase when Celica is literally the most popular female in the entire franchise? NUMBER ONE in the CYL poll.
Caleb Howard
Not at all because of you, because people finally stopped autisming about a certain piece of shit thats into gangbangs
Nolan Lewis
What does that acronym mean? Is it a kpop group? I have someone in my friends list with that acronym.
Matthew Cook
Nobody says FE4 has good maps, in fact most people say its the game's biggest flaw by far.
Justin Myers
Which is best?
Nathaniel Green
>rank 1 doesn't even give additional rewards do these retards think anyone actually checks the top rankings and think "wow, look at all these cool dudes"
Kevin Murphy
What are some other memes that never took off?
Caleb Ortiz
#3 female technically. Lucina and Lyn are still more popular
Asher Williams
Purefags are working against the filthy corrupted version of their waifu.
Camden Morales
I check whenever I get an absurdly high arena defense score to see if they are rank 1.
Luis Harris
Beats me, I just use the default one my tablet comes with.
Alexander Taylor
Appearance wise it's a very beautiful map, problem is that it suffers from a practical standpoint.
Michael Perry
I'm part of a Facebook group called "Nino's Magical Circlejerk' that's the acronym we use.
Hudson Brown
You don't actually think VGs have anything to do with actual popularity do you
Landon Perry
Kayden Stewart
Lyn is probably not more popular than Serika. I feel like Serika won something besides CYL, but I can't say for certain.
Benjamin Long
What fucking thread are we using, jesus christ, get your shit together you tards.
Angel Evans
Man Swift Sparrow fucking blows. When are we getting a better player phase A skill?
Juan Allen
In any event, she's SIGNIFICANTLY more popular than Robin and it's not like Grima is a more recent unit than Edge Celica.
James Nelson
akushally if CYL 2 was extended to 12 days like CYL 1, and asuming Celica got same number of votes each day, she'd have almost 60000 votes, 10000 more than lyn
Michael Jenkins
This one is the latest.
Nicholas Bailey
I never understood that, Just support your waifu, they're still the same person >Black knight lost to Zelgius, so i'm siding with Grima out of spite!
Andrew Green
Dont you want 10 /feg/s?
Nathaniel Scott
Shitica is not more popular than Lucina lmfao
Kevin Ramirez
atk/spd bond baby
Carter Wilson
>that disgusting piss filter How the actual fuck do you play using that.
Jackson Price
Grima's a shiny new toy and unique unit type with neat art, Celica's yet another infantry sword and her art is good but really similar to her normal version.
Ryan Martin
>Steady Sparrow
Ayden Smith
bonds aren't player phase
Jeremiah Nelson
You can also assume that all the Lucina and Lynfags, in their boring "just pick the female lord" mentality that Japan especially seems to have only voted for her cause Lucina and Lyn were out of the running.
Thomas Adams
I did not say Serika was more popular than Lucina.
Joshua Parker
Bonds arent playerphase if you're retarded maybe
Grayson Martin
they are if you aren't a baby player who poops hard in their diapers
Xavier Green
Yeah that'd be for the better, give us a good purge.
Isaac Moore
they work during player phase
Evan Roberts
At least post chapters 2,3 and 4 if you want to shit on FE4's map design
Lucas Kelly
Joshua Sanchez
I read your post wrong, my point still stands, she's not more popular than lyn
Juan Watson
Brazen Atk/Spd. Stack it with Desperation which is what you'd have on Swift Sparrow users anyway.
Adrian Murphy
Jordan Jenkins
Aaron Brown
How mad would people be if Celica JUST barely reach the threshold to put Grima in the final hour bonus? He will have an extremely difficult time to catch up which would pretty much secure the victory for her in an unexpected way.
Adam White
Chase Parker
@207701902 @207701917 @207701929
don't even deserve a (You)
Adrian Scott
So this pretty much confirms that the arena update was literally all downside and no upside. If it hurts the top tier whales too, who the fuck does it even benefit?
Lincoln Kelly
I'd be ass mad because I have 400 flags left.
Zachary Clark
You have to do it like this: Robin marries Cordelia, Lucina, and Cynthia Chrom marries Sumia, Severa, and Morgan
Owen Foster
Because he has standards
Easton Long
she'd have to halve the flag output this hour. in the last hours of the last round, when everyone's offloading flags.