Ask me, a history genius, anything.
Ask me, a history genius, anything
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What happened in the year 0?
What happened to Amelia? Roanoke colony? Where's the tomb of Genghis Khan? Who framed Roger Rabbit?
The birth of our Saviour
Was Isaac Einsten really Albert Newton?
what happened to the roach tripfag?
Amelia was kidnapped by Armenians. Roanoke colony became NYC. Genghis Khan was buried in Kuala Lampur. Roger Rabit was framed by Bugs Bunny.
Where is Atlantis?
No but his son went on to found Apple Inc.
Who was the good guy in the American Revolutionary War, British Empire or American patriots?
The roach went on to create the greatest youtube channel TYT.
tell me the year of the death of genghis khan without google
In the Atlantic.
>History genius
Congratulations that is about as useful as being a genius in video cassettes.
Britain. North America belongs to the anglo
Why is cheese so much worse than yogurt, but cream cheese is (objectively) a billion times better than yogurt, but Go-gurt is better than all of them?
1279 AD
Because most milk comes from cows not goats.
Who made this?
I smell lime juice.
tfw I have a skill which you cannot replicate.
J.K. Rowling
I smell a weaponsfag
Fuck off pussy Anglo
Thomas Paine was right, you're all a bunch of faggots and I would gladly die for this Republic then reinstate the descendants of an illegitimate usurper aka William the Bastard, as sole leader of my country.
You maybe knowledgeable in history, but your morality is lacking. Typical of Anglos tbqh.
Even your meme is an embodiment of the eternal Anglo empire.
How did Reis know of Antarctica several hundred years before Captain James Cook 'discovered' it?
He could smell the penguins.
You massacred 6 gorillion of my peoples at Boston. Shot, bayoneted, and butted all of my innocent Bostonian ancestors.
You deserve nothing but guilt and you need to pay reparations to us Americans.
is it possible that there are malevolent rulers who have kept us in economic subservience for literally hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years?
Without the Anglo North America would still be a barren shit hole filled with "Natives" and frogs.
Looks like you arent a history genius after all
Yes that actually did occur, the term is Feudalism. Thankfully Feudalism is a dead practice. While there is still endetured servitued it is nothing as bad as it once was.
Who was Jack the Ripper?
My knowledge of history is infinite you ignorant burger.
Is the Voynich Manuscript an elaborate hoax?
it not what does it say?
N-not true!
T-take it back!
Jacob Levy
What additional knowledge would we have if the library of Alexandria was never destroyed?
Anyone can make up a language. From a glance it appears to be a cyphered language.
It is alright; come back into the fold and rejoin the Empire.
Who shot Kennedy?
Without the destruction of the library the East may have become more advanced then then the west. It may have been a good thing that the library fell.
Lee Harvey Oswald
I'm not you
I will never become you
You're not my father!
Was the it possible for the Germans to break out of Stalingrad in the winter of 1942?
Slavery in the Empire ended 30 years before it had in America. Your memes have failed you my son.
Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
While possible, any retreat would have crippled the offensive. Too many were already lost, a retreat would have had no effect. The Army should have pressed onto Moscow rather then the Caucasus.
Smashed into the ground by Moses.
where is the Copper Scroll treasure?
In Arkansas, United States. Ironically ^_-
Who Was In the Garden of Eden, What Eaten of, and Where did the Concept of A Family and Royalty arise?
Well done sir.
In the copper mines of Chile.
Wait how is that possible? This was a hidden treasure by the romans? HA yuo are not a genius!
Eden is a euphamism for Eden on the Euphraties river. The Jews, or the tribes which would later become known as the Jews, were likely exiled from the city. The fruit was an offer by Satan which likely gives a hint that they had done actions which were immoral.
made me giggle
Where do you think the Romans hid their treasure? Europe? Too obvious, South America was the only logical choice.
Whats under oak island?
It stands for After Death, however, this is just a pseudonym for Anno Domini. But To be technical, modern scholars believe that Christ was born in that year and most believe that he was crucified and Died in 33 AD.
Anno Domini means year of our lord in english. Jesus couldn't have been born in the year after his death. The 0 marks the day that the lord came unto man in the form of man while remaining divine.
Oak seeds, dirt, and water.