rats are not for killing edition
Information about chests and when to open them
Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
Mega of cool stuff:
rats are not for killing edition
Information about chests and when to open them
Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
Mega of cool stuff:
Other urls found in this thread:
First for unchained > pyro
Xth for splatto all rattos
hurrrf i gobba get muh gren curcles or els i m bad at Team-Based PvE gaem
Yeah, except that's wrong.
Elf hater = literally faggot irl.
Forgot image.
It's correct because damage doesn't matter when the shitter pugs you queued with won't stop dying
You have 5 seconds to tell me why you're not playing ranger veteran.
>Shade will never be good
drakefire pistols are legit as fuck
I'm not midget.
God I'm fucking drunk.
>tfw people screeching at you for joining champion as soon as it becomes available
Yes let me farm absolute fucking pussy mode for 10 more levels for absolutely no reason.
You piece of shit.
Does anyone know how/if block angle stacks? Like, a shield gives 50% block angle, and the first Ironbreaker talent gives an additional 50%, so is my final angle 75%? 50% plus 50% of that?
I fucking hate when my healing pots spawn in some unreachable area or too far from the group to be worth grabbing
this game looks great how does it compare to left 4 dead?
also should I buy the first one or just skip it? It's on sale right now
The new CE skins look like hot garbage.
hope you guys are ready for huntsman and bounty hunter nerfs tomorrow
I like being invincible with shield+gromril armor+natural bond
You get a value in a number (degrees) and anything added to it as a percent is a multiplication of the base angles for the percent you add.
what if i want to hatefuck the elf
you're still a faggot
I don't like iron breaker or slayer and I want to focus on a character that has multiple classes I like in order to vary my playstyle.
IB is just too much fun, feels like I'm actually playing a tank character.
>mfw 33% curse resistance
Can this attribute roll on other items?
Inside info from incoming patch: elf buffed, everybody else nerfed.
Please remind me why people bother using Kruber's shield weapons, theyre pretty mediocre and the halberd/hammer is just much better
Whats the benefit of shields in the first place?
are you implying keri is mannish
It's called rape. Rape is for people with mental issues. Faggots are people with mental issues. 2+2.
Shield bashes hit basically all around you. Also the block pushback has a different and better enemy stagger and you have increased stamina to do a lot of them.
Is there a list of what weapons each character can get? Base weapons that is.
Lord and Legend. Champion is baby-tier and the hard mode equivalent of the last game. The nightmare and cata equivalents aren't even in the game yet which is where you are going to want someone with a shield to be push-blocking.
What is the correct way to play unchained? I play it the same way I play pyromancer, just spamming fireball staff at enemies and venting through my temp health when needed.
I like the active skill unchained has more than the pyro one but I don't think it's worth the loss in fireball damage, especially after getting the temp health talent for easy venting.
I think it's just trinkets, having the full 33% still feels fuckin' good though.
Using the block/push with shields sends everything flying, it's pretty great.
Is for faggots?
Fuck off
>elf attracts worst human beings and video game players
who the fuck wouldn't hate it
I would play with some cute girls, but you are probably some furries and trannies.
>It's called rape.
That isn't what a hatefuck is. Then again I doubt you've ever felt physical or emotional affection so i'll chalk this one up to your social retardation.
no degeneracy
>Health regen now ticks twice as fast
>Trueshot Volley damage increased and she fires 5 (up from 3)
>All melee wepons except her spear have been removed from the game
>Spear's attack range been doubled
>Kerillian is now 3x more likely to use voicelines that have the phrase "Mayflies" in them
Huntsman already got nerfed.
Does the game launch in an hour or so?
Not faggots.
Twelve hours from an hour from now.
12 hours
In around 13 hours when the steam store updates
But let's face it it will be a fucking unplayable mess one way or another so it will likely take longer until you can play
it's getting nerfed again
It's okay to post a discord in the thread, but it doesn't belong in the op
ElfNigger upset that they fucking blow cock. Do you have a seizure when you don't get your green circle? Go back to sitting on your XL Rat Dildo, no one cares about you.
I hope to never play Festering Grounds ever again, can't believe how often I had to play that stupid shithole map.
i fucking hate elf players so god damn much. i was playing the manor map and once we blew it up we made our run for it. this fucking elf we were with goes miles ahead and gets a fucking stormvermin patrol aggroed and kills us all 10 steps from the portal
>anybody who doesn't like somethingyou presumably do is a faggot
makes me think big
Every other weapon that pushes only slightly staggers but shields send them flying.
You are making my day with all your meme hate that at this point became not ironical already. Keep burning, mayfly.
First off, someone shoop this. Secondly when will we be able to see the stats between weapon types? I know power determines overall dmg but still would like to be able to autism over the specs.
So why would I bother making enemies go flying when I could charge up an attack with a wide sweep and kill them all instead?
Because you're not going to kill them all.
Some of them are going to live.
Which means some of them are going to hit you.
Which they will not do if they're knocked on their asses. Which they are guaranteed to be with a shield bash.
because enemies on the ground are unable to attack back
with shield you knock over more enemies faster and easier than 2h weapons
its just safer for everyone on the team
Because hammer only sends knocks them back a little and axe hits very small angle. Shield toss catapults fuckers and the charge shield attack does the same. Less overall damage but you can juggle the entire horde.
When you get off from babby difficulty you wont be cleaving through 10 enemies at a time and they start taking massive chunks of health with a single swing, cc becomes extremely important in preventing damage.
i'm implying fucking a lowly treenigger is for degenerates
hand holding and hugging is okay though
> be elf on festering
> run ahead of rest of slow team
> jump into cave to get grim
> two gutter runners
> try to dodge, get stuck in scenery
> rats pin elf down, strip away pants
> throbbing prick rubs against mound as team ignores elf and runs ahead
> try to yell but second gutter runner shoves his mouth against elfs face
> rat tongue down throat as other assassin starts shoving his slimy cock into cunt
> rat balls slapping against elf ass
> other gutter pulls back on hair and forces elf to suck his dick
> being frantically fucked at both ends while team starts event
> rats slam in as deep as possible as they cum
> a few hard thrusts later, and some shameful washing with brackish water, finally able to catch up with team as they fart around at the end
> "Where were you?" "Getting the grim" "lol what grim"
> mfw i forgot to grab the grim
anyone else got embarrassing stories like this?
>dude why the fuck would we want a tank when we can just take another DPS?
Your mom. Ask her.
Thanks for the actually useful advice guys, I appreciate it
I'll take shields into consideration then
What weapons and legendary traits do I want for ranger bardin?
Ammo return on crit for your shotgun.
I'm not sure how they could have made the inventory and crafting screens any shittier.
I want to become the doom guy. Even if it was only 1 return for every 4 bullets it would be enough.
>8GB of DDR4 ram
>AMD Ryzen 5 1600
>GTX 1060 3gb of ram
>Win 10
>Can barely keep Vermintide 2 above 60 fps on medium
>Open Task manager and throw it onto another screen
> 1-6% GPU usage through an entire game
>If the dwarf is in LOS of the elf and tries to pick up a potion, it is added to the inventory of the elf and the elf responds "Better luck next time lumbahfoot!"
found the problem
So what my AMD cpu is causing Vermintide not to use my GPU?
Do we know what the reds are yet?
The grudge raker is amazing!
I'm pretty much always capped at 60 on ultra with a 980ti and a 6700k. Although I haven't been paying attention to the counter during big fights, I haven't noticed any drops.
Low GPU usage is weird, probably because you have the settings so low and your fps issues are from something not GPU related? I don't know.
>Zealot joins in quickplay
>Huh, don't see many of those wonder what-HOLY LUSTRATION!
>take off at the speed of sound in about 10 seconds of starting
>every few second
>just a fucking blur of dodges and super speed 80% of the time
I imagine this is a very carefully made setup but it is insane to watch.
That got my noggin joggin, are all the characters just Saltzpyre's retinue?
>unable to reroll percentages, forced to completely reroll both traits
This infuriates me in a way that I don't think i'm capable of articulating. I've seen +stamina once in twenty eight rolls, and it was +1 instead of +2.
Kruber explicitly is, having been hired by him to help keep watch on Sienna while she's transported.
Bardin and Kerillian are just hanging out because they're going in the same direction.
Fucking what? Why is this enabled by default? It makes getting headshots while moving needlessly difficult.
>Zealot takes speed potion
What's it all mean Dawri? Why should we kill rats?
>saltz weapon special has unlimited ammo
It's a literal fart thrower unless you're in Melee range, at which point you're almost always better off just hitting M1
That's what red items are for
The Dammaz Kron demands satisfaction.
Did we get wiped again? Should I just wait until official release so I'm not wasting time?
>caring about getting all the green circles when you can perma-bash hordes with the flail
>not BTFO'ing slave rats and shield niggers
>not becoming impossible to kill when you're
is there an official profession power ranking?
I have lvl 20 bardin and 12 everyone else, but as much as I like slayer he feels inadequate
Are Drakefire Pistols competitive against Drakegun with the changes now?
Is Executioner Sword a good weapon?
Drakegun's only good against a horde and only if you can charge it up. Drakepistols are great in every other situation, and it's not like hordes are a problem when you have a hammer or your taunt.
Bardin: Smell that? You smell that?
Kruber: What?
Bardin: Napalm, azumgi. Nothing else in the world smells like that.
Bardin: I love the smell of burnt raki in the morning. You know, one time we fought in the Ungdrin Angkor for twelve hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' raki. The smell, you know that alchemical smell, the whole underway. Smelled like
[sniffing, pondering]
Bardin: victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
[walks off]