Unique isolated development. Why this dint happen in Australia? Also Lets share some native sites
New World civilizations
Top view from the massive pyramid of the sun in Teotihuacan, with people climbing it.
>Why this dint happen in Australia?
same as why it didn't happen in Africa
look at their skin color
TIKAL Maya site
No Babylon no sumer no ancient Egypt and Greece. They really achieved a lot on their own.
Inca stone bridge in Warawtampu
>Why this dint happen in Australia?
Maize, squash, potatoes, etc.
There were no crops in Australia, and before you blame race for that remember that New Guineans are the same race and they did develop agriculture.
i don't think australia was ever as densely populated as mesoamerica was. agriculture never really took off in the former either.
The last inca rope bridge, they redo it every three years or so
Here is a nice video of how they do it
Australia is a horrible place to live where everything is venomous and it has terrible soil for growing anything. The climate is dry and inhospitable. When it isn't it's just some useless rainforest.
There's a lot of good land in Australia, but it's useless without crops and livestock introduced from outside. The only way Australia could have ever done anything would be if the Austronesians had bothered with the place.
Native americans are dark brown skinned
>Unique isolated development. Also Lets share some native sites
Fuck off /pol/.
not all natives have the same skin tone, some can be pretty light skinned, the ache people of paraguay for example or extinct chachapoyans, the spanish conquistador Cieza de Leon wrote: they are the whitest and most handsome of all the people that I have seen in Indies, and their wives were so beautiful that because of their gentleness, many of them deserved to be the Incas' wives.
Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde
Was destroying it necessary? I remember reading the Spaniards wrecked it with cannons during the conquest. Don't suppose there's any chance they'd have moved in and just renovated and re-purposed the buildings if it'd been less heavily damaged, is there?
>Why didn't it happen in Australia
Aboriginals didn't often build large structures, mostly build shelters and tents. They also moved around a lot.
>There's a lot of good land in Australia
What, in a narrow band to the south where there has been volcanism? Most of the continent is horribly lacking in minerals like phosphorous due to the continental shelf being so damned old. All the phosphorous has been washed away. Australian farmers have to load their fertilizer up with the stuff.
Columbus often called the caribbean native chiefs white, just because they were the kangs among the natives.
no WE itt pls
>Why didn't this happen in Australia?
It definitely raises the question- whowdid the Central Americans, a people who had to migrate to Central America from Asia, adapt, had no available beasts of burden- how did they manage to surpass all of sub-Saharan Africa culturally, technologically, architectural, and scientifically?
Australoids are the most primitive race, they're sub-nog. Native Americans are actually Mongloids, so they're more than capable of upholding civilization.
I was referring to Sub-Saharan Africans but yes, you're right.
As Mongoloids they're still well above nogs.
nice, never seen one like that before
I know that longing
Was not corn developed from some wild grass or something? crops were cultivated and improved by generations not found like that in nature. Why that never happen in the australian continent?
"Native Australia had no farmers or herders, no writing, no metal tools, and no political organization beyond the level of the tribe or band. Those, of course, are the reasons why European guns and germs destroyed Aboriginal Australian society. But why had all Native Australians remained hunter/gatherers? "-Jared Diamond
Desolate wasteland versus lush, resource bountiful forests
Hmm, I wonder...
Because Australia legitimately is the hardest continent outside of Antarctica to survive in. The vast majority of its soil is completely unsuited for any form of agriculture, and it is overrun with extremely, EXTREMELY dangerous animals.
Their skin is dark so? They are clearly a different people than african negros. native americans are dark skinned as well. Race theories are bullshit
your bait worked
On mainland Australia no animal other than the dingo was domesticated, however domestic pigs were utilised by Torres Strait Islanders. The typical Aboriginal diet included a wide variety of foods, such as pig, kangaroo, emu, wombats, goanna, snakes, birds, many insects such as honey ants, Bogong moths and witchetty grubs. Many varieties of plant foods such as taro, coconuts, nuts, fruits and berries were also eaten.
Can you post the full version of the top two pics?
/pol/ hates the native americas though, OP either is legimately asking or is a precolumbianeaboo wanting to show off native american stuff
>Why this didnt happen in Australia?
on cannibalism
Family units usually consisted of three children. Brough Smyth, a 19th century researcher, estimated that in Victoria about 30% of the births resulted in infanticide.Mildred Dickeman concurs that that figure is accurate in other Australia tribes as a result of a surplus of the birthrate. Cannibalism was observed in Victoria at the beginning of the 20th century. The Wotjo tribe, as well as the tribes of the lower Murray River, sometimes killed a newborn to feed an older sibling.
Thomas Robert Malthus wrote that, in the New South Wales region, when the mother died sucking infants were buried alive with her.In the Darling River region, infanticide was practiced "by a blow on the back of the head, by strangling with a rope, or chocking with sand".
In Queensland a tribal woman could have children after the age of thirty. Otherwise babies would be killed.
The Australian Aranda tribes in the Northern Territory used the method of choking the newborn with coal, sand or kill her with a stick.
According to James George Frazer, in the Beltana tribes in South Australia it was customary to kill the first-born.
Twins were always killed by the Arrernte in central Australia. In the Luritcha tribe occasional cannibalism of young children occurred.
Aram Yengoyan calculated that, in Western Australia, the Pitjandjara people killed 19% of their newborns.
>no burden animals
>no good soil
>big ass desert separating tribes
>are actually mongoloid
Not at all, they are as related to Chinks as they are to Scandis basically, they're their own racial cluster
to busy burning the land and eating each other to build decent civilization
The native americans didn't have burden animals either
Don't remind me...Fucking Cortes
Recently rediscovered Choquequirao ruins, akin to Machu Picchu
Are there any good documentaries to watch on central/southern american civilizations?
>Why this dint happen in Australia?
Aboriginal tribes lived off seasonal plants that popped up at different times during the year, forcing them to constantly move from location to location, with a fairly constant supply of food. There were never intense droughts or winters that destroyed their food, their food was incredibly hardy
So, Aboriginals never evolved to have to think forward, to plan or to use logic. That's why they have the lowest IQ rates in the world even though the local federal government gives them handouts constantly and consistently, they never had to develop minds that catered to long term agricultural planning.
This was because on arrival the aborigines literally burnt vast areas of the continet to the ground, causing mass extinctions and drastically changing the landscape.
Similar to how Rome turned North Africa into a complete shithole desert, or China's action in making the Gobi expand through deforestation.
Thanks historical revisionism.
Alot of forensic markers used to identify asians are also used for native americans, and they share some genetic disorders.
>yfw there were abos in Australia when these things existed
>/pol/ hates the native americas though,
Actual Nazi here, I respect them immensely, the Incans/Aztecs/Olmecs were extremely advanced. I wish they had entered into iron working by the time the Conquistadors arrived, they may have stood a better chance at preservation.
Plus Mexico had it's own fascist movement, which is respectable itself.
/pol/ only truly hates niggers and jews.
So Chachapoyas were cucked by the Incas cause it was for great justice?
Would have been sick if they managed to domesticate them. Imagine the anglos facing a cavalry of giant lizards.
>Actual Nazi here
Sub-saharan africans developdd metallurgy before and natives and their art was more realistic
Africa is connected to eurasia though. It's not an isolated landmass.
Was Great Zimbabwe created by volkish peoples?
What are you implying
I'm implying that saying "well the africans managed it, why didn't the native americans/abbos" isn't a valid point because the later groups were isolated from devolpments elsewhere.
Are you trying to say SSAs didn't develop metallurgy by themselves?
The americas did, but only with soft metals for decoratives, and copper and a very, very, very limited amount of bronze for actual utilitarian metals.
Natives from the americas are of asian ancestry so there's that.
In most places cereal crops arose when people became heavily reliant on wild grasses and gradually started to improve and cultivate them over the course of generations. This only happened in a few places after the end of the Ice Age, when wild grasses became abundant in places like China, the Fertile Crescent, Mesoamerica and the Sahel. In most places people never became so dependent on wild grasses though, so domestication didn't occur until it was introduced from somewhere else. Australia, much like Europe, is a small continent and there was nowhere on it where people were so dependent on wild grasses that they began to cultivate them, but unlike in Europe it never had agriculture introduced from outside (I'm not sure why, maybe the tropical crops from Southeast Asia/New Guinea couldn't grow there or something).
Aside from cereal crops there's also more varied stuff like yams, potatoes or bananas which were domesticated in the West African rainforest, the Andes and New Guinea (that last one should really dispel any racial bullshit, at least concerning agriculture). These arose under more varied circumstances, and it would be wrong to say that agriculture can only emerge in one specific way. Varied environments are generally more likely places for agriculture to emerge; Mexico and the Andes are both covered with highly varied regional micro-climates due to their equally varied terrain, forcing people to adapt to multiple different environments and ecologies and thus encouraging the emergence of new ways of life, such as agriculture. But in Australia the environment wasn't varied enough, due to its small size and relatively homogeneous terrain, for the any of the right conditions to occur.
Here's more about New Guinean agriculture: epubs.scu.edu.au
Fuck those dirty spanish barbarians. Cortes was in awe on how clean the city and it's citizens were compared to europe's at the time.
didn't help them much against the plague, now did it?
>they may have stood a better chance at preservation
It would not have changed the outcome. 90% of the native american population got wiped out by the filthy diseased ridden spaniards.
The article you linked shows that Aboriginals knew how to exploit their environment most efficiently by altering it in their favour. That's basically what agriculture aims to do, the only difference being that Aboriginals were more interested in encouraging high species diversity rather than intensively exploiting one resource, leading to agriculture.
I'm not sure what the point of the rest of your post is, do you think nobody else practiced infanticide or cannibalism? The Chinese have been doing the former for centuries, and the Aztecs certainly did the latter. If you think this is something outrageous, you must have a pretty naive view of history.
Aboriginal Australians when give the ability to alter favorable and fertile regions did so like in Victoria.
>There was a story that was confirmed by science. They describe this gigantic wave coming very far inland and killing everybody except those who were up on the mountaintops, and they actually name all the different locations where people survived
There were lava rocks from an explosion the aboriginals stories about as well that provided the material that formed the basis for thousands of lava rock runs and ponds for the aquaculture of eels we see that explorers spoke eloquently in their structures, the social organization and their numbers.
It's not about race.
We actually don't know just how corn became corn, it a likely a fluke of cultivating sugary stems if teosinte natural hybrids that accidentally created quite large seed heads and kernels in all likelihood randomly
BBC has two series o. Lost kingdoms of SA or central A.
>their art was more realistic
I think forced labor killed more people than the disease. Many cities were depopulated and their inhabitants enslaved in the Spanish haciendas and mines. This is el Tajin site where I live.
Some of it is.
I like Mayan stuff more, but it's not really as realistic as stuff from Ife.
If you are a conquering christian army then yes it was because they would not want to build their settlement on pagan structures. A real shame.
>If you are a conquering christian army then yes it was because they would not want to build their settlement on pagan structures. A real shame.
But they did, a pretty good amount of native religious centers had churches built over them.
Look at the great pyramid of Cholula, for instance
I prefer this one personally.
Xochicalco and Maya figurines are great too.
I'm posting Mayan art now, and nobody can stop me.
>the only two races are dark and light
Natives > abos >nigs
Oops I meant Xochipala not Xochicalco.
Name an alternative reason, seriosuly. They were in this country for 40,000 years and remained a hunter gatherer society for all that time, and would have likely continued to be a hunter gatherer society if left alone for another 40,000 years.
I'll begin dumping some maya sites, just give me a minute
Alternative, more logical explanations have already been posted in the thread. You only need to scroll up a dozen or so posts to see them.
kek look asian
My point being Africans were on an equally abundant continent for twenty thousand years longer but barely were more advanced than the Central Americans, who themselves were more advanced than the bulk of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Not only that, but Central Americans lacked the trading contacts with Europe or the Middle East that the Sub-Saharan Africans had.
>tfw the natives here built everything out of wood so no structures remain
I imagine it was a comfy society, eating salmon and berries and having enough sustenance to pursue art, kayaking along the fjords, getting together at the potlach and having chiefs give everyone gifts as a demonstration of power
then getting captured and enslaved by some other tribe up the coast