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Molesting my daughter!
Cynthia and Gerome is canon
>wind brand doesn't have any sound effect
this bothers me
So who had the best refinement, including the base prf effect, /feg/?
What sucks is that I definetely could have done it, but didn't feel the urge to do so, what with life and all
Hopefully they'll rerun him sometime again
shit gaem, fe16 will save fire emblem
Soren DESU.
>male morgan powercrept tharja
What banner do I roll on as a newer player?
>-hp +atk Eirika
>-spd +def Leo
>-res +spd Eldigan
Who gets the dew first? I've got around 300 at the moment
>5 orbs +2k feathers
>10th place
>got outclassed by some little boy
>confirmed not canon
Shitja eternally btfo
>MID_MARC_F_HOME5: Being the daughter of a brilliant\ntactician, I can take on a ton of\ndifferent jobs!$k$pCheck me out! I'm a Dark Flier right\nnow.
Remember that this Morgan is a Tharja!Morgan that started out as a regular dark mage red tome, but then class changed to Dark Flier in order to get Galeforce, since she doesn't get it from her mom, and because she doesn't have Shadowgift she switches to a blue tome.
Rate this update.
Refines: Neutral. The refinements are ok but nothing blew me away as a must-have. Might actually refine Hinoka's Spear or Alm Falchion now.
Blessing Garden: 6/10. Recurring content is good but it's not very difficult and demanding on hoarders. The rewards are nice though.
Rivals: 9/10. This was just fucking fun, something that is sorely lacking in FEH. The rewards aren't great, but I actually enjoyed the mode and using my friend units liberally. Love this shit.
Eirika buff bot paired with a bladetome user
>i get to fuck both of robin's children
>didn't put Micaiah back as leader before I deleted the apk
Any tips for clearing rival domains? I don't understand how it works.
How are we sure we're getting FE Switch information in the direct?
>removes Gravity effect
>from the tome with GRAVITY POWERS
>gives it not one, but two skills that don’t fucking work because of his stat spread
>Leo doesn’t need a 30% decrease in damage from the first magic hit because he has good res to begin with
>good fucking luck using that other skill with 25 defense
I’m so fucking pissed right now. I’d rather keep the vanilla tome than refine it. Fuck IS and whoever was in charge of Leo’s refinement should be fired.
Refine soon!!!!!
can you at least try to post one without black background?
Meh, she can just lose her virginity to a Tyrone I guess instead.
It's between soren and Eirika. Chill attack beats hone attack, but owl is not quite as good as taking advantage of tactic skills and meme buffs. Hard to say.
Imagine massaging Morgan's cute, curvy hips.
Imagine hotdogging her cute, tight butt while you massage them.
Imagine cumming all over her back and massaging your cum into her hips.
Can you stop constantly shilling Tharja? Is that the only aspect of your personality?
What are your initial thoughts and reactions to Blessed Gardens and Rival Domains?
Personally I love Rival Domains since it gives us a great use for friends and has expanded maps, just wish the rewards were nicer but using no stamina is awesome.
Not a fan of blessings in general and wish they'd never introduced the mechanic.
I need ayra to stomp on me and spit on me while calling me pathetic
Blow all blessings if you want, you'll get them back from completing all the maps
I can't because it still hasn't fucking updated for me
FE has basically been stapled as a main franchise of nintendo for a while now, they'd have to be retarded not to give us anything about it
Not all of us are racist user.
Whenever I talk about any other characters in the game I just called X-user
is infernal rival domains hard?
copyright user
Eldigan if you don't already have a good red or enemy phase unit for cavalry teams.
Eirika if you have an infantry blade tome you often use.
No, I got all the rewards on auto battle
You don’t need a trip to talk about other characters in the game
Post your face when Legendary Hero of Water Corrin (Colorless Breath User)
Do we know Batman's skills yet? Besides PoleArm
Blessed Gardens is a trash game mode with great rewards
Rival Domains is a great game mode with trash rewards
I hope when we finally fight Surtr it's on a Rival Domains-style map honestly
good post
>30 SPD
What should I lead with? I want to help people out, but I'm no whale. I've got:
>+HP -Def Celica, +1
>+HP -Res Myrrh, has DC
>+Atk -HP Vanguard Ike, +1
>Black Knight, has Steady Breath, +2
>+Spd -Res Amelia
>+Atk -Res Tana, +1
>+Def -Res Ephraim, +1
>+Atk -HP Eirika, +1, she and her brother are geared to be buff bots and have their weapons enhanced
>+Spd -HP Ninian
>+Res -HP PA! Azura
>neutral Ayra, +1
It's not much, but this mode seems really fun and I want to know who I should lead with to best help people out.
Why does male Morgan look like a trap
Really unimpressive spreads honestly. If you're e-sports this banner is one of the easiest skips I've ever seen in my life.
Very fast Gerome running at incredible hihg speed!
Are you retarded? There’s almost no mage that gets 25 def or more and that threshold can be buffed with wards
It should just've been Gravity+ and Pain+ combined.
God I wish Chrom was my daddy he's so fucking hot. Unf...
Wait what are Gerome's skills besides Poleax?
please don't bully batman like this he's a good boy
Every week, one of the dungeons will reset.
The total orbs count for the Blessed Gardens has been 30 orbs with some dew and other stuff.
If it resets to the same rewards, that means we will get 30 orbs monthly.
Depends on what you already have, Fallen Heroes has some great armor units and a decent sword infantry, Love Abounds has some slightly less great armor units including a mage but also a bow cav who's mediocre, the other banners aren't really worth it.
Do you know that they don't have the same hair?
cause you're gay
I'm just looking forward to Colorless Dragon (Xane????) coming
Who has the best refine here? I only have enough for 1.
>The absolute state of Leo
>Lore characters getting in Heroes
I hope it's Naga too, but Colorless Dragon it's only a weapon type and the next Legendary is probably Water
m o m m y
That also means we'll be getting more blessings monthly too, that's cool. Thanks.
does anyone have highly merged adult tiki i can add I have tons of nowi and myrrh friends for a dragon squad instead
>she's too slow to get away and you can double her
What's the general strategy for Rival Domains?
Leave two units at your bases, have the other six charge on ahead, right?
Alm by a country mile
Fuck off Melvin.
>wake up
>2 of the same character
>TT units so I have to get one of them
Are you fucking serious? This is by far one of the banners yet. Why do they think we want more Chroms instead of actual new characters?
Lyn because she is top tier waifu but a trash unit to use
Which one is correct? The reddit one or this one when it comes to gerome's stats?
This artist cannot draw.
>Laegjarn: Guh...
>Fjorm: So, you've awakened.
>Laegjarn: Hello, Princess Fjorm. It's come to this, I see. Go ahead. Kill me. You'll gain nothing by taking me hostage. My father would never bargain for my life. Or is it to be torture I am shamed in defeat. My fate is in your hands. Do whatever you must.
>Fjorm:Now that we have defeated you, Múspell's forces have been thrown into chaos. Heroes were fighting under contract... But those contracts are now broken. The soldiers, meanwhile, have no idea what to do... As for us, we have achieved our aims. There is no need to spill any more blood today. It's not just that. When you conquered Nifl, you treated the citizens with dignity. I owe you the same... I would ask you one thing, however. Did you wish to invade Nifl? I suspect you did not.
>Laegjarn: I would never answer the questions of an enemy. Just remember this... My father is flame itself. Everything will burn. Until nothing remains. He is the leader of Múspell, and I follow his orders. That is all.
>Fjorm: I see. And yet I cannot bring myself to bear a grudge against you... If we had not met on the battlefield, but somewhere more genial... I think we could have been friends.
>Laegjarn: ...
Wtf bros. Fjorm is even stealing Sharena's friendship gimmick.
Not a fan of blessings, structuring a team around them is interesting I guess but I just really hate the concept behind them. Rewards are fucking great.
Rival Domains is cute, rewards are pretty low though. 8 unit maps are definitely something that could be expanded on for other games modes in my opinion
eirika desu
>yfw GHB with rival domains maps.
When will they stop bullying Leo?
>not charging them all ahead full speed
Why does IS hate him so much?
>check Infernal reward
>10 dew
Galeslash: 3 CD, boosts damage by 40% of unit's Spd
Darting Blow
Spd Tactic
Give me a build and update your entries on the friendlist
Refines: Disappointing. Nothing really all that worth it here compared to all the great stuff with the last batch. Erika got a combat buff when she wasn't really a combat unit, soren got a decent, but not amazing, little niche, leo is just mediocre.
Blessing Garden: 2/10. There was zero effort put into this. It's just a single reused map with nothing done to it. Unit restriction doesn't matter at all since they're piss easy. Rewards are nice and all, but you might as well hand them to us if the method to get it is so brain dead.
Rival Domains: 8/10. Very fun and fresh. Really needed this kind of mode in feh. I hope new maps get added quickly since it can get kinda old doing the same map over again, plus I don't really see the point/incentive of a high score.
>Leo getting shafted again
what does poleaxe do
Our first colorless dragon is gonna be either Mila as an earth hero or Duma as a fire hero
>This is by far one of the banners yet
Yes, it is by far a banner.
Has anyone datamined Morgans tap quotes yet?
>hate Cherche
>never built her because of this
>can build based Batman now
Feels great bros