Fighting Games General /fgg/
What do you fellas think about Geralt coming to Soul Calibur 6?
I want my waifus announced SNK!
cow girls are #1
I don't know who Geralt is.
I hope nobody seriously thinks sniffshittery is saving /fgg/ because it's actually doing the opposite.
Eh. Don't care all to much. But it got me thinking about how sick it would be if Namco could get older pulp fantasy heroes to star in their game, like Conan and Elric.
The only people that it would negatively impact would be the gay people in this thread, who are already a minority.
Just stop being gay.
bandsluts fg when
I seriously think sniffshittery is saving /fgg/.
Create a soul is coming back, at the very least
why dont any of u stream, im fucking bored
Imagine not having an active enough imagination that you need pictures to jerk off.
milk is #1
Eh, I've never been a huge fan of being able to customize fighters.
Now this is the kind of quality posting I come here for.
>not creating a sniff version for every male character in soul calibur
u gay desu
i think conan is public domain, isn't he?
This is now a cammy thread
Fei Long when
Bruce Lee imagery got copyrighted recently, so never.
i hope he has an ice skating costume so it looks funny when he does his rekka move.
No reason to include Fei when Yang is the superior rekka character.
Does that mean no more liu kang either?
It's complicated but Paradox currently holds the rights to the character.
I hope MK would just die altogether desu.
hopefully never
rekkas are kuso and as a character he's very uninspired
Rather than adding in Fei Long they should create a new character that's what Fei Long should have been from the beginning; a homage to Bruce Lee without actually being Bruce Lee.
>a homage to Bruce Lee without actually being Bruce Lee.
i'm pretty sure thats what fei long is
They can just make a new character who's a Finnish edition of Fei Long.
No. Fei Long straight up is Bruce Lee.
his super can be dying of alcohol poisoning
inb4 sfv fei looks like gordon liu instead
Ever seen Fei Long's eyebrows? The whole reason a Bruce Lee character is so badass is because he is like Bruce Lee. No reason to change him.
bruce less never mastered the spinny fire kick
Thanks for the games m8. GG is weird, it's like you're playing a different game depending on your opponent's character.
ha ha ha ha ha ha
finally unemployed, I think I can enjoy all the fighting games I wanna then some mashing Ken shitter beats me and I stop playing.
Bedman is pretty gimmicky between his movement and teleports so it probably didn't help
When did teabagging start in fighting games?
Liu Kang is probably different enough to get around it. That said, Ed Boon does not seem to like the character very much. I assume he'll show up in MK11 only to be killed off by Onaga or Blaze or whoever they'll make the new end boss this time.
He's fun to play against though. Does he have a command grab or was it just a normal throw? I swear there's nothing I'm worse at than teching throws.
>nemo and takeuchi joined team liquid
can you say BASED?
It's his normal throw, you can't really intentionally tech throws in GG because techs only happen if both players press HS on the same frame, if you wanna stop a throw attempt it's better to mash a fast button or jump FD away
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. I'm guessing Axl's kick is his fastest button.
Not soon enough.
2k/5k or close slash are probably his best options yeah, can't really mash 2p/5p like most chars because they're just big pokes for him
I think we say that more than we need to
>melty bad
i knew it
vega sniffs strike
better play, vappa
To user that told me to whiff punish with lk into m.dp as Sakura
Thank you. Your advice helped a lot.
>girl community retarded
>best games sfv
keep the jive alive
>daigo mean random
well said mr word cloud
>tekken trash
truly based
>tekken trash
>dbfz dont enough things
exatly what ive been saying
>pressure mommy basically
>broski shitter
wtf i hate word clouds now
I'm going to buy DOA5LR and you can't stop me.
>Dem arm muscles
well that fucking sucks
*yomi counters the vappa*
He's already dead though. He died in MK9.
Play Weiss
>characters stay dead in MK
Did you completely miss the part where he and Kitana are the new rulers of Netherrealm?
This chart makes no sense at all.
from hero to big bad is the best character progression
Raiden is the new big bad though.
we need Roxy and Maki for season 4
Dont forget about Ruby
What if Kolin smells like strawberries?
>Liu Kang
>Bruce Lee imagery
Hurr Durr?
uh oh
Best boys
that disgusting whore smells like vodka and abortion most likely
>the state of goobers and bb shit
That's Mika after a night smelling Zangief trousers.
How does marvel have so many more entrants than gg and bb? It was the same for winter brawl.
Because despite all the memeing MvCI is actually a fun game to play.
>dbfz dont
>vt1 abigail fighter st
>nrs problem
I wish NRS would learn to make good games with good gameplay. Then I could buy and play them.
Wouldn't it be nice if they actually tried to make a good fighter? With good animation outside of cutscenes.
Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to delete this post. There's an user in these threads with a real mental health problem when it comes to people thinking that NRS games are not perfect, so we try to avoid talking about them. He is trying his best to cure his illness but we should do our part and try to avoid triggering him while he sorts himself out.
the gameplay is fine, the animations are not.