A litter of chromas edition
OT: eyosongive.us
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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Kai'sa Jungle y/n
Reminder that Noxus is the BEST nation.
[Doom metal intensifies]
It's her best lane at the moment. Make sure to ban/don't pick it into fighters or assassins eg WW/XZ/K6. Also, skip chickens 1st clear.
It's actually kind of interesting the amount of (mental) pressure you create just by sniping laners with w in between farming camps. She can also do some dank all-in turnarounds once she hits 6 if your laner has hard cc.
Idk, you have a pleasant voice. You should do some readings, like vampire stories or something.
give good doom bands
I'm tired Lamb, let me drift away in your sweet embrace. Please take me, I'm ready.
pale horse named death is my favourite
maybe when riot writes a lore
It's really not. She's like a more useless Kindred with shittier clear speed and horrible ganks. Even as an underwhelming ADC it's still her preferred role for a number of reasons.
I'm happy with this, frankly. Skin's quaint, but it's more for that little AU lore tidbit I probably wouldn't get to know otherwise (and didn't even expect to see). Well, I'm sure they'll all be collected and posted somewhere one day.
Thanks, Jarvan! Wish I could honor you.
I said vampire stories, not shitty Riot lore.
Vampire folk tales or legends etc. That's the good stuff.
>brother jarvan helps fellow demacian catch infamous serial killer
>liking the Pub´Maw skin
I'll ask again for the new thread, what would you do to help give Mundo a bit of a boost? Any thoughts? An user from the last thread said "give him a real passive" but didn't elaborate.
>lolbabs in charge of proofreading
It's appreciable but not enough to keep me from re-rolling it or dusting the permanent I once had.
are heroes automatically bad if they dont have a high winrate
>Hearing a Sion ult but not knowing where he's gonna come from
PBEts? Featuring 140 ping Jax.
I would imagine that user meant that passive health regen is retarded for an ability because either it's too strong and obnoxious to play against, or it's too weak and not remotely noticeable. Garen and Voli have better versions of the passive by making it more potent and gating it behind some condition instead of just ever present.
Mundo's biggest problem though is how insanely binary and bland his kit is. When he works as intended he's just sitting on top of someone whacking with with E empowered autos, W doing passive damage, and spamming Q until the target either dashes away or dies. It's boring, the champ feels underwhelming and looks like shit to boot. Nothing short of a full VGU is going to fix him.
*blocks your path*
Yeah haha xD my dude
You can stop posting it already
Would you tip?
>enemy picks comet sion
>he literally doesnt expect the sidestep
>tfw he spends entire laning phase running circles around minions trying to get his e at the right angle to hit you but is never successful
Please post cute things!
i have no doubt in my mind that sivir would be on a fucking warpath to my door and obliterate everything in her way just to deliver this pizza to me via throwing it directly in my face and giving me a concussion
no i wouldnt
Would I!
>pizza is out of box and is falling apart before its even delivered
queueing for ranked for first time since, patch, how easy is it to lane against Ka'Sa?
do u have a selfie i could post hehe :3c
>3rd time going 2/5 in my Diamond 5 promos
The cutest!
I always leave the change, but I'd tip extra depending on the delivery time. Would ask on a date if she always arrived early.
i hope you like losing
literally 35% winrate in every role, free pdl
Not nessarily, but the one with the lowest might be worth considering for some balance decisions.
What would you suggest? How would you rework him?
As for the visuals I think if anyone needs a visual rework it's Amumu. I'll agree that Mundo doesn't look as good as he could, but Amumu is hot garbage even by direct comparison
I want to lane AGAINST her, not as her.
>dont get adc
>my adc is a retard and our support is a god
>get adc
>my support is a autofilled retard lux main
Lee Sin players are fucking braindead.
dude legit no one is playing her outside of normals
*ward jumps into bed with your wife*
>she still won that
poppy literally cancer
Which champion FUCKS THE MUSIC
Why didn't the jungler fucking help /ourguy/
Reminder to
>climb to minimum diamond as jungle
>create gold/silver/platinum smurfs
>shitstomp enemy junglers with superior skill
>flame them all the time and tell them they're shit
>shit on them in post-game lobby
you have been reminded.
>Gnar dies to the standard level 3 jungler gank.
>TP's back into lane and dies again.
>despite the fact gnar had the river warded and could see Yi pull a 180 as soon as he started to TP.
>mfw he starts the blame game when he's 0/6/0 and I haven't stepped foot in his lane even once.
God bless speds. Always good for some entertainment.
>Delivering the pizza to someone's house on a plate instead of in a box.
>Putting a table on a pizza that isn't using a box.
>Putting on a baseball cap gives you yasuo hair.
>Letting your bike rest horizontally instead of using the kick-stand.
riot games?
Current list of champions to delete because they either do not belong in League of Legends or are outdated/obsoleted by another design (feel free to add more):
Kai'sa (if not buffed)
Vayne (if Kai'sa buffed)
Diana or Akali
Leblanc (current state)
why hasnt he been banned ye?
what? Poppy is fucking garbage, she won that because they played like garbage, the J4 literally imprisoned the Jhin.
>when Lee is feeding but keeps going in
She did bring it in a box, look at the picture user.
The more I see GGMF in action, the more I come to enjoy it. At the same time, I become more sad that such great concepts were abandoned.
because he's popular
That's not my preferred reading though. I mostly read Economist recommended books/medical nonfiction these days.
lose lane, lose game
wow riot good game you have here
What box? The red thing? That's a thermal bag designed to keep the pizza's hot.
but she then took it out for some fucking reason
I know this will trigger the ever loving shit out of the silver hordes that post in these threads but Garen could literally be deleted right now and noone above silver would fucking notice for weeks
i dont know who this is but i can already tell theyre excruciating to watch
for monkey dick only.
>literally a higher playrate in Plat+ than Ornn, the champion that lolg still insists is broken and pick/ban.
there are so many clips of him dieing because he was too busy typing in /all chat complaining
>silver hordes
also I completely agree
>hes a tank with a silence. go wild
wow great design
/lolg/ said Gnar was OP with a fucking 47% winrate, why take opinions of this general so seriously?
Incorrect antposter
gnar is a bad design regardless of his win rate
>360 gold on kill
doesnt add up
>shitters flock to a freelo champ
>their winrate plummets
>muh winrates
I guess yasuo riven vayne and zed are garbage champs with average or subpar design then
for anal only
christ i hate this
if youre going to be bad at the game and complain, at least type fast
>ban kai'sa in ranked
>everyone on team thanks me and the adc loses his shit bitches at me saying he is going to troll then dodges
besides riven and vayne, yes
>started the day at gold 2, finished the day gold 4 30 lp
can someone recommend a tv show or movie i can watch while i cry myself to sleep
>Me playing my games
>Illaoi is never picked
>be in P1 promos
>Bitch is picked 3 times
>My toplaner lost 3 times against her
>cant gank this bitch or we are dead
>Teamfight happens
>Bitch E's me once
>3k hp gone in 2 seconds
>Lost all my promos because of this failed design
I'm considering banning this bitch forever because instawinning Teamfights with this bullshit should not be tolerated
>#1 player in the world says yasuo is the perfect champion held back by dumb players
>some silver/gold user says otherwise
how its made
he is.
>support leaves bot and goes mid for 3 minutes
am I getting cucked
yasuo is better in lower elos than high because his skill floor is low and he doesn't reward being good at him as much as being good against him
Tristana's W reset should be removed.
i do this when my adc doesnt treat my bussy right
when did faker say that
Only if your support is brainless and doing it for personal reasons.
Idk what you could even do in Teamfights. You cant straight burst her down because there are 4 people more on the enemy. She just wins ever Teamfights with this retarded damage
Because it's not just lolg that thinks Ornn is still broken. He got nerfed way harder than he needed to be, and people just thought "Yeah whatever, it's Ornn, it's super broken!!" despite the stats saying otherwise.
Ornn is like a peasant being burned at the stake because the other peasants don't know why the harvest was shit and needed someone to blame. He -literally- got treated like a sacrificial goat.
Actually I won that due to my Ultra Instinct dodge on that Jim snare.