Other urls found in this thread:
Where the fuck is the OP post.
just like our hopes and dreams
this is going to autosage you massive retard
>Jannies are STILL mad
oh no....
It's a minimalist thread.
/gsg/ - Grand Shitposting General
We don't have an official steamgroup, and never will. We do enough shitposting on the thread anyway. Report and ignore any meme you think isn't dank enough to be here.
We discourage campaign posting. If anyone posts in the thread about any campaigns, promising content or not, be sure it's a /v/tard known for complaining and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging
>>Daily reminder that anything good in history was done by strong independent womyn and men have always discriminated without reason
How fares your Civ 5 save, /gsg/?
On this day in believable history, >implying Muslim calendar meme
769 ・Irish tribe leaders start a new era of wars with the intent of uniting Britain under Irish rule
771 ・Karloman Karling dies for no reason at all
779 ・Lords all across Europe start embracing Ultimogeniture as the preferred succession law
943 ・The lands and lords of Scandinaviums are united under a single, ebin Viking banner
1453 ・A European country named Trady McTrade appears out of nowhere, to conquer all of the known world within 2 centuries
1574 ・The lands and lords of ebin Germaniums is united as the sole leader of the HRE and all of Europe
1678 ・Portugal becomes the first country to colonize Siberia, and the biggest power in Asia and Europe
1836 ・A new era of Westernization starts in Japan, slowly making the country the most powerful on Earth
1914 ・30,000 Italian soldiers massacre 400,000 French, German, and British soldiers using cover from mountains and a seemingly infinite amount of Mustard Gas
1935 ・The Polish army introduces their brand new experimental training system consisting of giant people doing push-ups and dying from the cold
1936 ・The first atomic bomb is dropped on Fyn, Denmark.
# Mods
>[V2] - Victoria 2 : Bronies Crusaders, A alternate History
>Eager to wank my tiger
>Forget to turn historic focuses on
>This shit
we're here...
who is?
its meiou not aeiou fag
and its the fluff event for war of the two peter's, because historically the king did die off and de trastama won but then fucked over england for some reason
>Spain can't even exist for another 100+ years,
wow meiou well done for fucking that up
> I'm not going to break two PUs and then wait in the hopes of them combining.
tag switch muddafugga
>Provence is rightfully part of the royal demesne, as are the Angevin lands.
it's not rightful if you stole them
>Sicily is a vassal of Aragon.
then it's still independent and out of your control
>1678 ・Portugal becomes the first country to colonize Siberia, and the biggest power in Asia and Europe
Should have been Russia discovers cannons
This just keeps getting worse and worse
Fucking based Whites
the unholy alliance
WE = not kspg
kspg =/= us (all me)
Anyone else unable to convert outdated equipment after wanking off their tiger?
>playing Goy$
I'd have a look for you but
>backwards manchus with 100 great war tank I was given and only 8 military factoriies
why is this game so fucking ugly??
It's happened again wtf
Germany can't seem to resist suicide
shut the fuck up shitposter
gee, /grand strategy general/, SIX threads?
my post
d-did you like it?