He still didn't buy DGB

Come on now user, you want to miss the ETH train again?

Other urls found in this thread:


When wil it reach $1? I want to buy some since it is so cheap.

All in since 60-70 sats.

Bought more at 100.

I can't predict when it will happen, I can predict it WILL happen.

Plus DGB will break out between now and 19 may. You should buy right now desu, it's still bouncing so you can pick it up cheap.

Screencap this.

>Comparing dbg to eth.

Could you elaborate with a constructive explanation on why it's supposed to moon, again?

why would it break out?

1. It's extremely cheap at the moment
2. Community
3. Segwit
4. Unique concept
5. Price stability, low price = more micro transactions
6. Flexibility
7. It's extremely cheap at the moment

Is this enough? You could check the community for yourself, you could also check out the site to learn more. This is a coin with a lot of potential.

-Been in creation since 2012

Its longterm

Okay, I can appreciate a coin that doesn't just show out of fucking nowhere and gets shilled to death, like HMQ.

Is it coming, or already implemented?

>Digibytes isn't being shilled to death

today I bought 35k just to be secure.

with this amount it's rather a safe bet.

Big moon once we break 150 sats.


can i join your shill group

1M dgb holder here

these shill threads aren't doing the coin any justice, i know their fun and i get a kick but shill = instant disregard for a lot of people.

read this about dgb if you are interested. If not, there are thousands of other opportunities out there to make money


How do I buy Digibyte

>not buying dgb before it hits 200 sat by end of week

Which exchange? Currently on c-cex which doesn't hold it.

Got 136k, got some when it mooned between 131 and 149.

And got some at 116/117.

Didn't care about buying high, because when Minecraft and Digusign hit, 149 will mean nothing.

Buy BTC, go to Bittrex/Poolooniex transfer BTC there, then exchange it for DGB.

Someone please help, I sigh up to DigiByte, linked my wallet, completed a few "quests", played a few CsGO games and yet still have 0dgb. Am i doing something wrong? ( I forgot to mention I'm completely new to this, my friend recomended it and said to download some digibyte wallet app)

How long ago did you complete the stuff? There might be a grace period involved here since, as a cryptocurrency, any movement of DGBs has to be synced with the rest of the network.

Two days ago, also, I downloaded DigiByte core v6.14.2 wallet and it says its 5 years out of synch. Can it be the problem?

If you're trying to send the DGBs to your locally stored wallet, then yeah, otherwise you could use an online based one.

yeah, try syncing your wallet.

you know how to fix this?

Let it run for 6-8hrs. That's how long it took me this weekend user. Felt good to get my first 1k DGB mining deposited into that fucking wallet when it was done.

You have to leave the program open for 2 days ish
But if you need to close it or turn of your computer your sync progress will be saved though
It won't actually take 5 years btw

thanks pal, I got a GTX titan x 12gb ( well I got two of them.. sli ) is it worth mining how much you think I could get a day mining? I've tried to find information on my card but no success

Dunno, I made a little over 1k mining for 24hrs on my rx480 8gb. Didn't optimize my miner or anything, just used the default settings from the tutorial.

ay can you link the tut please?

Search Google for "dgb miningfield". Make an account, setup a worker, follow tutorial and rake in those coinzzzz

It has already implemented segwit

Show wallet please, id love to see this 1m.


tfw when poorfag with only 100k dgb just kill me

Not that dude obvs but I'm long on DGB. Bought at 80-100sats and holding 500k DGB right now waiting for it to hit at least 50 cents before I consider dumping any. I'll drop a picture when I get home.

The real breakout will happen next year. Expect DGB to hit $1

Updating with my 500k

Same here. Bought at a bit over 100 sats, praying for take-off.

Yeah I think I'll actually buy into this.
Hasn't mooned really, not at an all time high, looks promising, despite what one guy is trying to do it really isn't being shilled that hard either.

We'll make it brother. Just hold on to your coins and don't worry in times of sell offs.

The DGB devs are still working on it three years later with constant advancement and that's better than 80% of coins that have stayed this low so far.

Why is holding 1 mill DGB so unbelievable?
I have a little more then 5mill (which is also not much).

Everyday I believe more, that 95% of anons here are kiddies playing around with just 100$