ot: eyosongive.us
no links edition
ot: eyosongive.us
no links edition
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World Traveler or Globetrotter Riven should be a skin
rate me, im gonna get diamond this season euw.op.gg
I want to lick Kai'sa's sweaty feet!
Give me ONE fucking reason why Riot shouldn't release a chroma pack for every single champion and make it so it can be purchased with Blue Essence.
Changing the colour scheme of a champion's base skin takes 30 minutes of work at best.
Also, by creating stuff that can be bought through B.E. you allow veterans with thousands of B.E. to spend it on something that's actually worth having.
not with that win rate after 450 games,
but if you seriously want to win more, play more kayn and ww
why give away what you can sell?
you seem confused
I didn't know it was possible to have negative points.
dodge at 0 lp.
>tfw no irl jinx gf
hello it is 40%winrate twitchfag. I got my winrate up 7% and I just want to share because im happy :D
also I think Kai'Sa is fun to play
*gets nerfed*
hey man gz, keep at it
>Yup, that tasted purple!
So I have a 10% winrate in SoloQ but still am Silver 2... curious shit.
Why is every single Riven player a screeching baboon virgin? What about this faggot character brings out the apes to slam the keyboard?
Why is every single retard who complains about Riven a screeching baboon virgin? What is it about her that brings the Silver idiots to spew out bs stereotypes about her?
>Inb4 "t. Riven main"
I've never even played her, I'm simply not low elo scum
For all your non-legal League of Legends needs!
t. rivenigger
I don't have any issues beating her, I'm only complaining about the sort of subhuman who plays her
>not low elo scum
sure kid
ekko buffs when
rape me, im gonna get plat this season na.op.gg
how many games do you guys think it'll take me to hit d5? i ended last season at p2 and started this season at g2.
Someone redpill me on pizzadeliverygirl pussy.
>poor foreigners on the pbe that dont even speak english
mute all i guess
>played Poppy Top all the time as I was learning the game
>I'm starting to win more as Poppy Jungle
>mfw I could have been playing Jungle all this time, going anywhere I want even the enemy jungle, instead of hanging out on an irrelevant island
man... fucking top lane...
how do you keep your webms so fucking smooth holy shit
What's stopping me from opening My Shops on my alts until I find the skin I want for cheap and gifting it to my main? It's free to gift skins right?
yeasty. and with all the flour in a pizza place probably doughy
purge when
nuking brazil when
>Ultimate skins are a joke now
What happened?
>not making much money so is probably down to earth and not a spoiled bitch
>can probably get you disounts at the pizza place
10/10 best waifu
Possibly the thing where you can't gift the deals.
What do yours look like?
>sweaty from working around an oven all day, and from getting orders done as quickly as possible
>ahri with 5 dashes instead of 3 at max rank
yes yes yes
>playing blind pick
people actually do this. what is going through their heads?
>he isn't a polyglot
>After fugging you can eat the delicious pizza she brought you
Holy fuck how do other girls even compete?
>Delivery Sivir will never come home after a long day at work and ask you to massage her tired and sweaty feet
got ganked 5 times and never bought a ward
I would buy the deals on the alt and then gift them to the main
Pizza delivery Sivir is overrated shit
this. 100% this.
completely right desu
With the new lore updates on the void and Icathia , how old is Saijax atm? Taking into account that he fought around the time Shurima was still an empire and the ascended beings where still "mass produced" wouldn't make him hundreds, or even thousands of years old?
>that size
>that quality
>still only 2mb
You using the WebmConverter?
>Size limit: 3 MB
>Enable high quality, idk if this does anything but w/e
Ye, Imagine how few skins would be sold if they didn't come with a little drawing.
Predict Kai'Sa winrate
>that nintendo direct
literally everything got ported to that system holy shit
league of legends switch edition W H E N
Cactopus is such a Riot cucked shill. He'd defend them til the earth fucking ended. First he defended the Re Roll rigging and said "It made sense" then he's defending an "Ultimate" skin with four shit chromas.
I wish people flamed the fucktards at Riot a lot more, just so that they'd snap out of it and realize that they aren't fucking gods.
55% she's OP af
insta ban for me, not worse than Zoe but still terrible and unenjoyable to fight against
yeah, here's another one I made earlier I always do 3mb size limit and high quality mode, used to use 2 for some of them beacuse I thought that was the size limit forever
what do you record with? I used to use the in game recording but started using fraps for a bit
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
not if it is Blitzcrank!
How is this slutty fox so tight?
46% in a week. Now she has like 40%
>it's scarra's fault swain was undertuned
death to the fatman
Unfortunately forgot about how replays expired and lost 20 or so the other day so just been pulling clips from wherever.
That's his job, though, right? Try to come across as reasonable while putting a positive spin on things.
Do you play on eune right? If I made an account there I would have like +150 ping
>wanted pool party leona, get project instead
>wanted winter karma, get winter lulu instead
>wanted battle boss blitz, get iblitz instead
>wanted skt t1 zyra, get the fucking trash nami one instead
why doesn't riot want my money
go ap support item on swain it's op.
I'll see about downloading OBS then, it'd do good to remove the fraps.com watermark too
>over microing this hard
Spotted the silver that think he is "lcs".
Annie is tighter
every one of those skins is honestly pretty worth. maybe not Wolf's skin because he's overrated as fuck. iblitz hook is unfair (hitbox is way bigger than the deceptively small particle effect), so it's freelo
How do you level fast? I have a new account at level 30 but after a name change, it's only got one champion.
why dont you people want to play galio in all for one! stupid brazilian subhuman scum
you don't
that's the point
buy boosts and/or play a lot
why the fuck did you spent all your stuff on a name change when you don't have any fucking champs holy
bought the account, name was retarded
>playing galio
>calling others subhuman
>Notice kaisa void ass
i-its huge
im going to fucking kill myself if that you say is real
What is the TL:DR of Reav3's talk on qt's show?
>buy obviously botted account
>immediately change the name
>probably email, too
pity about the voice
Sonas big-bra-busters!
Yo anyone on EUW up for some games add me bored as shit. IG: Toiip
Should I just mute all whenever I play jungle?
i changed email and name 12 hours after buyin it
It is
Irelia will have new ways to reset her Q
Aatrox will get a full gameplay update with all new abilities and passive and a new model (smaller VGU like fiora)
Next champion after irelia is even more bullshit than zoe
galio is cool
thats it, life is overrated anyways
also it didnt have a game played since november
You should probably always mute your team
but ESPECIALLY when you're playing jungle
dear god user please have mercy
>When you look back at a successful play you made only to realize just how fucking retarded you were when you did it.
It is hard to top Zoe. Unless it is CertainlyT top laner.
and they iceboxed the New champion that was supposed to be a full summon control champion like dota's lone druid
>CertainlyT gets a second chance at Mordekaiser
>big brain champ in brainlet moba
gee I wonder why
>fucking after
>letting your pizza get cold
>and not even cold-cold so it's actually cold pizza, it's just room-temperature-cold pizza
Rethink you're are self my man.
Dealing with Riven players gets more difficult when they're the retards on your team, not the enemy
Are these broken again? or was I really really unlucky
I havent played Vayne / MF / Draven in over a year