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/sthg/ #1241 - Wonderland Edition
>Sonic NewsGeneral Interest Links
Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Share art and music, discuss new developments, ROM hacks, speedrunning, shows and comics.
/sthg/ #1241 - Wonderland Edition
>Sonic NewsGeneral Interest Links
Let's finish this thread first.
I fucking hate you all.
Your catchphrase was never funny.
Let's report that thread first
>Tangle is posted on the official sonic twitter
the absolute state of archiefags and anti-tanglefags right now
So the social media is acknowledging Tangle. Hopefully they continue to market IDW Sonic unlike how they mostly ignored Archie.
We're not your personal army, user.
But what if I like Archie & Tangle?
I get the feeling that this still isn't funny even if I knew what on earth you said.
Speak on your own terms, coward.
Your retorts are so good, user.
It isn't meant to be funny, it's supposed to be annoying.
Why are we posting here? Why can't we use that other thread first?
Being annoying is what autists do best I suppose.
>the absolute state of everyone bitching about using the other thread
You are all whiny babies.
>let's reward the shills and shitposters for their faggotry
No thanks
wrong thread number
oh no
It isn't anything. Spamming is not annoying, what do you think people are? Mostly Veeky Forums is made up of the same people that did this shit back as retarded underaged kids. You're just trying to fit into the shitposting crowd, despite being on Veeky Forums. You're fucking retarded.
We should but people want to cause drama over it.
Is Tangle canon now?
Just filter them like I do.
>Shill op
> Shills bumped it overnight to shill more
>Could be 404'd at any time cause of the reports
No thank you.
Only the games are canon.
So the solution is to flood the board with more threads? Genius thinking there mate.
Why are newfags & dramafags acting like /sthg/ having more than one thread up is some new or big deal? Just let the other thread exist & keep using this one, like almost every other time we've had multiple threads up before that whole Mina shit.
It's not that hard.
Refer to the third arrow, speed reader.
Can we talk about Sonic the Hedgehog instead of this shit?
We should just be using that one anyway as to not flood the thread.
What part of the spectrum are you on, user?
what do you want to talk about, user?
How about post something about Sonic instead referring to garbage, punk.
Dramafags need something to bitch over.
Anyways, if SEGA ever made a 3rd storybook game, what should it be like?
No, the solution is:
- One person should ONLY make new generals, like every other general does
- Janitors do their FUCKING JOBS.
We had the whole day of reporting, if that thread dies out of the blue, it's your fault for supporting. The rule that's been established before shitposters shat up the place was
>Use the first available thread, report any other that comes after
You're shitposting, fucking stop.
And now we have three threads on the board as a result.
I wonder if Iizuka being at the panel effects the chance of a new action platformer game being announced
When will SEGA make a better Sonic model? Or make use of the one that had since Unleashed but stop animating them like hot garbage?
Look at the beautiful art I got on my birthday card, /sthg/!
I would rather we use any other thread not under the bump count before making a new one. If the janitors didn't delete it before, then I doubt they would do it now.
Make no mistake, catchphrasefags are the same people who bumped the other thread all night.
You better put that shit on the fridge, user.
The models are at their peak, they just need some Insomniac level cartoony animations
One will go away after page 10.
And the other *should* get deleted because it's been reported many times and isn't stable.
This is the newest general, respectively. Stop. Fucking. Shit. Posting. You sack of underaged shit.
Post Sonic now or else.
>Silver and shadow
My sides are in orbit, nice user
Because people need to bitch about thread numbers again.
What's your favorite sad sonic song /sthg/?
Dante's Inferno
so cute! and happy b-day user!
I'll fucking fight you.
Do you think Sonic books are going to be more common as much as the early 90s?
I'm not knowledgeable about the Storybook series so I'm not sure what should be the next one. What was your idea?
Unleashed model is my favorite but I think it's the lack of dynamic animation issue. Hopefully in the next game?
We should have waited for the other thread to reach page 10 but NO someone HAD to make a new thread.
Sonic is shit, so talking about this is basically the same thing.
It should be cancelled.
Looks like shit.
Why are you so mad about this?
Stop replying to off-topic shitposting, /sthg/.
I can agree, because god damn are the animations in Sonic games bad these days. It's baffling to me that Riders had more expressive animation than what exists in main Sonic games these days.
Possibly. depends on how well things go from here for sonic
Design wise they are at their peak, but one problem comes from stagnation by overusing the same model for like 10 years, and another problem is how the model is constructed to make animations flow well. I think some revisioning to Sonic's cast of models would help make them more viable, especially if SEGA plains to actually use more than Sonic, Tails and Eggman more often based on Forces' direction.
How precious. Give them a big ol hug the net time you see them. Happy Birthday.
This one is cool too: youtube.com
Shut up. Stop.
Only sonic feels now
Why wouldn't the janitors delete this thread potentially?
I love these recolors. I wish Sega would bring them back.
Has anyone ever encountered a Sonic-related arcade machine?
Yeah, it would be nice to see the character be as expressive as they were in Riders.
That's nice
>Two threads
>Just like Sonic's worlds
You all wanna get banished to /trash/ right?
I remember my local Wal-Mart for years had one of those claw machines with Sonic plastered on the front of it, if that counts.
Shit, that model looks nice.
We really should finish up the other thread though before making a new one though
I'm mad because I'm tired of autists. Like, look, not one other poster in the thread post like this, making it clear you're samefagging. This is my problem, you're a literal autist. The start of shitpost starts from your insane misuse of the threadly order. It just sparks unneeded shitflinging, like this is how you live. If you do, get help. You don't have to start shit just trying to make discussion.
I'm tired of this, I'll I want is the shitposting to stop.
Whatever gets us our Rouge milestone.
Maybe you shouldn't have made a third thread when there were two active ones.
This. Stop with the drama shit & post about Sonic, already.
I gotta feel for guys like Aaron, Pollock & Ian. Having to deal with the stupidity of Sonic fans daily.
You talking about SEGASONIC arcade machines or the ones from Olympics and basketball?
Wait what do you mean? I didn't do anything.
>Rouge milestone
>We get sent to trash
Commence the fun
Does that model have fangs? It doesn't look like it has fangs.
I think it should have fangs.
>Using a phone and computer at the same time
This isn't new you know.
This isn't going to work once people have already reported the older thread. If that changed to "just ignore it" then maybe we can do that, but it's too much on thin ice to do that now.
Sonic with fangs is cute. I agree!
Then use it until the other thread reaches page 10 then make a new one.
Who thought a trackball Sonic game would be fun?
You shouldn't be accusing others of being the same person, user. It's rude.
Nobody did, because it's an awful game.
everyones favorite
oh god the pain. where did everything go so wrong?
I just said we CAN'T now when it's been reported, as many user claimed to had happened. It's too risky.
Either use a thread that's safer or for the next time, just leave the extra thread only then use it afterwards if it's available. Last thing we need is mid deleted threads because the Jannies suck at their jobs. It happened in the past.
What is it about Sonic that attracts this level of autism?
Is it the bright colours? The speed? The generally simple character designs and ease of OC creation?
Help me pinpoint a specific cause.
Mina Milestone Maybe?
You forgot, dominantly not human.
super form - dbz autists
story - anime autists
fast - autists
blue - autists
furry - autists
>blue - autists
A single color can not be autistic.
>Sonic Heroes 2
>Team Super
>Team Story
>Team Fast
>Team Blue
>Team Furry
Chocola replacing cheese when?
Cream needs to love chaos if all colors
I wish Sonic had them back too. I miss them.
Keep a leash on your resident autist and stop letting him out of this shithole.
Wasn't there a site that leaks Patreon rewards?
Chocola a weak trash Chao, letting itself get captured like a little bitch, wasting everybody's time. Should just wrap itself into its gay-ass cocoon and die forever Desu.
>blue = autist
So everyone is an autist thanks to the Earth? Well fuck.
yiffparty or some shit
but we're all autists here
mirrors edge?
If someone got a link that'd be great. I ain't gonna google that.
Route 99 from Sonic Advance 3 if you're not joking around.
I drew Rouge, /sthg/
Not bad
Looks like shit.