Post your historical love-hate relationship
Post your historical love-hate relationship
All of the Founding Fathers of America.
Especially Jefferson
mostly hate, but at least he was a nationalist
I know I would have hated him, but he was funny
get out fag he was an unemployed shitter, all he did was articulate & synthesize utopian theories of the time, highly overrated the results have been shit. oh and he was a kike.
Marx had several jobs
I'm gonna have this post printed and put it up on my wall. Best sentence I've read this year.
>someone posts a picture of Marx
>immediate butthurt
I think the only group on Veeky Forums so easily triggered as anti-communists would either be Kantfags or Thomists.
>being this triggered by someone who has a mixed opinion of marx
We elder scrolls drug lore nao
Who invited tumblr?
that imperialism was part of my history. that we didn't get to see what our nation would be, if it was built by our own hands. now we forcefully kind of have to thank the imperialist for paving the way to the nowadays life. that's why i'm never proud of my heritage, of my culture, of my skin color.
Depends really.
UK, France and the Netherlands made their wealth with their own productiveness, trade with colonies just enhanced that.
Spain and Portugal gained wealth from their colonies, and squandered it.
yeah but i'm not them. i'm the eastern subhuman one. all the stuffs that we built are possible to be built because the dutch paved the way for us. i don't care how backward we are, i just want to see the nation that is built purely by our own hands. i want to be proud, i want to feel good about something.
I respect this cunt.
alex jones ?
He's a smug cunt about my favorite HRE, but he was right about everything else
He sucked at being general but he was great emperor.
>not pure hatred
He was a hypocrite who supported many authocratic monarchs while officially condemning despotism.
Caeser. What a glorious man, a great general, massively charismatic, the pinnacle of a Roman, but a Tyrant who shattered the republic. I love him and hate him for having the balls to do it and for doing it.
>Being so contrarian you go full circle and accuse right wingers of being from Tumblr and Reddit
Oh Veeky Forums
w2c jacket like his
Weakened the Qizilbash and consolidated power.
Wasted these efforts by blinding all of his sons.
>great general
when will you fags let this meme die he was good that is it, so far away from being a great general.
Anyone wanna talk about him?
Also, nice trips.
One battle.
Battle of alesia.
Who cares what he was like as a general?
One of the best things about Augustus was that he knew his own shortcomings: he knew he was no Julius Caesar on the battlefield, and so he had Marcus Agrippa to use in warfare. The guy was a genius.
The Republic would have been better than ever under him. The fucking senate was literally what destroyed Rome.
>"fuck that"
>"lets kill him instead"
>muh kang
>ok lets go head with those reforms
He wanted power. He repeatedly stated that he wanted to be supreme. The republic under Caeser is a contradiction, it would not be a Republic if it were under Caeser. Caeser also promoted street violence in support of his power, and commited a great deal of crimes while Consul. They weren't trying to kill him for fun, they were trying to kill Caeser initially because he had broken several laws. The Senate was a stagnating body, and a broken one, but it contained capable men and could have been fixed if Caeser had been what you want him to have been, rather an actual Dictator who quite literally announced five years worth of election results before heading out to Parthia.
It's a running tragedy from the Gracchi to Augustus.
I know everyone here does one way or another, surprised he hasnt been posted yet
Literally name one positive thing about him.
greeks vs persians
fucking greeks looting our tomb REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe
The last 50 years of this country's existence, since we're talking about hypocrites.
Great family man.
Honestly should have chosen self-exile with his whole family and stay in Denmark that he loved tbqh