>Game controls and mechanics, character info, etc:
Previously on /dbfzg/:
>Game controls and mechanics, character info, etc:
Previously on /dbfzg/:
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine a world where every character was as fleshed out as Cell
>Fucking up the OP
user WHY
Looks pretty clean to me
I feel like playing this game is going to teach me bad habits
click the link user
>DLC Pack 1 revealed:
>Basic mechanics:
>PS4 and Xbox controls:
>Characters moves and statistics:
>All assists:
>List of hidden mechanics:
>How to unlock Android 21 and SSGSS Goku and Vegeta:
>Prima guide:
>CouchWarriors guide:
>Semi-universal combo route:
>Numeric Notation Sheet:
>Hitbox/Hurtbox info:
>Network colors (the square next to the name):
>Ranks and their respective amounts of BP:
>[un]Official Anime Music Pack:
This is way better, Tbh
Are you autistic?
The only character who isn't fleshed out is Teen Gohan. What a boring moveset.
Every other character has some cool tech shit to go along with all their moves. Teen Gohan just has the bomb loop combo and then the retarded button combinations on his rapid teleport kick.
He should have had grounded rapid teleport punches too
Teen Gohan is fine, he just needs a standard Kamehameha for neutral. Even a shitty one like Yamcha's would at least be better the nothing he has now.
How would you even buff Teen Gohan? Everything about him just sucks.
I only decided to do the pastebin because it's the fourth or so time I've seen the thread hit page 10 because people wouldn't want to copy the OP. Anyone who's new, you'd just say to "read the OP" anyway, so they'll just click the pastebin link and find the info..
ASW should give Frieza 3 jumps to make up for the fact that his j.2H basically does almost nothing
It's a change that would fit the character well
I'd say making his attacks just suck people in slightly so that he can combo consistently. ChrisG was labbing him the other day and his summary of T. Gohan was just that all his shit was inconsistent.
What a dumb post.
>that his j.2H basically does almost nothing
if you land j.5H you can combo it into j.2H
the little leap he does in j.2H allows you to get a surprise hit
Beerus just isn't a very good character. Please change my view.
He's a point character that relies heavily on assists
His normals are terrible :(
>enemy lands body swap on me as ginyu
>I know how to play ginyu
>they don't know how to play frieza
He's got one of the best punish moves in the game, despite it's priority
>got to majin while only knowing the basic generic air bnb
it is 100% okay to disconnect against 16 if it's ranked
just saying
Don't be a bitch, user.
Running away from someone stronger than you just makes you a coward
running away from the gayest character in the game so it doesn't impact my rank is completely acceptable, but only against 16
Frieza is the gayest character in the game
You can't blame him for that. Freiza's entire race is male.
>Frieza is constantly naked but gets embarrassed when in a tight swimsuit
This is the only reason I have Ginyu on my second team. Both me and my sparring buddy have a second team where we practice Ginyu.
>16 players
>a gohan players
Why even bother?
Sparking is a ridiculous and broken mechanic. Prove me wrong.
I can tell you never played UMVC3
You should look up X-factor MvC3
>another fighting game has it, therefore we must have it too
I'm just saying that it could've been way worse
>comeback mechanics shouldn't exist
Sparking is baby tier compared to X factor
Show me where sparking lets someone kill an entire team in 15 seconds
Use the multiple movement mechanics to stall it out and stop bitching.
>mfw people sleep on the slow-fall tech
Can you give me a reason why they should exist? If you get outplayed and lose because of it there shouldn't be an additional mechanic bundled in to give you a crutch. You got outplayed, you lost, git gud and accept it?
One thing I love about FighterZ is that every KO resets things to complete neutral, so there's no sht like teleporting while another character's still flying out.
I can't because you're retarded user. Sorry.
Is this order okay? I kinda wanna use someone else instead of Goku but he's a good all-rounder to fill the void in my team. Any suggestions on who to replace him with or should I just stick with him?
This but unironically
But think of it like this, you both have the comeback mechanic, so if they actually make the comeback, despite you having an advantage in health/characters/meter/ect while their opponent also has the mechanic....doesn't that mean they outplayed them overall?
The regen is absolutely retarded. Level 3 supers are literally useless against sparking because their health will just regen by the time the supers over. I think level 3 sparking lasts too long too
Using it as a comeback mechanic is old meta. Using it to kill a character with full life is the new meta. Also. if you're outplaying the guy so much, hitting him with a couple more combos to kill him off shouldn't be so hard, right? Well no, that isn't always right. Matches aren't static. They could be downloading you and then the tables turn, now you're the one getting outplayed and needs to pop sparking. now which one of you ends up with the win? You? Hey, you outplayed him after all. Good job. The other guy? Guess you got outplayed at the very end. Well, you lost, git gud and accept it, those were your words. I'm just saiyan
Goku has a great assist, so Nappa would probably be better point. But you don't have to go by any sort of logic with your team if you don't want to.
Homing dash is a terrible mechanic. Prove me wrong
My best characters are Goku and Captain Ginyu, but I'm having a hard time picking a third character for my team. Any recommendations for capping off the team?
Just use Tien like the rest of the cunts
Dogura's Kid Buu consistently winning neutral against G01's Gohan and Cell
And people try to tell me Kid Buu is not clearly the best point in the game
Why is Tien considered a cunt chararacter?
Probably pic related
Kid Buu isnt the best because hes pretty hard to use and git gud with. He has the unga going for him but thats it for easy mode
I don't mind running Nappa on point, since I did when I first started out. I just gotta get better at neutral with him.
Nappa with two beams behind him actually sounds terrifying, though
>suddenly earthlings and super saiyans doing IADs and actual BnBs
Did everyone decide to stop playing in casual today?
Something needs to be done about android 16. Not because Im having trouble against him, but because every god damn team I get matched against is using him now. Holy fuck I have so much experience fighting 16s now but literal no experience against Freeza or Nappa. Seriously we need some variety in this game.
Played 20 games today and Black was in 18 of them
Every fighting game has a character that you see a majority of the time.
If they nerf 16, someone will just take his place, probably Cell.
Every person except my friend plays Tien as an anchor and then goes for some kind of cheap combo into neo tri-beam as a last resort. It's annoying because you see it coming from a mile away and you have to take him out without being tapped once or else you're dead.
And most people will suck ass with Cell because he at least requires effort to learn. 16 is both easy mnode and broken.
rate my team
Goku Black/Cell/16
Adult Gohan and Vegeta as secondaries
SonicFox uses Hit, though.
R8 my H8
>Absolutely disgusting
Android 16
>Pretty gay, plays with very little respect, Probably will go back to playing fortnite when his character is nerfed.
Goku Black
>Totally acceptable
Everybody else
u rite
>Will Spam Autocombo
Goku Blue
Eh once you learn to block his high his auto combo is easily punished
>tfw played black and cell day 1
Now everyone thinks I'm a tier whore
I would use A. Gohan because I like him, but I like my current team and don't want to switch anyone out.
How do you increase story completion? I already beat story mode, but it isn't capped.
If only there were some option on the story menu that had a list of things to do.
>People who hate 16
Sucks at neutral
>People who hate AG with 2 beams or wih 16
Perfectly fine
>People who hate Black
Saibamans who like to superdash and afraid to push buttons when Black ITs
>People who hate Cell
Bb/gg soyboys who rely on burst to get them out of combos
Retard here. Three questions
>Are there any assists that hit high or low? Or do all of them hit normally?
>Is there something that combos off the universal overhead? Half the time I use it my opponent gets hit but then immediately punishes me or resumes blocking because it doesn't feel like there's anything you can do after it.
>How exactly do you punish a dragon rush that's mixed into a blockstring? How do you do the thing where both guys start punching each other and it resets to neutral?
Pretty sure all assists hit normal.
Universal overheads can be combo'd with assists, or if you're in sparking you can air dash after the hit into more lights, into a combo.
If you hit with 6M raw normally, then you can't follow up combo unless you're someone that can do attacks that have a delay.
Dragonrush is the universal grab. You tech them.
Why does kid buu feel so hard to play? I thought he was mister unga bunga
his is unga but you must master the unga to unga
I wanna get into this game
What do I need to be wary of when assembling and getting gud at a team?
I have been watching tournies and strims and it seems like the entire field is playing the same 6 dudes (goku negro, cell, 21, 18, 16 with a few splashes here and there of people like Hit and Vegeta)
What an I getting into here?
Just pick whoever you like and get in there.
Those characters Gohan Blanco and minus 18 and 21 are the meta. Black in particular is impossible to escape online.
Pretty much every character is viable, but some are clearly better than others. 16 and Cell in particular outclass everyone else.
What if I hate Black because I'm tired of seeing him in every single match
How do the colors work? In order to gain a rank you have to win against the same color? If the color is lower than your own then you don't risk losing rank and if it's higher than your rank then you can't get a higher color from fighting that person?
What reason is there for this when you can selectively fight whoever you want and see their color before agreeing to match?
>a few splashes here and there
Are you me?
You got it. You can only rank up/down from winning/losing to your same color. Other colors are irrelevant. The threat system is extra retarded.
How it's computed is a mystery but its a combination of number of matches played against what color and your win rate against that color. I was light green before I got dumpstered against a pink on a ring match. After that long session I got orange
>people who play 16
But why though? What do you possibly have to gain from doing so?
No, it's actually much simpler than that. It's a point system: you have to obtain 10 points to achieve the next color. Winning a match against someone of the same color will earn you a point, losing to the same color will take away a point. All other colors are irrelevant. I believe once you rank up, you start at 5 points for that color so you can't lose it immediately after receiving a rank.
Beerus 214S is a lot more useful than I thought, especially against the bullshit that is SD in the air.
Winning, probably
How to spot the Cell/16/Black player
Despite the tier whores, there are some people who just like 16 as a character or enjoy taking people to the space jam.
I find interesting that as good as 16 is objectively he isn't remotely used by Koreans/Japanese as much as Cell. I would even say that i've seen more high rank games with A. Gohan/Black than 16.
But Im demon and I play 18/kbuu/vegeta ?
So I've been using Ginyu/Cell/Goku Black for ranked and I've gotten up to Android, and I'm considering switching Goku Black out for Kid Buu since he looks fun, and setting him up on mid and switching Cell to anchor. What I wanna know is, how do I go about using this angry little man?