why does she pose like this?
dont hit the image limit too early or we cant post cute pictures of nico!
Let's try to have a decent thread, 'kay?
To get the attention of boys
Chika loves her beautiful senpai Dia-chan!
God damn it lads why is Umi so sexy
Look at her amazing legs, sporty breasts and gorgeous long hair
umi is actually very unsexy
Because it's the perfect expression of relaxation and well deserved confidence.
Holy shit we actually got a Honk thread. Sort of.
>bitches at her friend for wanting to be an idol
Not going to argue about petty shit, only that she is a laid-back and calm person at heart.
Fucking honkniggers and their honkniggering threads
I had a nightmare that I was not able to able to see Emma's huge boobs for a day!! :o
can someone do me a favor and post the old awkward μ's artwork for me
Shut up, avatarfag. Cute wives deserved their thread.
How did Nozomi go from this to being so fucking fat
>Deleting cute Second Years
Piece of shit janny
Cute mentally challenged goddess!
I love her!
Shittiest girls in the series. I hope they get skinned alive and then dumped in a vat of acid.
Nozomi somehow looks even uglier than she does now. Is that even possible?
*Best girls in Muse. I hope they each get statues to commemorate their greatness.
Of course it's possible. She looks great now.
Please do not look at my wife like that. She is clearly uncomfortable when you do that to her and her panties are for my eyes and nose only.
imagine choosing to have an imaginary wife and then out of every female character out there you pick dia
This was actually my first UR, so it holds a special place in my heart.
I would if I had to touch Honk
If she was I can't blame her. The stench from Honk's breath must be foul.
You have a nice wife. I hope you treat her well!
Threadly reminder that if you ship you're low test.
Well damn, I just got a scouting ticket from a silver
Love live and king of fighters when?
Your wife is garbage and so are you.
Adorable dorky lesbian wives.
Quit spamming, piece of shit flips.
I want to stick my thumb in Maru's mouth!
What did Chika mean by this?
Man, is that artist's style deplorable. They should never draw Love Live art. Doesn't mesh at all.
Yoshiko is not even a pervert, it was Maru, dumb artist.
Yoshiko/Ruby Punk Set Soon?
Fucker, don't ever talk about art again if you don't even now what it is, you ignorant piece if scrub
Have you seen Zuramaru's zuras? There's no way Yoshiko wouldn't turn into a pervert.
real yoshiko doesn't care actually.it is why her name is yoshiko.