Your definition of white race ? Are Slav people white ?
Your definition of white race ? Are Slav people white ?
It's a social construct.
Race isn't a social construct itself, it's a biological fact.
There's no contradiction between these statements.
Race? Anyone caucasian.
White per sé? Any caucasian who does not look visibly semitic, mongol or hindu
I think white as a race is a dumb term imported from the americas.
It makes sense there, but not anywhere else.
There are italians, french, germans, swedes and russians.
Calling them all white is just a left wing tool to attempt to discredit their race. They're not white, they're italians, french, germans, swedes and russians.
If you absolutely want to call them all by one name, I'd suggest european or caucasian.
Ashkenazi Jews are more white than Slavs and Mediterraneans
>Your definition of white race ?
You are white if society considers you white. There is no other sensible definition.
My definition is that they are a spook, like any other race.
All white
>Ashkenazi Jews are more white than Slavs and Mediterraneans
>mfw Slavs are literally the whitest race on Earth after Balts
>Your definition of white race ?
neither history nor humanities
>Kentucky and West Virginia
>not white
Kill your self, my man
What data is this supposedly using?
Because at least in America's case, it looks terribly wrong. Florida is whiter than The South, California is less white than Texas, and West Virginina, the whitest state in the entire country, is the same colour as fucking Haiti and sub-saharan Africa.
If you're saying here that the Caucasoid Ethiopians are less white than fucking khoi-san or Congolese apes then you're retarded beyond belief
Is this the autistic Brazilian? Can you man the fuck up and stop shitposting about muh whiteness? That's why you'll never get a thicc gf.
>Middle Eastern / Turkic mongrels are more white than Europeans
t. Schlomo
>any US state other than Maine
topity kek
>West Virginia (3rd whitest in the US) is not white
>California (2nd least white in the US) is white
Really makes you think.
see They should all be light blue.
That's because white race is a BIOLOGICAL, GENETIC cathegory while ethnicities and languages are cultural.
Scandinavians, Balts and West Slavs are the whitest Europeans.
But it's not. No one uses a technical criteria for whiteness based on A, G, T and C because it doesn't fit into anyones ideology.
A 3/4 Dutch, 1/4 Lebanese would be more tightly inside the European genetic cluster than a Sicilian. Even if you reversed the fractions the hypothetical individual would share more AGTC with other Europeans than a Greek Cypriot would.
White race is a social construct more than anything.
A scientific definition of race would use a mixture of components to describe populations and this is what geneticists do.
>White race is a social construct more than anything.
So is any taxonomy.
Do you deny the existence of colors because they exist on a spectrum?
>Sardinians ain't white
>If you absolutely want to call them all by one name, I'd suggest european or caucasian.
I'm kinda intrigued by this.
So you object to using the word "white", but are perfectly fine with the word "caucasian"?
Why is the choice of word to designate the same thing so important to you?
If you mix blue and red no one will deny it's purple.
Meanwhile uniform white race enthusiasts would say violet is red and reddish purple is blue.
Irish and Greeks or Russians and Portuguese aren't the same thing despite all having some common descent.
But they're similar enough to distinguish them from other groups such as east asian ethnicities or african ethnicities, which is why it makes sense to group them together as "white".
Do you also hold the same opinion about east asians? That it makes no sense to consider chinese, japanese and korean peoples members of the same race? Or does that just apply to whites?
White generally refers to any reasonably pale-skinned Caucasian of European ancestry.
And anyways, it's funny how you strawman about "uniform white race enthusiasts".
Those racist /pol/ alt righters, huh?