/mhg/ - Monster Hunter!

Cute meowstress sluts!

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Post or find a room ID. Squads are not searchable without one. 3DS use passcode 7243.
World, Preference: Small Monsters - Message: Zenny Farming - Private: No
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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worldbabs btfo

What monsters do you think will be added to World? Besides Jho, since it's confirmed.



it's shit

Anyone got a webm of a downed monster getting big bang comboe'd in the head?

Do monsters online have higher blast thresholds? That's dumb.


All thresholds are increased for multiplayer.

They have higher everything


>cant buy or meld throwing knives

such shit. i guess sleep knives would be too OP with GS around

So I'm learning how to use CB for the first time since its come out
Why haven't you fuckers told me it was this fun

I love it. I starded playing hammer today and it's such a brute weapon. It legit makes me feel kinda bad for the monsters when i'm pounding their brains into mush.

Sleep meat is a thing, use it with the stealth mantle


you thought it was jho but it it was a me, Mario! bing bing WAHOO

Anyone need help with anything?

Shouldn't you be blogging on reddit, Dakw'anduh?



Is that the rapist hunter from the last Erohon?

Don't forget to finish your limited bounties, /mhg/!

How do I disable damage dealer? I'm tired of seeing my BF do 13000+ damage every hunt

negative iq post


Don't forget to learn the entire weapon, and not jut the flowchart leading into SAED.

where can I get a link to the discord?




Check the pastebin.

Oh you want Jho?

Can the bowgun even stun monsters? Trying the Great Maccao set I get a lot of KO points but it looks useless

Do you have some kind of obsession with adam?

I just started playing on /mhg/ rooms, is it okay if I just send everyone my guild card? I had a few sent my way

Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos. Then MHWUltimate will release.

>Spread Jewel 3
Is this worth making a bow build for? Seems like the only worthwhile deco I've gotten so far. Not really sure how to bow, just checking if its good enough to learn.

session id

I love this Castlevania character

Learning a few of the different guard points right now
Need to learn axe form, fighting Xeno was annoying when I was trying to fuck his face up, couldn't always reach it

any viable GL builds? i feel like im doing something wrong

I've been using the CB longer than Adam though.

Who the fuck recommended G.Jagras for spread HBG? It doesn't even fucking load spread 3. SPREAD 3 IS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF SPREAD. I want names, NOW.

Free Espinas from Frontier.

good players in today:

>that build
not talking about CB or any weapon usage tho

Why would you think someone recommending Teo or Jagras had any idea what they were talking about?

Crystal Scorpion in World when?

I really want Rajang

You're not a CB main until you at least experience Gen/XX CB.
If you want to go even further, then vanila 4 CB: youtube.com/watch?v=uknJT7orFvE

Health has been confirmed for new augment meta. I repeat, health is new augment meta.

I want a female Nerg

Oh look another Arrekz Guncance user.

I haven't been able to get on in a week, where the fuck are you people getting sunglasses.

Can you imagine getting a Handjob from Nerg? Jesus christ.

My wife, in three weeks more.

What do you mean then?


fuck even on my third legit hunt with a HH, Val hazak was fucking trivial with Teostra's horn's negate all ailments.

Why would you lie to me

>5 phials

what shitter made this

I have SIX phials man

With spikes absolutely fucking everywhere save for Nerg's paws, I guess it would be the safest thing to get from it.

Anything they already have the skeleton for.

I miss 10 phials energy blade

What's the point when everyone brings miasma anyways?

post rare huntresses


How well does SnS fare regarding a elemental builds?

I'm performing fine now that I've got a handle on the moveset but I have a hard time judging SnS damage since it has neither big individual hits or the unga bunga spam of DB. I just want some perspective before I blow a bunch of mats on different elemental weapons.

question when doing the melding stuff
how do I know in what cycle im in? (1-1-2)
if I do a meld do I reset that cycle?

Elemental Gunlance in World

spam backhop

So no jho?

It fares well

Too slow

If you're going to be a horn bitch you damn well better be bringing an attack up horn, cuck.

Doe backhop charge have some janky elemental scaling or something?



user please, i made that build because i had to make vaals shit work since i liked it so much. besides, i updated it to this since the capacity boost seem like a waste

>400+ hrs
>all trophies
>mfw still don't have a protective polish gem
That's it, I'm jerking off and going to sleep
Probably calling it quits on the game too, fuck this rng tbqh family see all you in mhw z or whatever shit they plop out

no jho

>Limited bounty: Slay Vaal

It just has really high mvs

This. If your not making me stronger your getting kicked. Bring Bazels horn or just fuck off.


All of the past flagships are an easy pick.
Mostly want to see Glav, Gore, Astalos, Valfalk, Deviant Blos, Seregios, and Brachy.
Also Jang.

I'm in and there are 13 people here
it's case-sensitive

>Limited bounty: Slay Vaal

I've failed against Xeno 3 times now. I just don't know what to do. The openings seem very limited because you never know when he's gonna start shitting AoE explosions. My last failed attempt took 35 minutes. It used all my items. I know I'm gonna get bullied for this I'm just so discouraged that I don't even want to play the game again. The monster itself just isn't fun to fight I'd rather do anything else. It has so much HP. I feel like i hit on it and hit on it and hit on it and nothing matters. I'm just so sad.

You now realize that the only flagships in World are from MH1, MHG and MH2. You're welcome.

>he thinks spin off flagships are coming back

Learn the tells for his explosions. There aren't that many.

>vaal hazak bounty

If you really can't kill that big baby then you use glaive, it's just cheat levels of fucking him up.

I wouldn't mind Glav but the others can fuck off.


The only mainline games are 1, Dos, tri, 4 and World. You realize this right?

Every G-rank game is a spinoff.

how is this allowed? I have a shortage of pretty much every other hero's