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I want to tell Cassiopeia that I think she's beautiful!



how do i play adc i right click but my minions kill the minions before i do

best LCS player

right click strategically

>midlaner is """roaming""" while there is a huge fucking minion wave at his SECOND tower
>it's not even 16 minutes yet


Wait, I thought they reverted Banner + Baron minion buff. Why Can I still Banner a Baron minion?

Even without Baron buff though this shit is hilariously broken on Yorick.

Refresher's Talisman
Active: For the next 5 seconds cast any one skill, summoner spell or active item regardless of cooldown, all cooldowns resume afterwards
60s CD
passive: receive 10 AD/15 AP adaptive for every skill summoner or item on cooldown

>"Hey user, I'm exhausted after work do you just want to cuddle on the couch and eat some leftover pizza I brought home?"
>tfw no Pizza Delivery Sivir GF

Oh dont worry

The guy responsible for the rengar rework and the first ryze rework is reworking waveclear. All of it.

no way fag

>Girl-Next-Door blowing thots out of the water
Best timeline.

I still prefer Zz'rot to banner on Yorick. Especially thanks to double Rot.

they nerfed a specific thing. Baron buff gives a specific buff to the siege cannon and banner gave the same buff now banner doesn't give that specific buff but still buffs everything else.

>It's an 1/2/1 with 25 CS at 10 minutes tries to roam bot episode
Love it

>Tower Diving a fucking Udyr
As a Warwick player this upsets me. Udyr is the one nigga that WW can not go in like that on.

>>It's an 1/2/1 with 25 CS at 10 minutes tries to roam bot episode
it's always a fizz too. why can fizz players never cs?

man she is gorgeous!

Anyone got Poppyfag's pics?


Nice, I haven't tried the new Swain yet.


Tell me my name for my Morde/Kayn main account Veeky Forums

Well okay 14 day ban I guess. This game is too much for me, I can't handle all these retards.

>tower diving udyr that early in the game

I meant to say "Kat" roams but it applies to Fizz too.
>Why can't Fizz players CS?
Because anyone that plays a lane assassin is playing TDM. The same applies to jungle assassins to an extent too but they generally bring more value to a team than their lane counterparts.


Noxus to Fall


>midlane is literally PvE under turret for 20 minutes than roam bot
How did it get this bad?


Really tired of some friends I have and want to sell my account a buy a new one.

How much is this, all champs, gold 2, baron Santa and haroween ghost icons from 2012, and and LAN beta tester icon (20ms here in miami) worth? Account is in NA.

Someone help me figure out a kai'sa adc build. I've been building botrk>guinsoos every game and doing extremely well in it, but after that im at a loss. On instinct im tempted to get runaans/shiv into IE. And after that I've only tried essence reaver in practice tool and it doesn't seem terrible. Also has anyone memed with manamune?

>order pizza
>put in special request
>"just fuck me up senpai"
>order is some bullshit that you can tell is made to comfort someone
>20 minutes later get knock at the door
>open it in presentable enough clothes
>its a qt girl
>not even phased
>tip handsomely with a 20
>"im sorry for the trouble"
>she tells me to keep it as i close the door
>"my boss said i should be sure youre okay before leaving so i have a n hour to be sure all is well"
>invite her in
>give her a beverage and offer snacks
>turn on how its made
>"user why are you like this"
>cant even muster a mumble for an answer
>just eat and look depressed
>before i realize it shes hugging me
>just start tearing up
>continue eating pizza
>she leaves after half the pizza is gone
>she gave me my whole payment back with a note
>"it'll be okay user. ill always be here for you just like i was there in season 1 carrying you"
>it was my ex they sent
>she looks just like pizza delivery sivir
i dont wanna feel this feel again. not now not ever
if she still played shed be playing sivir right now

The cockmuncher

i'll buy it for a tenner

>not maining adchad and swim in e-pussy
you hate life

>Queue for ADC primary and Jungle second so I can switch it up and play Kai'Sa bot
>Jungler ahead of me in pick order wants to pick Kai'Sa, he switches off and soft locks Kayn instead
>Tell him I don't mind picking something else, he's grateful and we exchange friendly conversation about the champ
>Top laner begs me for ADC role prior (to which I agree to, I don't really care at present) and afterwards begs the Jungler to not play Kai'Sa
>Both of us shrug him off
>He dodges
Nigga it's fucking normals holy shit why are people faggots about people trying out this champion. I want to say I don't remember it being this bad in recent releases but I missed out on the past three and I rarely want to play new champs on release anyway.




(just lost 2 games, both with her on my team)

>No one will ever care about my depression

Azirs like the one champion I know can be cute no matter what.

they took out manamune interaction before release

hurricaine is good on her

>Be me
>Trying to learn how to play Tryndamere
>Winning easily, our Kat is carrying
>Late game
>See Kat at bot with all 5 enemies there at base
>Go in to help
>Going back and forth, think she's signalling to dive in
>Follow after her
>Within the seconds it took to get there she's already deleted three of them
>Kat at half health
>Think "Oh fuck, I gotta hurry and get in there before she's killed!"
>Spin attack in
>Both dead
>Kat got Quadra kill
>I got one
>Mfw I spun in outta nowhere and robbed her of a Penta
>Mfw she deserved it
>Mfw my "help" really wasn't needed and all I did was steal her Penta out from under her by spinning in out of nowhere

If you're out there Kat, I'm so sorry.

I really don't see the point on going guinsoos to be honest.

I like to go botrk > shiv and PD > finish boots > IE > either bt if I'm ahead, GA if im behind or vs good assasins, or mercury if they have too much CC.


Best secondary runes for Kayle? I usually go Sorcery for the 10% CDR, but after Nashor's and Lichbane I already have 100% uptime on E.

I broke my left hand and it's going to be in a cast for 2 months or something, should I buy a g600 and try to play league with one hand?

Riot is really jewing the fan art for this new ‘’’’ultimate’’’’ skin

>Interacting with your team mates at all instead of just autistically pushing
You are playing Tryndamere wrong as fuck. Play Shen if you're going to be like that.

>All this blog posting.
>tfw people no calling them out

come on rebbit, step up your game

is there a way to use the old client? my toaster can't handle this new one.

Are they pulling a blizzard?

>DIG pings baron

How can your toaster even run the game then?

sorc is probably best. second is inspiration, you get the extra attack speed for doing it.

Yeah I keep seeing ggmf art on all their social media. More than they’ve posted for any other skin. And this one is fucking garbage for that price tag.

>sorc shoes Yorick

ekko buffs when he sucks in the top lane

why does camille exist? i won and i don't feel good about it.

why can't wukong do something flashy with a long ranged escape/initiation AS boost stun double auto reset MS boost %damage aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Got to make it sell ever since the PR disaster on their normie media channels.

You're retarded stop posting faggot
Learn to play the champ before crying buffs brainlet

>those lips


ekko is really strong right now shut the fuck up.

Do I basically HAVE to buy this?

Shit they're really gonna force that shit on us instead of scrapping it?

Wait, is that actually how you're supposed to play Tryn? Seems like that'd just hurt the team when team fights happen and I'm not there.

Also, every time I tried to push lane, Aatrox and Syndra would come to try and stomp my ass. Most of the time I could get away, but there was one or two times they got me so I figured it was best to stick to the group.

Is it okay to get some tank on evelynn? like an abyssal mask or something to deal with teamo shrooms???

shit skin
not worth
any skin you see here is worth it

in the midlane yes but his winrate top is very low

My toaster runs the game at 40-50 fps with everything low but the client gives me a lot of trouble.

I use a laptop tho.

trips and I open these

No. Reported.

Tryndamere is not a team fighter, he is a pusher 100%. He fucking kills people that try to stop his push or hauls ass if he can't kill them. He's extremely slippery and a very strong duelist. He is basically the original split pusher.

Will Mordekaiser's rework have an in-universe explanation? Will his new look be the result of uniting his skull and bones in the Immortal Bastion?

>Low IQ Toplet cries about how something can't work in HIS lane

This is Hashshitshist Jr.
He's mad his poor little black son can't be played the way HE WANTS IT REEEEEEEEE
Bloo Bloody Whoo

>where dubs are disabled
>where the only option is 0s
5 and you open them, you cum drinking faggot

Vladimir fed Veigar, a fucking Vladimir lmao.
Kept walking into Veigars stun and we lost. We almost had a Veigar on our team, but no, a fucking Vladimir.

I fucking hate solo Q

If you need it.
Most tankiness I see on eve is just the health from morello or rarely liandry's

There's a hard deadline set for GGMF's release, plus they'd be flushing all their resources down the drain if they can it.

Either we see improvements, "improvements", or they try to pull this "it's not an ultimate skin so it's only 2755" and shit on their player base, especially the few MFfags that exist.

So close

>he doesn't listen to weeb music while playing league
defend yourselves lolbabs

draw pressure without dying
be big enough force more than one person to respond to your pushes
unless you get some sick flank on a team fight you'll usually just get kited/peeled unless you have a zilean/karma

>I want my champ to be amazing in top, mid and jg

>get auto filled support
>whatever pick my main girl Nami
>my Tristana keeps jumping under enemy tower and into WW
>I remember why I don't support anymore

Eve makes it hard to listen to music and look out for her ganks.

yeah lets call out poeple talking about the game, look guys I just wana post my new waifu and talk about how she has best pussy/tits/ass

Get the fuck out cunt

>be idiot
>have 62% winrate on Veigar with high kda
>lock in my 15 games with Vladimir
>feed and lose
why do people do this, just play your best fucking champion

>people unironically think she's bad
Best waveclear in the game, splitpush the adc, practically 0 mana costs

i can't play the same champ every game sorry

From what I've seen and just ran guinsoos should be a buy probably 100% of the time. I did 6 tests just now on the PT, all of them 10 seconds in combat.
Your build with BT,berserker's grieves
1253 dps only aa's without guinsoos
1369 dps with e at the start
1549 dps with e at the start and 2 q's
My build- botrk, guinsoos, runaans, IE,BT, berserker's grieves
1398 dps only aa's
1655 dps with e at the start
1783 dps with e and 2 q's

>Get auto filled to support
>Love Zyra but I'm not confident in her so I usually go Braum or something
>ADC soft locks Jhin, I fucking despise Jhin in general
>Decide "fuck it" and lock in Zyra
>We stomp fucking NUTS in lane and our whole team shits on theirs in general
Hot diggity dang that was some good shit. Also I don't mind supporting in general, but I don't go Support secondary because it'd mean getting support all of the time.

anyone wants to do placements on smurf euw? if so give me IGN

>just played Kassadin for maybe 2nd time ever in SR
>do meh early game but by end of game, be fed af and two shot squishies
>over 1k dmg per min
is Kassadin actually good or was other team just retarded? just curious if he's a champ worth learning or if he's actually shit right now

illaoi buffs when

desu I'd buy one of her forms for 1350 RP.
I thought they were gonna do what they did with blitzcrank and release a skin for 1350 and let us buy the other version(s) at a discount.

already ruined

But its 4 AP w/ teemo user...
nvm I just remembered that banshees whatever exists.

please riot i just want to win one game
i don't even want to carry, when i do well i lose
let someone else carry, but just give me one fucking win