What do you fear the most?
What do you fear the most?
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drowning in a submarine is up there
brush strokes that eerily represent a man at my doorway.
ego death
No painted gf
>mfw that looks a bit like my sister
Fear itself
Of what?
Being separated from anons
Would have been spooky if it was only the eyes
What's the name of the painting?
The Germans
People who actually think clowns are scary give me the willies 2bh
Other people.
Getting my gf pregnant
losing my memories
or the government
Eternal cessation of consciousness.
the absence of god terrifies me, I am desperately searching for evidence of him, and as and when I find proof for his inexistence, I realize I am drowning in the emptiness and nonsense of life
Mexican drug cartels
Doggy door
I fear growing old enough (Out of youth) so the long term problems of my current self destructive lifestyle begin to affect me, but not old enough to grow out of what makes me so self destructive.
Therefore, I'm gonna kill myself in a few years, if I see no improvement in my current state of being, and find that it won't pass as my life continues.
tomorrow's morning
Any "proof" of the existence of God is like any "proof" for the non existence of God. They all are flawed, and not really proofs.
It all boils down to faith. Deal with it.
The universe God made is evidence of God's existence.
So is the Law he put in your heart, and the conscience he gave you to know right from wrong.
Really? Truly?
Misguided zealots.
is that the fellow from this picture
nothing really. maybe being tortured to death? although it's not really a fear because it's extremely unlikely to ever happen
>I fear growing old enough (Out of youth) so the long term problems of my current self destructive lifestyle begin to affect me, but not old enough to grow out of what makes me so self destructive.
I understand you. I have lead a similar lifestyle, and was filled with fear that I will one day become unable to satiate my desires, yet be too weak to renounce them. My raison d'etre was self-fulfillment (which I had considered the only honest way of life), and I was terrified of the prospect of losing the possibility to do so, be it through my own flaws and weaknesses that had only grown as results of this way of life or through things I cannot control or influence, through mere chance. The fact that I could at any moment lose the only things that gave me a connection to this world had an unpleasant effect on me and my behaviour. And one day, when I was drunk as I had often been the last month or so, it all came crashing down - I had grown weary and disgusted. The decision was sudden, but I had not drank or partied the way I used to since that day. The radical change in my way of thought and life was painful, but I had finally found my way. My salvation lied in faith, in devotion to myth - the myth of State and Society, and the christian myth. That for which I live, by which I find pleasure is now safe "where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth". It's the ultimate conundrum of human existence, I think - living for the 'self' prevents its fulfillment, and renouncing the 'self' fulfills it - "Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.".
I saved your words, not the user you were talking to but definitely feel the same. Thank you.
The meaning of life is to give life meaning user. Find your meaning.
I used to shit my pants because of that
What I fear? What I fear the most is coming to the conclusion that I haven't done anything with my life. I fear wasting my life on nothing but worthless shit. I guess that is why I constantly work on certain aspects within my life so that I won't fail. I fear that I will get older and that one opportunity will come by and I won't be prepared, you know that once in a lifetime thing. I fear missing it, I fear the regret that will come with it. Realizing all the effort that I put into myself will be wasted and I will be like everyone else. Hell, maybe I fear that no matter what I do, I will never be anything. I will be just be another number that counts how many deaths that happen within a year.
The Unknown
Rejoice for the one who was lost and has returned! I hope to find my way back too.
The eventual destruction of the planet earth because of global warming, deforestation, ozone depletion, acidification of the oceans, antibiotic resistance, thermonuclear war, depletion of freshwater resources, depletion of hydrocarbon fuels, disruption of ecological systems, depletion of soil fertility, acid rain, toxic waste, algae blooms, coral death, honeybee death, plastic islands, polluted waterways, powerful viruses, expansion of deserts, rising water levels, decreased albido, coal dust is air...
>global warming
Yes. And this is good. Sola fide
And that's why God wants to kill us all. Try running your car in the garage, that's right, fossil fuel fumes are toxic, when we burn this shit, where do you think the fumes go?
Up ypur ass
Oh I pray that God save us all.
It wasn't really a way back, as I was not raised a christian nor was I religious prior to this. But thank you for your kindness, user.
The deep sea. I think it's an innate fear of the unknown. But it doesn't manifest in space, space actually interests me.
But the deep sea is fucking terrifying to me. You can't see shit, most of it is completely unexplored, you have all kinds of strange and terrifying creatures and who the fuck knows what else.
Scares the piss out of me.
Not entering Valhalla
if you aren't able to find god then you are going to have to find your own meaning
I fear the endless greed that consumes people
I've gone through a similar thing I think and yeah it was pretty scary while it was happening but when I felt detached the fear was gone.
To be honest, personally I fear being hurt by other people, especially people I love.
If we are talking about in more general and global terms, I fear the resurrection of another series of genocidal states that will try to destroy the world.
Relax, Kennedy
Yes. His name is Eggman.
Because of my ADD i am incompetent at work and can probably not study to get a better job either, i fear for my economical situation and that i will end up homeless and be unable to take care of my dog which is my only reason to live
>t. Howard Phillips Lovecraft
I understand you. I would never think of going swimming away from the coast after dark. The thought itself is terrifying, imagine swimming in completely black waters while barely being able to see the coast.
pretty much me, except that I'm a cat person
Why do you not simply plead incompetence and move back in with your parents?
Man Door Dog Door
Doggo at the Door
Second death
being abandoned and disregarded
There was this news story a couple of years ago about two workers in an aluminum mill doing maintenance work in the furnace over a lunch break when the door apparently fell shut. They were found hours later burnt to a crisp. The thought of the agony and panic those two guys must have been in is probably the most terrifying thing I can think of.
Pretty boring answer but the thought of being trapped forever in a nightmare realm with no possibility for escape is probably the most horrifying thing I can imagine.
Holy trips confirm
You're thinking of FDR
Hippos, large centipedes, and opening myself up to love.
I've lived a rich life so far. It's been full of adventure, and friends, and happiness, but romance had never once entered the picture. I know I'm weak. I know I'm a sucker. I know how easy it'll be to manipulate me once I fall for someone. I don't know that I'll ever find someone I trust with that kind of incredible power over me. I've become so used to thought of just passing through other people's lives until I reach a spot where I can die alone that any other outcome doesn't seem possible.
Why do you fear Oswald my boy?
Even the anti-intellectuals who try to deny manmade global warming are spinning their tires in the mud in front of the enormity of this issue. The rainforests are being fucking mutilated and won't exist in 20 years or less, the oceans will be acidic in as much time, the mass extinctions will pick up speed to phenomenal levels. Not to mention what we're doing to our freshwater environments and farmlands. We're like a bunch of retards in a spaceship who live in a culture of shooting RPG's at the outer hull from inside. Eventually it will break and bad shit will happen. It's not even subtle, it's right under our fucking noses. It's not a political party issue it's a human issue.
getting a cut on my dick
What would you call a bunch of people who hate science and keep going on about how they din dun nuffin?
Eternal and infinitely painful hell.
Otherwise dying alone and filled with nothing but regret and longing.
not him but just calling them "anti-intellectual" doesn't fully explain the psychology behind people who stubbornly refuse to accept facts
nothing worse than what the dinosaurs went through. the planet will recover, and maybe something better than human life emerges
>History & Humanities
>this thread has been up for 2 days
Epic, simply epic
Didn't mean to reply tbqh
Russian hackers
So you're basically like the reformed alcoholic who leaves AA a born-again Christian, but with a bit of blind statism thrown into the mix.
im already living with my mother, but i am only 20 so its not that bad yet, but i know that if i cant improve and keep the job i will most certainly become a failure and probably get kicked out
commitment and intimacy
I live right next door to those guys, they're not that scary.
Except for their habbit of ruining everything every 50 years or so.
>and probably kicked out
But fucking why would your own parent do that? 'Murricans are so fucking incomprehensible.
Because living with your parents in your mid or late twenties makes you a fucking bum
I fear losing those closest to me.
I lived in a state of utter and total fear for a long time.
>Buttfucked and tortured as a kid by the friendly neighbourhood peado
>Had intense, violent night terrors in which a gorssly mutated version of him would stalk my house hunting for me before catching me and performing horrible acts
>Stopped sleeping
>Constant exhaustion
>Slipped in and out of sleep
>Almost every time I slept I had a night terror
>Hit a point where I'd drift in and out so often that I wouldn't know when I was awake and when I wasn't
>Would spend all my time in my house terrified that he would appear from around a corner, or at the bottom of the stairs
>Constantly checking behind me, scanning crowds and avoiding dark areas
>Some days I'd think I was awake and chilling out only for hear him downstairs
>I'd snap awake without realising it and be terrified
>This lasted for about 3 years
>Developed ways to "prove" I was awake using a notebook always placed in a certain way, at a certain time, on a certain page
>Despite having sought help and got the fuck over it all, I always second guess a strange noise in the house at night/weird shadow down the hall
Feels bad, but I like to imagine it'd have made a cool story.
Nuclear family was a mistake
>Put yourself in debt and fuck your shit up because that's what people used to do
People used to make more money while shit cost less, when such ideas came to be.
The idea of moving out being a natural thing that happens at even mid to late 20s is retarded.
Some people do it for Uni, but most people end up back home eventually.
It's fucking expensive, nigger.