Best waifu edition!
Evefags got nothing on me hehe
League of legends general /lolg/
Also, Janna has done more for mobility creep in this game than any other champion ever released.
Riot once said when Kalista is good she shuts down melee champions. Janna DISABLES every melee without a dash, and shuts down even the most mobile ones merely by existing. And she has been allowed to do this for eight years.
>tfw no GAR champion
post yfw adc locks in kai sa
Would you a Zoe?
>tfw no graves daddy bf
I haven't won with a single Kai'sa game yet
thinking about Ori, Eve and Swain
>lulufag thread
>another lulufag thread
>now a shit lissfag thread
>Eye of the storm
>CD: 40s at all ranks
Jesus Christ Riot go easy on her
I'm banning WW for now on. I'm tired of seeing him in my games. Mine are trash who can't handle their ezpz clear and always miss their ult. The enemy WW ganks at 3 and gets every dragon and snowballs crazy.
>zoe will never give you a footjob
I have
It was one for all on pbe
my wife
The Eve and Swain skins are good.
shhh, Ahri is sleeping
What did they mean by this?
2-1 in my diamond promos
Who wouldn't?
>DotA is a way shittier game but all of their champions are way cooler than their LoL equivalents
Would you rather have Anivia or Phoenix? Malzahar or Enigma? Sona or Invoker?
Kayn carries it
On the contrary, DOTA is better as a game but their champions have shitty generic designs
MF gonna feed
Rengar gonna be useless
Ziggs gonna carry
I would 2 or even more
MOST of the heroes are shittier but then you get ones like Meepo or Rubik that blows things out or the water
You guys told me to play Ivern but people can't fucking leave my camps alone. I keep pinging but they do not fucking care. Fuck playing Ivern, it's like being a fucking cuck. "Ooooooooh boi, I sure love watching my jungle get stolen away from me right in front of my face unable to do anything about it"
I dunno about Dota being a shittier game m8
I would absolutely love it if Viktor were in Dota 2. Don't think I'd ever go back to league
It's not that bad r-right?
Top 5 biggest abominations in League.
1.- Lee Sin
Undisputed king of cancer. The damage Lee Sin has done to this game is insurmountable, he is the first of the "it's difficult to do so it's fair if it's gamebreakingly overpowered" group and made it standard for hypermobility to creep in.
2.- Janna
Janna has shaped botlane and the support role since forever. Tied with Lee Sin for most nerfs. (Close to 20 nerfs over her lifetime)
3.- Thresh
The first CertainlyT hero. Probably the most metawarping champion released right after Lee Sin. Made it standard for CertainlyT abominations to exist, and for champions to be designed as if League was single-player.
4.- Azir
The Emperor of anti-fun. The equivalent of the US developing a Metal Gear in the highest point of the cold war when it comes to the waveclear arms race. His release firmly established midlane as the 1v0 lane. Also, one of the few champions who can boast having absolutely NO weak points.
5.- Ryze/Rengar
These champs need a yearly rework just to exist in the game because Riot seems to not understand hypercarry tank mage with point and click CC and instakill assassin from stealth w/ infinite gapclosers are archetypes that are basically impossible to balance, yet every year they try a different flavour of that and it always fails.
Honorable mentions: Reworked GP for being able to stall every game while farming faster than anyone else in the game, Yasuo for having the worst designed skill in the entire game, Vladimir for being a lesser version of the Ryze/Rengar problem.
Phoenix a shit but the other two are way cooler. Dota kits are way cooler in general due to no hard limit on the number of spells and the ability to control more than one unit, and with so much of the power budget being in the kit rather than items it allows them to have more outlandish designs than league
angrily, yes.
Phoenyx over Anivia anyday
Are you from /alter/?
>best jax skin
>best jayce skin
>great akali skin
>great fiora skin
I woulda fucking loved that.
Of course, the fact that I don't want to play as a champ doesn't mean that I don't want to fuck the shit out of it
Name one male champ.
>Rakan buffs
Yeah sure why not
It's not like Xayah+Rakan is the most oppressive lane match-up in the game or something...
Why aren't you playing chad yi yet?
You could get bored to death spamming op nigger tanks or healsluts or actually have fun!
Fiora, Jax and Jayce skins are all solid
>what is Caitlyn/Zyra
I haven't had one that didn't get at least 8 deaths and more than 3 kills.
ban her if your team hovers.
And I don't mean one male(female) champ, nor do I mean one female(male) champ. I mean one(1) male(male) champ.
illaoi, dude has linebacker shoulders.
I've been away from my PC for a few days, is Kai'Sa as bad as we expected or much worse? Does she do anything well aside from feed?
>ribbon picked in kidz lcs
Ribbon locked in for c9
why are the challenger series players so butt ugly
>Even considering Zyra to be a good champion
Just because LS says it doesn't make it true.
Velkoz, Brand and Xerath do everything Zyra does but better.
>Crit rengar vs a team that built a ton of armor
>team blames me for not carrying teamfights
>rengar verbally refuses to come to teamfights or objectives
Kai'sa is so bad they had to hotfix buff her because her winrate was at 35%
I still have no idea why people are so adamant about taking her jungle.
starting to think league academy is more fun in terms of picks, it just lacks the audience and production level of normals.
her kill stealing is real as fuck
>I'll never have back my Graves/Braum OTP lane
I want to tell Cassiopeia how pretty I think she is!
>People think Viktor needs a buff
Oh boy I sure do want to go back to the days of Viktor's AoE CC mass Damage spamfest!
Fuck off homo
Viktor's only relevance was fleet footwork and now riot nerfed that because ADCs bitched.
Evens continue my Friday the 13th marathon.
Odds play a game of Leeg first.
I want to lick Kai'sa's feet
There we go.
It is, not having an audience sucks but you're more likely to see interesting picks and crazy plays than the lcs where everyone plays safe and then decides the game with a single fight lategame
not even close
you couldn't be more wrong
wrong again
Viktor is the perfect example of the brainless mages that ruined LoL.
He's the one that ruined mid.
there has not been a worse champion on release.
short of someone playing 3 elos below where they belong she is a dumpster fire.
>Olaf gets double the damage from his R now lategame if you get Cleaver,Titanic and Steraks
I've never had a good fucking Janna when I ADC and I've been playing for almost six years.
>shields me when nothing is even happening
>always attacks my minions, especially when I'm trying to farm
>uses tornado offensively or when nothing is happening
>shields turret when it's at 3% health
>ults people away from team or ults the fucking immobile nuke into me and I die in less than a quarter of a second
Janna player genocide absolute best day of my life.
Oldfag here
Viktor was fucking useless until his season 4 rework. What do you expect Viktor to do? Just damage? Why the fuck would I not play an assassin then?
is reksai good right now?
*gets oneshot by the full build adc with 1000 hp worth of shields on him*
also we never really had a chance of losing
lmao talk about luck
on the off chance youre here janna i literally hope you take your own life, thanks
How many times has OmarGold played Warwick so far?
She's bad but better than people think she is due to the vast numbers of shitters trying her in every role that isn't bot. There are a lot of little things that would make her good but I don't know where Riot will go yet.
>E granting some lingering movespeed
>W slows targets by 15/20/25/30/35%
>Q range increase
>AD/level increase
>R cd down to 30s at all ranks
Pick one and she's a good champ.
I want to do unspeakable things to Poppy's asshole
How about I fuck you instead
Why should Viktor have both amazing CC AND Amazing Waveclear?
His one weakness now is that they nerfed his damage.
Speaking of the old machine man, I've been having a surprising amount of success with Fleet Footwork Viktor, where you get your first upgrade (into E obviously), then you get a tear and ionian boots, then finish your hexcore, then the archangels.
You lack damage for a bit but can kite pretty much everyone to death.
I wanna cum on Tristana's toes!
so the rumors are true? top CAN climb???
Zoe's backstory and context regarding it means that although she might have the body and maturity of a child, she likely has the knowledge far past her apparent age. She's like the best of both worlds, by seeming young and pure and lithe but in the heat of sex is likely to be far more domineering and open than you'd imagine. I wish that Zoe was real so badly, because I would give anything to be able to have sex with such an amazing woman. Zoe would be the type to do things like face sitting and anal. And after you've both cum for the tenth time, she'll kiss you on the cheek for giving her the time of her life before letting her supple young body fall asleep beside your own.
sounds really good
the secret is picking kled, playing against shitters and banning camille every game
>Irelia rework
>then Akalia rework
>then another Ryze rework
>Nunu after
>only then will Mordekaiser get the rework he deserves
It's because Viktor has so many loaded stats his weakness is literally he doesn't do Ryze level burst.
ANY Damage buff would make him Dominate mid AGAIN.
I want to bully other male yordles with Kled!