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[!] Performance problems in 1.10+: use foamfix+Optifine (turn off terrain animation)
► 2. NEWS
>[23 jan 2018] the thaumcraft
>[02 jan 2018] The oldest news in this OP are now 1 year old. Congratulations for never updating this shit
>[31 dec 2017] MultiMC5 0.6.0 is out, featuring easy downloading of Curse modpacks and more.
>[2017/Jun/30] Noodlor's Castle Collection is completed! Including a world-download:
>[2017/May/14] GoG update is finished:
>[2017/Jan/02] asie has been working on FoamFix, FabricMC and others.
>/mcg/ General text (to contribute news and info for the next thread)
>Modding Tools & documentation:
>Curse downloader
>how2dostuff for newfags
>Server list (own a server? Please move to the new
>Ideas & Inspiration
>Castlefag's map
>Cracked MultiMC for Linuxfags
Minecraft General - /mcg/ - TNT Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn, this shit just can't stay alive can it?
Well that's some ded.
hello minecraft general, is there any replacement for blakmajik's zeppelin mod yet:
so far all of them I've seen have been trash
is that a wall of useless explosives i see?
>ded after 154 posts
Is there a fast way to check if your custom recipe conflict with anything?
Disable it and try to craft.
stop me from using botania
you cant
In BoP 1.7.10, does biome essence ore spawn in The End? I can't seem to find any and I've been tearing up the island.
Nope there's no ore fak. I just wanted a way out of my endless savanna.. I'll probably have to edit it into dungeon chests or something.
Anyone want to critique my grotesque mod list? Should I prune anything out? I hesitate to add much else.
bop has so many disabled, half scrapped and half implemented stuff it'd really need a fork
Botania's fun, you should enjoy using it
why is farming so fucking performance heavy, will there be a mod that makes it less of a fucking pain in the ass to have a big farm?
How big are we talking?
Thermal Expansion? The phytowhatever thing is a machine that processes seeds instead of managing farms that spam block updates.
>not automating your farms
something like 300x300 maybe?
Just sitting there rendering? Or you want to automate a 300x300 plot?
Is there a way to force an ME system to disconnect and reconnect all channels? Currently what I do is break the mainline cables and replace them but it's a bit of a pain.
automated obviously, I already have a 100x100 farm automated with horns of the wild and imaginary time blocks but both my fps and tps go below 5 every time it's turned on
Well kinda no shit. You're taking a task, scaling it a lot in both dimensions. Then speeding up ticks and breaking them all really fast. I'm not sure anything beyond what the other guy said would help you. ie. Some magic block that just outputs the plant at a certain rate. That seems kinda boring to me though.
The game has a certain amount of stuff to do in the loop. If you increase that by any amount, and you are close to the limit of your machine, you're going to have issues. And harvesting all those things all the time is going to cause render lag a ton. Even worse are you in visual range? Chunkload away from your base and see what it does.
you are right. and it could probably be solved by a magic block but it doesnt have to be that way. maybe some forestry-like multiblock that looks like a farm but can be sped and scaled up without utterly shitting on performance. or hell, any other interesting method of generating items out of thin air (which is basically what farms are) that does not make your computer slow down to a crawl would be nice.
or fuck, instead of making so many fertilizers/"crop accelerators", why not make them simply give more output? so instead of having crops grow every tick, they could grow once a minute but give 1000 crops. same result, 1000x the performance
I got it: a machine that detects crops around it, but instead of harvesting them, it just generates their produce every set amount of time, based on how much the crop produces and how long it takes to grow. then there would be no tick updates and no lag at all
Essentia Buffers have no suction on their own and have no variable suction based on fullness. Is my only option for jamming a Reservoir into my alchemy line to set up vis readers and comparators or is there an easier option?
Gonna need to see your line, and where you are trying to put the reservoir first
I'm not at my PC and can't post pics at the moment, really just brainstorming. I did post an angle a couple threads back while trying to get item grates sorted.
Currently it's a just a line of Buffers feeding into an essentia ME network with not a ton of space to work with. My real bottleneck is processing overflow but I just don't have the space to expand that system at the moment.
The only thing I can think of to make the buffer expansion work is to have a vis reader activate some bellows when the buffer is open and deactivate them when it's at capacity or filling up.
I seem to have managed to get the item grate issue sorted but I'm not a fan. I tried raising it a few blocks above the furnace on user's suggestion and it's working so far, but to feed it I ended up going with itemducts and carefully timed vis reader fuckery.
I'll add, the line is running from an Advanced AlcFurnace, meets with a small line of three centrifuges, then feeds into the Essentia Provider, but it's all tucked into a wall that has shit on the other side.
>using Master Caver's World Underground
>go mining right above lava level (y=4)
>come out of it with 54 diamonds
Well fuck I guess I have a better idea of how the modified ore spawning levels work with this now
But the growing is something that should imo be still part of the world. I'd rather plant a big field and harvest by hand, then basically turn it into cookie clicker. Or just have a ton of wheat for aesthetics. What do you even need that much for?
There ain't no grave that can hold my body down.
>Flan's is officially 1.12
>Millenaire is 1.12
>Elemental Creepers got picked up by someone else and remade for 1.12
All these old mods coming back has the gears turning.
What are modders going to do with the custom recipes in 1.13?
Judging from the primer that's being passed around, it's just going to be a directory change for anyone that already has it in json format.
Ignore it and use MineTweaker instead.
That mod sucks.
people still play this game?
That's a nice chest.
Same thing they did with custom models in 1.8.
The recipe JSON can be a dummy "custom recipe class" pointer - however, it has to be present for the game to allow disabling the recipe by removing/disabling said JSON.
Yes. Years ago I began a megabuild, I can't just abandon it at this point. In fact, I'm thinking of making a shitload of backups all over the place for it, just in case.
>brock lesnar
So, is porting mods from 1.12 to 1.13 going to be harder than 1.7.10 to 1.8?
Stopped playing when the favorite mods I had back in 2012-2014 don't exist today.
From the looks of things, the only thing that's different is the Flattening, which will only make it easier for everyone going forward. It also looks like they're upgrading the minimum OpenGL version again, so there might be some more out-of-the-box performance enhancements to offset all the impacts that have happened over the years.
So I was looking in to Roots, and apparently Elucent flounced and left all his mods unfinished, or something? was there some juicy drama Is Roots still fun/worth playing? I'm trying to decide between it and Totemic for a primitive/druidic sort of magic mod.
Totemic still has ongoing support, so I guess I'd recommend that. Though, its spell system is less based in herbology and more in music.
>Though, its spell system is less based in herbology and more in music.
Yeah, I get you. I guess I lump them together because they both feel like more "naturalistic" sorts of magic, even if one is more flavored as druidic and the other native american.
Easier, if anything. Study this for a detailed list:
The big things are:
>LWJGL 3 is replacing LWJGL 2, meaning we're finally not stuck in 2015
This doesn't mean upgrading the minimum OpenGL version, but it does mean upgrading to a much more improved OpenGL wrapper which might yield performance improvements in and out of itself.
As per the following document, it appears that as long as you're using Mojang's abstraction layer (which you should have moved to back in the 1.8 port), most of the changed things shouldn't affect you directly; however, we can't be sure.
>The Flattening and The Tags
The most painful part by far, but also simplifying a lot of things. By "The Flattening" we refer to "Mojang giving us infinite block and item IDs to work with, but taking away item metadata". For a short tl;dr:
- If you have a block which uses a tile entity to store a few more bits only (say, a block which can be placed in 24 orientations, which is more than 16), you should probably ditch the tile entity and move it to a blockstate.
- If you have a block which uses blockstates as variants (say, each metadata value corresponds to a different machine), you should split them into separate blocks.
- If you have an item which uses metadata as tool damage, that is now a "Damage" field in the NBT tag.
- If you have an item which uses metadata as variants (say, one item whose differing metadata values correspond to different resources), you should split them into separate items.
I've added "The Tags" to this as this refers to Mojang's tag system - it's, in practice, something similar to Forge's ore dictionary, except actually integrated with the base game (for instance, you can use it to configure what blocks endermen can carry); also, it doesn't really do metadata anymore, as it no longer exists.
>Language files are now JSONs
Find->Replace. Someone will probably make an automated tool for this, as the format is identical - just wrapped in a JSON.
Move files around. Done. The good part is that Mojang added useful helper methods which will let mods do configuration this way as well - this means mods may move certain things (like custom recipe definitions) away from the config folder and into datapacks, allowing easier server->client synchronization, per-world configuration, etc.
Most notably, however, Mojang moved all of their own recipes to datapacks, *and* expect you to register a JSON - even a dummy one - for every recipe. This is so that datapacks can disable said JSON, and thus disable the recipe. A bit annoying, but if you're still modding after 1.8 you probably either got used to it or found ways to work around this (boo). That will probably take a bit more work, but you can do most of it in 1.12 already, so get going!
>Vanilla saves blockstates directly, not metadata
All this means is that getActualState() is no longer a thing, as all of that is stored inside the chunk and thus cached. getExtendedState(), a Forge addition, is still a thing.
They need a complete rewrite. Mojang did a full rewrite of their command handling system with many, many improvements.
To sum up, if you want a quick porting experience:
>branch off your mod now, on 1.12
>do the flattening on 1.12 for your own blocks and items to the extent possible (blockstates still can only store up to 16 values on-disk until 1.13, item damage handling is probably best left to the 1.13 port, the rest is absolutely doable)
>implementing custom JSON deserializers for datapacks may also be a good idea, especially with regards to crafting recipes for which it's already possible
>wait for 1.13 to hit
>do the rest
>Elucent flounced and left all his mods unfinished
Not for long, possibly?
>[...] And since this development is seeming more optimistic I may have started touching my IDE again a bit. So we’ll just have to see how the new stuff fares. Hopefully the community can recover.
Which ones, user?
>Hopefully the community can recover.
Ohhh, now I see, thanks user. Wow, I'm usually the last to defend Minecraft's modding community but he can get fucked saying things like
>I struggle to name anything that came out in the last 6 months of any serious meat or quality. And I'm not talking huge, just something with a little progression or creativity to it.
Then shifting the goalposts when counterexamples are given, and turning that into self-pity over how unloved his own mods are.
>But these projects aren't good enough, frankly, for this community.
I hate this self-appointed curatorship when FTB does it, and he has even less of a claim to it than them. There are really cool, interesting mods still coming out, and the fact that they aren't yet cemented as beloved favorites as a function of time and polish doesn't mean that the scene's become creatively bankrupt.
I'll ask again this thread for the mcg discord, I would appreciate it.
I'm half-convinced it's a myth
I truly don't know what you expect to find there, because there isn't that much minecraft compared to shitposting and memes
there is none
I literally just want a place with real time communication where I can talk about minecraft that isn't directly related to a minecraft website (because I don't like the sort of people that would browse a website like that) or isn't reddit. As far as I've found /mcg/ is the only decent place.
Well, it'll either be what you were looking for, or it won't
one advantage a discord has over the regular thread is that it won't die if no one posts in an hour
they need to split the board or extend it, or something. this is getting ridiculous
I'm getting a weird visual glitch after adding Optifine. I'm sure it's some mod interaction: I also have Foamfix, BetterFps, and Albedo. I'm not sure what specifically is causing the interaction, or if there is some setting I can change in Optifine that would fix it. Anyone else encounter this?
user-kun, I was bored so I did"\w+", post) on 171762 posts over 1000 threads that I pulled using the api on fireden and found 54 unique urls. I have no intention of using discord, but I thought it would be interesting. Search the archive for date/context. Paste password is "autism".
>not IRC
I would try removing Albedo and installing a fork of it called Mirage to see if it fares any better:
I'm using a couple mods which depend on Albedo- AlbedoTorches and WeissAlbedo. Would those still work with this fork?
No, the APIs are incompatible. You'd need a mod which supports Mirage instead.
The non-CurseForge version of Charset has a dynamic lights tweak which should work across most modded light sources - this should be sufficient to replace WeissAlbedo, but I do not have a replacement for AlbedoTorches yet (mainly because mods like Albedo or Mirage don't work well for it - those mods work by overlaying their own light on top of vanilla's world with a shader, and I think you can have issues with light bleedover due to this).
Oh, nevermind, said dynamic lights tweak only replaces a part of WeissAlbedo... and you have OptiFine's for that anyway. Nevermind.
Only 60 posts with r'(?i)\birc\b'. Password is the same.
I appreciate the help, in any case. Helped me figure out that the problem was indeed the interaction between Albedo and Optifine.
I guess we just can't have nice things.
Not that user, but I did go to the IRC recently, which surprisingly is still up, and they told me that it isn't about minecraft anymore. By coincidence the discord link just got posted here, which is nice, because I didn't want to go back to the IRC just to ask for the discord
Someone called that he'd be back as soon as the game updated. Good on you user for knowing a faggorony when you smell one.
ded thread. gonna go pick up chicks
She doesn't seem into it
That was mostly because new people stopped coming in and most of the old people stopped caring about Minecraft. I'm down for setting up a new /mcg/ IRC, however.
Probably because it hasn't been in an OP for a year. If you make a new one, at the very least, I will join.
Please stop molesting the animals
plants aren't animals
Please stop molesting the fauna and flora
Let's say I wanted to use this to code NPCs for a modpack. Stupid idea? I don't really know enough about the Minecraft/Forge network architecture to know whether trying to fake the network output of a heavily modded client is insane or what.
why not just use customnpcs?
Because I want NPCs to be subjected to all the same limits players are (need to eat, have Nutrition data and TAN body temp, etc.) and be able to equip modded items and weapons easily. If I used CustomNPCs, I'd basically have to completely replicate all that functionality in scripts, just for NPCs. It just seems simpler to have NPCs be player bots.
Though, in hindsight, this is probably just massive overthinking on my end.
Buddy, it sounds like either way you're going to end up doing as much work as making an actual mod. Just make a mod. If you're capable of scripting complex npcs as either a fucking player bot or as a customnpc you probably have enough knowledge of basic programming principles to just make your own mod for these npcs.
>all minecraft servers are up according to serverchecker
>every single launcher can't connect to server and offers offline mode
>can't log on minecraft site, but can on mojang
I don't get it
Anyone used PrimalCore? Is it similar to early game TerraFirma? I enjoyed stone-age TFC.
Do you have mipmapping turned on?
What about #/memeversions/ on Rizon, as a channel devoted to Minecraft playing, modding and mod development?
Hey asie I know you're in here, why can't you extract items from a charset barrel with refined storage? it reads and inputs fine but it won't extract
I'm trying out the Wizardry mod (not Electroblob's) because I saw it on Comfy Serb. Anyone here have any experience with it? The book is pretty shit and leaves out a lot of crucial information. I figured out how to make a mana battery, but have no idea how to work it. How do I get mana orbs? Is the mod even worth the effort to learn? I know the thing is in alpha, but fuck. I saw someone else in the curseforge comments ask how to craft something and the dev just said to join their discord and ask.
Given how Charset barrels are based on Factorization, I assume you can only extra items from their bottom.
Of fucking course he's coming back, why would he resist returning to a group of people who gives him attention anyway. And oh fucking wow did he really blame everything on "the community".
Also reminder that he just became 18 years old this week.
Post ending in 0 names my new world
I play a seven year old version of this game