/nepgen/ - Craptunia General #1372

All your pudding are belong to us

Previous thread: >Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):
- Nep Nep Book LE Manga download has been updated to included two missing pages.

VIIR Amazon Preorder: amazon.com/gp/product/B077RC1F2T/
Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus (PS4 port of RB1, most likely) announced: dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/674/1674299/#eid1674295
New Neptunia title in the works. Promises to 'surpass expectations': siliconera.com/2017/11/07/new-neptunia-project-works-will-surpass-expectations-1000/

>Miscellaneous News:
Nep is showing up in Senran Kagura PBS: twitter.com/senran_kaguraPR/status/968352874773319680

Conquest Gear in Nep-Nep Connect: compileheart.com/nepnep_connect/news/article/20180221_2.php

4GO has come to steam!

>Nep-Nep's VII-rtual Reality News:
VIIR localization coming Spring 2018: gematsu.com/2017/10/megadimension-neptunia-viir-coming-west-spring-2018
Patch 1.08 has been released for VIIR: compileheart.com/neptune/v2r/info/update.php
VIIR English website: ideafintl.com/nep-v2r/
Translated Drama CDs and VR scenes for VIIR can be found here: youtube.com/user/AliasV3/videos

Other urls found in this thread:



Iris Heart>>>>>>>>Pururut

Two sides of the same coin.
If you like one, you must suffer the other.



But Ploot is a childish lazy fuck, I only love Iris Heart


Would you lick the sweat off Cave's broad and powerful back?
I know I would.

My wife!

HavenĀ“t seen you here in a while Caveanon

this thing

A lot happened.

Cave Emblem: The Sacred Caves.


I don't know what any of this is.



stop being stupid

I'm not being stupid. We haven't had a new real Neptunia game in like 5 years.

Delete R***

>not being stupid

>being in denial
I liked 4go as much as the next guy, but aside from remakes of remakes and non-canon spinoffs, we haven't gotten jack shit in the way of Neptunia in a long fucking time. And there's zero indication of anything on the horizon, meanwhile they're making game after game of other crap.

Rena for Nep 8 w-when?

Need more Pea.

>>being in denial
what am I denying?

That CH is neglecting Neptunia.

Well, we did just get 2 (if you don't count the remake) nep games last year.

Maybe Compa just wants to take a break from Neptunia for a while.

I mentioned nothing about Neptunia or neglecting tho

non-canon spinoffs dude. Those don't count at all. I want a real Neptunia game.

Since last 5 years was said does V-II not count as a real Neptunia game?

It's hyperbole obviously. I didn't literally mean 5 years.

Now him but do you want to see the series suffer from franchise fatigue like everyone's favorite Blue Bomber did?

>franchise fatigue
u WOT m8?? We're at the obvious end of that shit, the series is dying because they aren't making any games that actually matter. Maybe if CH actually made real Neptunia games instead of low-budget cash grab spinoff crap, there wouldn't be any fatigue.

Dengeki stream just ran the Rebirth+ OP as a random filler trailer. Its the same as the Vita version up until the logo. Some text was added and a plus appeared on the side

Nepping the ninja! Every thread!

gee thanks compa, another remake of a remake, except this time it's literally copy-pasted, just what I always wanted. This will surely save neptunia!

You guys will just have to be patient. Since that countdown thing was about DER;Q, that seems to be what they're putting all their focus on atm.

They had another countdown end with Mary Skelter characters.

Just admit that compa is a fucking shit-tier company trying to profit off Neptunia without actually giving us anything worthwhile. We're never going to get a real Neptunia game.


>real Neptunia game
Just wait for Neptunia 8, user.

I rather wait for Ultradimension Plutia VIIII Turbo & Knuckles.

Hey, I fully agree that not much is on the horizon with VIIR's localization and RB1+.

>replying to yourself
you couldn't be more obvious.. Get banned, bitch

Are you okay?

GigaTagmension Iris Heart + Rena VS 4 Wicked Goddesses would be good too.


Compile Heart twitter says a new announcement is tonight.



Meanwhile, in Hentaidimension, this got translated.


>Nep 8
Still retarded as usual.



Stop replying to my post "please"
Nothing wrong with Neptunia 8.




Honestly, I don't understand why many people expect great differences in RB1+. It's already in the title. It's basically Re;Birth 1 port on PS4, plus some added bonus. It's like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It didn't even get a fancy rename unlike the remakes.

I think it's the timing.

It might be mass hysteria of not having a new mainline title for 3 years/close to 3 years.

Plus the only bonus that is confirmed is Dengiko as a bonus character.



More Black Heart?

only if she's bent over and naked

>the series is dying because they aren't making any games that actually matter
Ummm...what? 4GO was the best selling Neptunia game in history in both Japan and now on Steam. It had a players peak almost twice as high as RB1 had

> 4GO was the best selling Neptunia game in history in both Japan and now on Steam.
you should look at the numbers before talking out of your ass and making yourself look like a retard



gee this looks familiar



Man, I thought that title meant we were gonna see Dengiko in action.


Neptune is so cute!



>Nepbabbies start crying like bitches when they actually have to wait more than 2-3 years for a big new game
Metroid fan here, kiss my ass

That's really bad.
Compile Heart needs to be shot.

its just one faggot being a faggot

Metroid fans have done their share of crying already.

Seven Kingdoms fan here. You are like a little baby.

Did YOU check the numbers? I'm talking about first week. 4GO did over 10k better than any Neptunia release in Japan. And for PC it's already at almost 50k, and reached almost a 4k players peak.

The one who should be doing research not to look like an idiot is yourself.


What the fuck is happening here?

nothing unusual

Be happy that you're getting Smash Bros.


Are you ready for people to not know how to deal with Luma even though the info is already out there?

That's assuming Rosalina will be back.
I have a gut feeling they're gonna go the Street Fighter route and only have about 40 characters at launch, but then do like 4 seasons of DLC.

I already disliked how Cloud was DLC.

Roster can be and DLC can be whatever I just want Ganondorf.

Histy is a cutie!

Histy is an onahole!


that's all I'm going to say

Cut that out

She's very cute.

Neptunia mainline game announcement tonight GET HYPED


Nice joke.

We're all virgins here. Right?

Ready Player Nep?