Rat bois edition
>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (very outdated)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:
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Rat bois edition
>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (very outdated)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:
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First for cousin Okri
Daily dose
>Bought the game today
>Level 2
>Doing some recruit missions
>A level 26 Sienna joins
>She has a flamethrower staff that literally kills everything except for chaos warriors and bosses instantly
>She runs ahead of all of us and just kills everything instantly without any of us getting to do anything
I'm not having very much fun guys, I've played 3 rounds so far and all 3 have had people over level 20 who just kill everything and run forward
reminder to vote for your main in this straw poll
>having a main
Fucking one trick shitter.
Join veteran asap
Anyone else going to 1 viewer twitch streams that have twitch mode on so they can vote themselves some good stuff and you ruin it for them by voting for bosses etc?
how are the strats for each monster, i wanna get good but the bosses always down me on vet
>hosts asks us if we want to do a deed
>barely make it through after a dozen close calls
>everyone but the host gets put in a black screen until appearing in the keep
>host gets rewards, nobody else did
Kruber is my "main" in the way that I am leveling him first.
Once I get him to 25 or 30 I'm gonna probably try the elf next, just because her weapons seem much different than everyone elses.
The only one you have to worry about is the chaos bullshiy when he corners you. The rest just learn to to time side stepping and getting behind them
>smooth Champ pub
>anyone has some retarded deeds
>sure,check out this one ive got
>we pull it off as a fucking pub
I...i dont even...
>play with retarded randoms
>get lots of circles on scoreboard
Damn I must be the only person who doesn't fucking suck at this game.
How do tomes and grims affect deeds?
Do also get a normal chest additionally to the deed reward chest?
>level 25 talent for ammo regen on the elf got nerfed to 20% of max
>currently only actually a tooltip change and it still gives 50% when you use it
Time to abuse that talent while it lasts I guess.
>increases power boost of critical hits
Crits give a boost? What does this shit mean
>get first good champion group
>get kicked because someone came to my door
fuck me
>all these baddies complaining about circlebros
The more circles you have, the better you are as a player. The effect of each circle compounds to a more accurate overall analysis of your performance. Few circles: baddie. Deal with it.
I actually thought about doing that as the high level to show how stupid gear score is in this game.
did they make bosses stronger? I wiped like 5 times today on chaos spawn that refuse to die. before release even without huntsman murdering them I don't remember them being this hard.
Does Saltz zealot need some of the higher level talents to perform well? Liking it so far but I am only level 12.
ive also had trouble with chaos spawns since launch, maybe they overtuned them.
I am one click away from buying this and starving a few days. Should I do it? I am so fucking interested in the dwarf slayer.
New to vermintide, just did this with friends
loved it, can't wait for more fun deeds
>people are complaining about elf regen nerfs on reddit
>it wasn't overpowered it was bad at higher ranks
>if you play well it wasn't needed anyway
I don't see how this is a problem
nerfing it means forcing the player to learn to play better
A good tank can be a huge benefit to a team even if he receives few circles.
I have a problem with it making her lvl 15 talents worthless and essentially being a nonexistant passive now. Fatsharks being stupidly knee-jerk with the nerfs just like at vermintides launch and I hope it doesn't end up with having to wait eight months for a game where I can play more then one build on legendary.
>mfw deeds arent recorded on the list of great deeds
Which is better for bh:
>increase power boost from critical hits
>increase power if out of ammo
just play the final mission
>get out of the skitter gate
> boss fight time
>rattling cannon ratogre
>he just stands there and does nothing
>easily beat him
>step two of final boss: seer
>supposed to cast magic spells while rats attack from all sides
>does nothing
>team mates run out of ammo and can't kill him
>realize I'm invincible after a flame rat does no damage
> try to take out to seer to end the madness
> easily kill all the rats
>get caught by a sneak rat
>game crashes
very high quality and well tested, I'll play the mission again to see if I can get a recording of it.
The stormvermin boss is hard as fuck to kill and you are not rewarded for it in any way.
terrible/worthless choices of talents is not unique to elf though
I really really like this image
so hey. what's the best hero/career to play while impaired? I don't want to be a burden to my friends
what if i stop to kill that one rat about to hit the elf and i can't catch up because of the second i spent not holding w?
>just did the boss with no drops deed on champ
Yeah nah,just have 1 guy blocking him
Ironbreaker Bardin
Prob dwarf IB? Just tank and push shit around.
good Kerillian porn where
>Throw bomb at shield stormvermin
>He reflects it and kills us all
Oh yeah definitely, I'm upset with pretty much all the changes they've made in the past three patches going from closed beta to launch as all they're doing is getting rid of options and spiraling the game back to where only weapon choice matters.
It's fun, but you might not think it's worth starving for.
If youre that poor you shouldnt play vidya in the first place
>first game
>oh cool a Bile Troll this will be an interesting boss
>entire team wails on it for five minutes
>it instantly regains its health and goes into an invulnerable state
>wail on it again
>repeat until we all eventually die
>2nd game
>exactly the same boring, overly long boss fight in the very first part of the map
>alt+f4 and refund
holy fuck what retard thought this was an entertaining fight?
fun game, not worth starving over if you're that poor
top heh
>bile troll shows up after you get some gear
>goes from 9/10 to a 4/10 difficulty boss
Also you rolled 1 in 5 twice in a row.
How the hell do you beat the boss of act 1? You can't use the pillars cause the acid clones go right through them. You an't side step either, cause the cone is so wide.
Is there some sort of epic end boss or is this shit gay like v1
wow i love Sienna's who team kill constantly :DDDD
4 big bosses,you see them in tutorial talking
>bile troll
>beat its ass down to a sliver of health alone while on my last life
>tee hee you barely stepped an inch into the bile your so slow it takes 15 seconds you step back out of that inch
>die to the bile
>team mates dance and run around a 1% health troll for 2 minutes before wiping to it
i don't understand how the difficulty's keep getting easier yet the players intelligence goes down with it
>huntsman kruber with longbow keeps teamshooting
he is using everything that is bad
>can't kick him since he's host
just tell them to learn how to play at champ difficulty and leave
literally the only boss that actually requires some coordination
Is the game supposed to be this difficult? I've only finished around 3 of my first 10 missions and that's only because the RNG god's were merciful. I don't remember VT1 being like this
You can hit him through the ceiling when he is on his platform
>Ice cave is so fucking bright that the colors look like they were put trough a negative filter.
>Gatekeeper bugs out and transforms into two chaos spawns.
>Stormfiend bugs out and just sits there like a knob while we murder it.
>Rasknitt bugs out and sits on the same spot until he's almost dead.
You'd think they would have tested this mission a little bit more seeing as its supposed to be the climax of the entire game.
Ironbreaker dawi, shield bash things around and flamethrower hordes.
What kinda talent builds are you guys running for Kruber.
Can you smoke warpstone
All this green makes me crave a blunt
This kind of shit is proof that they're not even trying to hide their lack of QA team.
Foot knight with halberd/blunderbuss
not sure exactly what talents, something something extra damage resistance, reduced charge cooldown whatever you want on the others. I was bashing huntsman until he got killed off, found a new love in boss bullying and charging through mountains of dudes though
halberd destroys everything and blunderbuss is a reliable special killer at close to mediumish range
>play a game on veteran
>elf and slayer completely ignore healing items unless they're right in front of them
>never pick up a time or a grim
>run off ahead of me(Saltz) and Sienna while we try to get tomes
>when i try to tell them to slow down they get defensive and blame us for not going fast enough
I don't know, maybe it was my mistake for playing on veteran, but I would imagine that they would have known their shit since they were lvl 17 and 18. What annoys me is that the Sienna said "the game has only been out two days don't expect them to know everything." I don't expect them to know everything, just not to do retarded shit at that level of play time (17 hours) and to at least play like a team.
I hope they add Helmgart back into the keep scenery desu
There is no more helmgart
The only thing more frustrating than the sub 25 iq shitters in Champion are the autistic tryhards who get mad at everything in a nasally voice on the mic, and yet are just as fucking bad at the game as the shitters they're yelling at.
>keeps yelling COME ON and REALLY DUDE WOW every time anything negative happens at all
>especially if it's uncontrollable like a leech sniping someone in the middle of a horde
>runs ahead while we're bandaging at a cache, gets hooked and quits
You guys totally convinced me that this elf hate meme was real before release but now that I've actually gotten into the game they're not better or worse than anyone else. In fact I see them carrying a lot and I run into more useless cunty Kruber players than anything else.
I recently started getting into sienna, whats her best career and weapons to use ?
Haven't completed any of my last 7 rounds of casual veteran play. Never gonna bother with pubs again, even bots are better than this.
How can Okri be real if the end times isn't real?
>big fish
Pyro is her best but Unchained is also good.
Always use the Ceremonial Dagger for melee, it's by far her best weapon right now. Staff is a toss up between Beam and Bolt, both are really good.
Pyro for damage and endless ranged damage. Unchained for tanking and survival.
>instantly bursting any and every special
>stunlocking annoying as fuck shield stormvermin so that they're no longer a problem
>flaming head regens fast as fuck so you can do even more special sniping
>literally just throw it into the air when you hear a special and a good 75% of the time it'll seek them out
>can shotgun blast hordes to BTFO them or sweep the beam back and forth to stunlock them too
Beam staff on pyro is pretty fugen good, lads
>when you see Siennas room for the first time
I want to comfort Fire Auntie.
>impatient asshole keeps calling the team niggers and has a fit every time we stop moving for a second to clear the horde behind us
>bitches at me to waste my healing items when I don't need them as if I'm a retard and don't know how to use them
>runs off on his own and dies and then blames the team for it because we took two seconds to revive a guy at the back
Every other fucking game.
>that comfy as fuck happy tune that sometimes plays in the keep
Damn, should play in a loop honestly.
I'm planning to create a full-length sex story about Sienna's unwashed roastie tinged with well-aged urine, stay tuned.
Use the Falchion, and not the meme flail
>that music that plays when you're the last one alive during a complete shitstorm
>survive and it turns into a somber theme as you wander alone towards your allies on the other side of the map
In terms of general design (so not personal preference) of the rooms I'd say Saltzpyre > Kerrilian > Sienna > Bardin > Kruber
>not using lore-faithful weapons
>i dont think a a mere mortal man would do feats like Sigmar did before and after his rule, ending a continet wide undead invasion isnt easy you know
All he did was convince people to stop fighting each other and instead unite against a common enemy. Which was not that difficult as both the dwarves and humans were getting curb stomped. If anything people praising this mere mortal as a god is an insult to whatever god was responsible for their existence in the first place.
>level 24 Zealot with Brace of Pistols and 1h Axe
And yes, he was absolute garbage and almost wiped us several times.
>All he did was convince people to stop fighting each other and instead unite against a common enemy. Which was not that difficult as both the dwarves and humans were getting curb stomped.
Islam wants to subjugate or kill us all, you don't see a lot of alliances going on against that, do you?
Are pistols always bad, even on bh
What should you use on bh
>Only way I can get better gear is through Champion.
>Every game I join has a Slayer Dwarf who is suicidal or people trying to speed run for kills and dying.
They are ESPECIALLY bad on BH. Play BH with Repeater Gun or Volley Crossbow or switch classes, simple as that.
>its another dwarf uses flamethrower on champion to help him get green circles and be totally useless against bosses and specials episode
I hate reruns
I got orange pistols with scrounger. they're pretty good I think, but the ammo nerf is real bullshit.
tying ANY stat other than raw damage to hero power was a god-fucking-damned full retard move by fatshark, jesus christ
To be fair, what's the point in playing IB if you don't use Drakegun or Drakefire Pistols? You can pretty much switch to Ranger at that point.
oh fuck i just saw the face lol
at least the pistols have range to kill or stagger specials
flamethrower is just useless against the things that can actually kill a run at that difficulty
go play at veteran with that shit
Do elfs even know about headshot damage on ranged?
All elfs I see fire a barrage at the body of enemies.