/assg/ General

Vintage Memes Editions

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Class based with weaker killers. In development? Beta Delayed yet again. (Probably not real)

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Subjected to Video Game Violence unapproved by the White House:

It's nice getting free advertisement from the white house

Please be kind to your wraiths and don’t startle them with flashlights.


>Haven't played a wraith game in 4 months
>been alone on the /dodgebarge/ because every lobby has a flashlight

Fifth for qt Myers siblings

But I want to bully him.

>Those auras in the background
The only worst feel than getting camped is seeing the other survivors squat around you like you're some kind of show they have to watch.

>Wretched Shop
>Every single chase is the same fucking loop
Nah, fuck this. I'm leaving if it's shop from now on.

Did someone say flashlights?

Do people actually have waifus/husbandos from this game?

I have several, but don't spam the thread with them.

Every character in this game has either a single line of personality or actually 0 personality. They are all blank slates for people to imprint whatever they want on them.
Therefore, it is a prime breeding ground for pathetic waifufaggotry and husbanoism. Especially when you consider the japanese and tumblr fanart.

Let me rate your taste.


They all escaped. I was the true winner in the end

Huntress is pretty damn sexy

Why are survivors such bitches /assg/? Can't they lose with any dignity ever?


Huntress and Wraith have my heart but I won’t shit up thread by spamming them.

Entitled children who believe it's their god given right to escape every time

that person is working on a gen

axe mommy

>facecamping was fixed
So YOU'RE that guy.
Good to know the rest wasn't stupid. There's nothing that angers me more from other survivors that falling for the camping bait. The only reason camping works is because people can't stop trying to go for unhooks.

Yeah I noticed after I posted, but it was too late, and now I will live with the shame I was wrong on the internet.

What if they retooled Wake Up to work like Remember Me, and you got stacks off of gen repair and/or other bullshit in order to open the doors much, much faster than what it currently offers.

It would become OP against endgame builds.
Give it a couple months, it'll happen.

that was the wrong webm lmao

>4 people on ground right around Basement
>Know I should leave them all down cause Decisive Shit probably
>Do it anyway
>Was a 4-man SWF and I still got 3 of them

No shame in admitting you mistook something

+1 internets to you

I never get raged at like that on my profile. Is it a high rank only sort of deal or am I just not camping enough? Can I get a list of unwritten rules to break so i can generate salt?

>Try running meta perks
>Game easy
>Try running no perks
>Game still easy
really makes you think

I like the idea, but the speed couldn't be that much considering it's only 20 secs by default, not everybody runs RM, and unless you're going against Billy, Nurse or Huntress and the doors are super close to each other, 20 seconds is nothing.

The unwritten rules I've learned so far are:
>Don't stay near a hooked surv for more than 10 seconds. because that's camping and camping is bad
>Don't chase someone for longer than 20 seconds or you're tunneling. Doesn't matter if you're waiting for Bloodlust or that person is looping you around a pallet, that's too long and you should give up the chase or eat pallets
>Don't use Bloodlust, you should always get your kills ONLY with your base speed or powers
>Don't patrol gens because that's being too "gen-minded"
>If playing Trapper or Hag, don't lay traps near hooked survivors
>You HAVE to give the hatch to the last survivor if the hatch spawned
>You HAVE to respect the kobe saves
>You HAVE to give chase if the survivor wants you to chase him (but also don't chase too much or it's tunneling)

And i'm sure people can give more. I've gotten all of these and probably some more I forgot.
Basically, you can only 4k fair and square if you get everyone one by one without ever protecting any hooks, any generators and ending chases as soon as they start. Oh and don't slug either. Even if you do that, you probably took too long in doing something else so you're a camping tunneler shit killer

>check Marth88 depip squad videos
>Freddies do suprisingly better than in any other usual game at high ranks because SC isn't there
Is this enough proof that SC needs a damn nerf, or at least for those skillchecks to not wake up?

I think a major freddy buff would be survivors not being able to perform actions while falling asleep. (Healing, totem, generator etc)

Totally. I have had too many games where I stand patienly besides somebody to attack them while they finish their stuff. Likewise, I feel like I can hear the frustration from Freddies I've played against when I calmly finish opening the door before he can manage even one hit before I get out.

Failing that what about cutting sleep time in half? I just tried freddy for the first time using one of those splinters and I do agree it's pretty bad how they can just ignore you. But as for the door thing I think that's where his REMEMBER ME perk comes in, but even then that's a bandaid.

The thing is RM is a teachable, so it's not like no other killer can get it, and even more, use it more efficiently.
I do have to say though, RM MIGHT be more powerful on Freddy than other killers in the right circumstances. Sleeping survivors have a speed penalty where everything takes double the time, and that includes opening doors. If Freddy has RM with 6 tokens and sleeps everyone, the time for opening a door becomes like a whole 70 seconds.

how the fuck do you fix the reversed audio when you use headphones?

>reversed audio in dead by daylight
satan is that you

>When you find the hatch right in the corner of the Pale Rose map

>hear Nurse is good
>farm her up to P3-50 without really playing her
>play her finally
>suck ass
>"lmao hack in ur bp nurse scrub"

>putting points into killers without playing them
>putting points into high skillcap killers without playing them
Granted you can totally learn nurse in just an hour or two but you should still get some experience with someone before going all out on them.

>All 4 survivors asleep
>Freddy wins, that was hard.

oh fuck I had them on the wrong way.

How goes your survival tonight /assg/?

A tunneling hillbilly and a face camping nurse x2 so no gameplay for me

Were you just in my game?

I had five killers dc over the course of the night and have given up trying to play due to really long queue times right now.

Or just let Freddy grab people off of gens/gate switches even if they're awake. If they hear the lullaby and don't get off of it it's their own fault.

>One dead, three of us alive
>Go down trying to save David but Billy kills him anyway
>Get hooked, other survivor leaves
>Manage to kobe off on third try and Billy lets me go

This was after a bunch of garbage matches in a row so thanks Billybro

Decided I've become too reliant on meta perks, decided to run Sole Survivor as my only perk to remind myself that I shouldn't need second chances

wait nigga can i get your name too so that i don't accidentally sandbag you because I'm a pretty clumsy Jake


I recommend my buff build when you want to asjust from meta perks.
Up the Ante/Open Handed
You don’t directly benefit from any of the perks and it’s fun to make a ton of shit pop up on your fellow survivor’s screens when you’re nearby.

well anons, I tried the no terror radius doctor build and lemme say: that was refreshing. Got me to rank 8 too.

nah. been playing for about a month now and this problem just started happening.

try this "please be patient i have altruism build"
Borrowed time,we're gonna live forever, no one left behind ,we'll make it.

>down a Dwight, put him in the basement
>find a bill right next to the basement on a gen, down him and put him in the basement.
>Dwight suicides.
>come out and David finishes previous gen, down him and put him in the basement
>BBQ doesn't proc but I decide to be nice, leave the basement to kick a gen
>claud unhooks both, but bill decides he needs to be the first out, I down him, then the david that stayed down
>eventually find claud, end in a 4k
They didn't stay to appreciate my wordplay. That's also the first time I've had a Billy game that felt more like a Bubba game.

>Facecamping autist is a faggot Meg
This shit writes itself

>too poor to afford Freddy or Hag DLC for Vigil and Upthe Ante/Open handed

How many times you think something like this has happened to you?

When the Killer gets uncomfortably close and doesn't notice?
Too many.

none, because when I try pulling anything like what you do, they stare at me in pity.
It's even worse because I'm playing Dwight.

How does /assg/ like their fog?

I don't a character with the smallest frame in the game and the best camo after claude, so never.

Turned off in the .ini file

thick in the right places

I catch people doing this shit all the time.
>Look at them a second to make sure I'm not retarded, they're usually stock-still

Cute. Would hold water if I was ever in the killer's FoV to begin with. But y'know classic bait and all. Har har.

I get found plenty of times. It all about learning what moves will have a higher chance of working. Nothing is definite. Except for the hay bales at the tip of the silo. Those work 100% of the time.

>Dead game Friday the 13th does a double xp thing every single month
>Anyone still playing that game hit max level long ago
>DBD devs seem completely against the idea of doing double bp or even triple BP like that one time

This fucking pisses me off. Anyone still playing DBD at this rate will continue to do regardless of a grind or not.

I can't be the only killer who will see someone hide like that, act like I didn't see them, walk past, and lunge at them.

I hard counter it with this offering.

>tfw have a bloodweb with a red envelope in it
>tfw have to waste 3k only to get fuckall

im doing FINE guys

Oh no I do it all the time. That's the most fun part of being killer.

>>DBD devs seem completely against the idea of doing double bp or even triple BP like that one time
>They didn't do double bp for one event
At some point you'll get over it, until then refrain from posting about it.

Stop putting words in people's mouths every single time Blood Point boosts are brought up. Developers establish a pattern and people become used to it. If you change it up, there will be bitching. Especially when the change is negative. Couple that with the event also being shit and you got a fair complaint.

Wrong webm oopsies.

Stop being an entitled crybaby and maybe people will.

Why do I feel like I've seen this build before? Did you have the Face Mask add-on by any chance?

>Make a complaint
Yes, clearly it's my fault.


I've never used that add-on. I always have combat straps and the other one is either an extra trap, tampered timer, or whatever the purple gear box one is. Otherwise I use no add-ons.

I also don't use that build anymore, Knockout isn't great since There's always at least two people together basically every single game. And I use Overcharge as an off-brand unbreakable version of Ruin.

>*rubs hands together*
>"/assg/ won't be ready for my euphoric wisdom about this! They will stand up and clap for me for this input, as its never been said before!"
>Throw a tantrum because you're just a whiny brat whining like every other whiny brat and got called on it.

Survivor main I take it?

How would you fix "the grind"? Please no stupid meme answers like "double bp weekends" or "just hack it in"

A good example I've seen before is to be able to trade in your cheap shit like the brown Wreaths or Satchets for a low amount of BP.

Expanding on that idea: being able to take anything to get BP back. Lord knows I won’t use my thickest mist offerings or some UR addons.

Remove perk tiers

man, fucc this game.

>censor bar
loving every laugh

Being able to refund add-ons, items and offerings would be the best way to do it

Weekly Dailies for the community. The more you put into the weekly goal (e.g Rescue X amount of survivors from a hook, get X amount of kills) the more BP you earn

>namefags are cancer
>oh but showing your name in a screenshot is a-ok

I made it...

Speaking of namefags, where did they all go?
Where's Korbin, Sloppy Joe, and Rusty Tin Cunt and so on?

they left

kaz still hangs around here though

Whatever you're being paid, its not enough.

Killers have 94 perks.

Of these 94 perks, you can count the amount of good ones with your hands, so maybe reduce the sheer amount of complete garbage, that in itself would help a tiny bit. Outside of that some sort BP exchange system or just lower the costs. Maybe remove some of the garbage in it to like those 25% more bp things.

Scooby Doo cosmetics when

Just play Nea if you want to look like a dog.

I just want a Velma skin for Claudette.

I'm shitter Laurie
I only exist for threating your fun in this game, when you think you're about to hit me, I'll just run away of you at incredible hihg speed, when you think you're about to knock my unhook partner down, you'll get astonished that he still is running away of you, when you think you've caught me, I'm gonna stab you and free myself of you, when you think you've managed something, I'm going to heal all your effort up as if nothing would have happened. Enjoy being blinded all of the match, I feel your fear every time that you pick my partners up. This time I don't disconnect myself on purpose if you tunnel me, my flashlight is secured. Shitter Laurie isn't only one but are many ones.
Why are you still here?... Just to suffer!!!
By the way, for you sole survivor I'll be your bff when I'll be like you but you'll be our toyboy for my 3-man crew. Enjoy the sandbag.
Complaints? GL I'm entitled by the devs.

Killer: Triffids
Ability: ChloroPull - Instead of having a lunge attack, the Triffid channels a 2 second RMB extending it's vine like appendage to pull survivors back, even if that survivor is over a dropped pallet. Once pulled the survivor is set to injured, and must then hit a skillcheck to escape from being placed in dying. If they hit it, the killer is stunned for 3 seconds.

Perk1: Rooted - If the killer stands still for 6/5/4 seconds they gain an increase in movement speed of 2/4/6% for 20 seconds. On a 120 second cooldown.

Perk2: Preference for the Blind - While not looking in the killers direction, the killers terror radius is decreased by 20/30/40%, also the killer won't be visible unless looking at a 45 degree direction towards them or until the killer is 30/25/20 meters away from you

Perk3: Hex: Overgrowth - For as long as this totem is active it will gain 1 token every 150 seconds.
1 token: Increased action speed 3%
2 tokens: Increased action speed 6%
3 tokens: Increased action speed 9% increased movement speed 2%
4 tokens: Increased action speed 9% increased movement speed 4%
5 tokens: increased action speed 9% increased movement speed 6% all totems but Hex: Overgrowth are immune and alert the killer to their attempted destruction.