When was America fucking great?
I better hope it was more than 25 years ago, bitchboy.
when the unions were strong and the world was in ruins, and the factories had no choice but to pay some guy $30/hr to do nothing but tighten bolts 8 hours a day
18th-20th century.
pre civil war
and everything cost about 5 times less
but they were the most violent times in American history.
politicians would kill and attack each other on the streets and no one would do anything about it.
Make Everyone Else Poor Again
maya classic period
best period (if white, I wouldn't have fun in there myself).
Europe should try blowing themselves up more often.
in 1950 America had a larger economy than the entire rest of the world put together. I'd say that's pretty fucking great. Even after the rest of the world had started to recover from WW2 America still had the largest, wealthiest middle class in the world.
These days America's unequal wealth distribution means that despite still having much higher GDP per capita than most developed nations it's median income is actually lower.
If you don't think America was a better place for the average person forty years ago, you haven't been paying attention.
Alright, this point has been broached by liberal analysts, now the question is, how do conservatives plan on redelivering this unique economic situation?
Is it possible it was just sound bite minded bluster for people who weren't paying attention so that an administration representative of America's wealth inequality could take office and further said divide?
I don't think you can really.
I mean that shit just isn't coming back. Full stop.
Well, I know that...people who aren't blinded by particular brands of ideology and propaganda know that...how is this made clear to people who think the path to prosperity is paved with simultaneous promises of austerity and spending?
"People have to get used to the idea of working more hours."
t. Jeb Bush
top zozzle
>implying strong unions is a good thing
I don't ever think Trump promised austerity.
He is just arguing the myth that lower taxes will somehow balance the budget through expanded economic activity.
>yes goyim negotiate for two dollars an hour on your individualist terms it's anudda shoah if you don't
>Implying it's not
>Being this much of a statis anti-capitalist
Bet you think minimal wages are a good thing
I was thinking of the usual Republican agenda (Ryan) + Trump's spending promises.
I'm wondering about how much administrating he'll defer to the "swamp" he promised to drain.
I don't know if he's gotten over disliking Paul or not.
no matter what you do they will just call you a cuck or worse
Early cenozoic
the 90s
Why would /pol/ think a minimal wage is a good thing?
If it stood to hurt the bankers and weren't an assurance in the favor of minorities, why wouldn't they support a hypothetical minimum wage?
Trade unions would also hurt bankers wouldn't it?
By this logic /pol/ would hate both things.
As much as I know better, it's difficult not to make them into a monolith.
>politicians would kill and attack each other on the streets and no one would do anything about it.
There was the well known instance of pro-slavery Preston Smith Brooks caning abolitionist Charles Sumner right there on the senate floor and Aaron Burr murdering Alexander Hamilton in a dick-measuring contest, but openly attacking each other in the streets? That's a new one on me.
The most violent period in American history by the numbers was the late 70's through the early 90's but by the mid 90's plummeted in absolute terms to what crime rates were during the 1950's (with a far larger population than what it was in the 50's). Jury's still out on what caused this: some say it was tough-on-crime approaches to law enforcement, some say that it was because children were no longer having leaded gasoline fumes blasting them in the face, others argue that the rise of video games essentially killed the listless boredom that gave rise to the lion's share of violent youth crime
>others argue that the rise of video games essentially killed the listless boredom that gave rise to the lion's share of violent youth crime
I want to believe
>There was the well known instance of pro-slavery Preston Smith Brooks caning abolitionist Charles Sumner right there on the senate floor and Aaron Burr murdering Alexander Hamilton in a dick-measuring contest, but openly attacking each other in the streets? That's a new one on me.
I dunno I kinda count those as "openly on the street"
oh well "Bloody Kansas" is probably an example
>I dunno I kinda count those as "openly on the street"
Even in its own day dueling was considered tawdry, crass, and uncivilized, and to have your vice-president engaging in a duel was a straight up embarrassment. And the caning incident was itself a scandal, Americans couldn't believe how bad the discourse of slavery was getting. These were exceptions to the rule
As was bleeding Kansas. It was a specific case of Americans coming to blows over the issue of slavery and we remember/have a name for it because it was that extraordinary.
The 50's, despite social struggles, were a legendary time of economic growth and stability
Pre 1865
1950s, objectively. Unless you were a nigger.