League of legends general /lolg/


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op is a fag

Assblasted Ashefag

kill all yordles and all yordlefuckers


why do I always have to get the troll supports in normals
like I get its normals and people arent good, and people want to test supports and stuff before they play it in ranked but why do I have to get shit like heimerdinger supp when my opponent gets alistar and I'm basically forced to sit under my tower and farm until they decide to dive me
I'm playing norms so I can try to test out kaisa but she always gets banned anyways xd

Random Poll


Why don't you make a thread before Lissfag fuckers
Reminder to shoot all Lulufags and Lissfag on sight.

Would you a Zoe?

>Morde isn't even in the next 3 champions to be updated
How does that make you feel?

this was difficult because of the bombardment of ults, not to mention zed ulting me every time (not killing me )

what happened to elise? why isnt she played anymore?

We need our version of [embed] poster

feels good man

I... I think I'm fucked, lads.

>no me option

>still stuck in gold
>g5 0lp

which league girl is the most sniffable?

what do you even build on morde now, i still build like im in season 1

youre fucked alright

>Gold V, 0 lp
Does it, though?

Galio vs Lissandra. Who wins?

see the apes on pbe from brazil with 900 ping are more reliable than the players im with at this point

anything you want because he still has that option but its never capitalized on

Is Kayn top viable?
I think hes cute and want to play him. I also don't wanna PvE

Galio is bigger than malphite user


>playing the most useless support in the game

>any right to complain

>sona main

if you're asking then yeah

>play kayn
>do basically nothing all game except farm, get objectives, and feed occasionally
>our mid is caught out at endgame but deals some damage
>use my retarded MS to catch and assassinate the fiora
>flash out so i don't die
>get the KS on their adc when they were dead to rights in a yorick wall
heh....nothing personal

Galio steps on her

I feel bad for your Jinx had to 2v1 the lane.

>Camille feeds the shit out of Quinn
>"I'm melee"
Motherfucker you are Camille, this is not a matchup that you lose.

/fgg/ please go

Do not lewd the gnar.

Lewd kennen.

Jinx may be a little slut but she's also a good girl who deserves to be cherished and I love her!


>Shiv Jinx
>PD Jinx
>BORK Jinx
Silver 1 is truly a mystical place.

What a shit thread lmao

The fat misread its okay user thats adorable.

>my sweetie is winning



That's a pretty embarrassing post ya got there

As I thought. Based Galio rapes the ice whore

>No votes for Lux

Did I miss something?

What makes Lulu the most abuse-able league girl?

>no seraph's

Fugg was hoping I could delete it before anyone noticed.

anybody else enjoying abusing kai'sa?

Don't worry, we will let you watch.


Who do you think would win if the option were between your sweetie and (You)?

>tfw I just now noticed the masks

I'm assuming Jhin will get a debonair skin now

>another 5
When will this stop?


Never, she's the official lolg waifu for a reason

Not currently, but possibly next patch. They're changing the way his passive works so you charge it much faster early, which means you could quickly get your form top if you go for frequent trades. It would be pretty risky though.

She's the best at everything so that includes being bullied.

>tfw no angelfu

>Every time you cum inside her corrupts her a little more
>Eventually she's a slutty, air-headed bimbo

I don't care what anyone else thinks because I love my waifu


... and then one out of every eight games you get the Brand support who does double everyone else's damage in the game.

Seriously he did 21k to my 10k but I got honors because I didn't int on Kaisa and went hard on drakes and rift.

That's how low the floor is on Kaisa. Literally don't int and people think you're a god.

stop that

user I don't think you should do that, leave her be.
I wouldn't know...

>can only nut to poppy now
What the fuck? Literally nothing else works for me anymore...

>tfw I took boneplating on yorick instead of demolish
i'm sorry it's just too good to pass up on

Who would you want to win?

She is monogamous and can only be a slut with me

You've ascended to the true patrician's waifu user

Why is she so fucking perfect in every way?

Why does it matter? None of the options are okay...

She just is, don't question it

Shit just like Sejuani lmao

Only if you will take her place instead.

>everyone on my team is autofilled
>this is my jgler
>already used my first dodge of the day
nice game

trash players on team
thank god it's late night euw in diamond
i will queue up as fill and soft int these fuckers

Those of you who subject yourselves to solo queue, why?

If you want to display skill, play a single player game. If you want to win games, leaving 4/5 of your win to chance is not a good idea. Do you like hurting yourself? That's not healthy, user.

5 man premade or gtfo league.

It's fun. Not everyone has to like things the exact same way you do, user. Don't be autistic.

git gut lmao you fucking nigger its forced 50% so you pretty much play for the 56% winrate and grind
how many more years do you need to play to understand that

why dont they just fucking remove duo queue from solo queue ranked and just fucking have it solo or premade?

Im tired of people dragging in their retarded friend and expecting the rest of the team to carry the deadweight piece of shit

>Single player game

>game meant to be played as a 5v5 but nobody has four friends on similar schedule and skill level
mm it's a struggle

have you considered not playing this trash game
nah of course not

don't forget to buy skins lol


tfw spent more time tonight waiting dodge timers than playing cause literally all I want to play is kaisa and she keeps getting banned/picked

wins/losses dont fucking matter its forced 50/50 you just need to play consistant and not let the forced losses tilt you

*bans kaisa*


This isn't overwatch

The next batch of star guardian skins are going to be all male and one female, screen cap this

/dsg/ would like to have a word with you

Yeah I guess you're right. Most of the people in /lolg/ wanting to gangbang your wife into submission like the cum hungry slut she is isn't okay. Right?

Because you are a subhuman that wants to play Kaisa without having any skill with her, after being released two days ago.
Practice in normals and don't ruin other people's ranked games.


You're welcome

i am playing/dodging normals tho you silly baka

I think he ment single player as in you vs the opposing player like fighting games

the fuck does forced 50/50 and not being tilted have to do with overwatch? Nigga just dont be a shithead that throws games because "matchmaking is being mean to me and i havent won a game yet today"

thank'stve friend

>Star Guardian Urgot
>Star Guardian Jhin
>Star Guardian Warwick
>Star Guardian Taric
>Star Guardian Taliyah

>take a break from ranked after everyone on my team actually dies five times each
>try to go to norms
>four man quebecer premade with an average of 6 deaths
>ryze support

>He needs more than one hand to play League
lol fucking shitters.