People were happier in the past
People were happier in the past
happiness is not possible in a lasting sense
People were lewder in the past.
Ignorance is bliss. Being aware of inequality and the general shit nature of the world only gives people a depressed demeanor.
just a my thoughts
Yeah, sure, if you are happy being sent to work down in the mines as a kid, beaten for the slightest mistake, dying at a young age, dying from some disease that today could be cured easily, getting sent to die off in a world war, etc...
There definitely was a kind of innocence back then.
People like to make pretend there wasn't but people weren't always super nihilistic and jaded as they are today. Talk to any person above the age of 70 and they'll confirm it.
>in b4 they're senile
No they weren't, you reactionary fuck. People have never been happy.
No, they just sang and danced more.
Happiness ended with feudalism. This whole le freedom and independence meme is what makes people miserable
>Happiness ended with feudalism.
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche
Seriously, go on the internet for 5min and try telling yourself that people are less lewd than in the past.
Sure, people of the past would probably be of the same lewdness as now if they had the means to do so, but they didn't
I'd gladly trade 20 years of life expectancy to have a place in society. I have been socially ostracized all my life.
>you would be a loser virgin back then too
no, I'd just have to say "oh yeah, god exists and shit" and I would be married at 18 to a qt
>hurr women had it bad back then and it is the worst thing in the world for a woman to have to marry a beta
bullshit, I'd never beat my wife or anything and she would have been raised not to be judgmental and spoiled and there would be plenty of woman who'd want to marry me
I can't imagine all these girls with these massive mutant butts on the internet have a pleasant time when they have to take a massive shit in a tiny poorly lit public bathroom
What is the connection between having a big ass and a bad time in a public restroom?
I dunno those toilets are usually pretty small and often have toilet seats that are really lose
>this much romanticizing an age you didn't live in
I hope you realize you're like hipsters saying they were born in the wrong generation
If you want to belong somewhere, start taking your job seriously and do it well, and join a church group. You don't even have to believe, just go through the motions and you'll earn a community
AKA high-adventure
The attitudes of soldiers at the onset on WW1 are a great example of this.
>would rather be assigned a place in society by birth than forge one for himself
1. You have a place and it's probably shitty
2. Is there anyone more cucky?
haha people were happier in the past, am i right guys haha man hah
>using anything post WW1 as an example of past innocent naivete
haha yeah bro, the world used to be much better haha great bro
We're not talking about reality we're talking about perception
I hate to play double's advocate but just because more people were dying does not necessarily mean it was a worse year. It's a doggy dog world.
nice try
nice trips
It's dog eat dog world you moron
is death a perception or just a reality :^)?
learn to meme
How one reacts emotionally to death is a perception.
t. commie trash
fuckin' robots
Sorry for being a baron of bad news but you should take posts with a peace assault in this board
One could argue that since we are trying so hard to run away from death we live in a cowardly age, rampant with atheism.
Meaty oaker argument
>terminal loser
>b-but i would be married to a cutie if only all the rules of society were destroyed and everything was made easier for me
alt right in a nutshell
>One could argue that since we are trying so hard to run away from death we live in a cowardly age, rampant with atheism.
Except the idea that atheism is rising is a meme.
as an asian can confirm this,the difference in mentality and worldview can be quite extreme
old people have naive noble worldview
People who live like those in the past usually are happier than people in the mainstream West.
The San people, for example.
And people, at some times, were less perverted than nowadays. The Sexual Revolution happened.
Then don't shit in a public toilet is not that hard.
T. Never shited in a public bathroom
I think the bald naked dude is smiling
Explain the attitude. God I hate when people make these vague allusions without expanding.
So if one bald naked dude is smiling that invalidates the whole image? You think that hypothetically, if Kristoff, a German Jew enjoyed himself at the internment camps that this person would invalidate the cruelty and atrocities of the crimes committed in that war?
In some regards, yes
In others, aw hell naw
Every move is a trade off in the long run
>you will never know what it's like to experience India tier poverty in a European country
why live?
There isn't any way I can wash dishes faster or better.
>join a church group
That is a possibility. Though back to the topic at hand, if I were born into a religious community I wouldn't have had to go through all this to begin with.
All the great accomplishments were the result of people standing on the shoulders of giants. In the past the "giant" was shorter, but I would be allowed to stand on its shoulder. In the modern world I was kicked off because no one cares about le awkward male teenager beta subhuman and now my life has been derailed and I can't get back on. Even if I put in maximum effort I will only be able to climb on top of the giant's shoe. I can't afford uni. I don't know where to get started building a business and no one will give me the time of day so I'm not going to get anyone to agree to deals or whatever. I'm totally alone. I have no realistic prospects for a career or social life.
I'm not asking for anything, just pointing out flaws in your wonderful liberal society.
>wow, homosexuals, women, the disabled, minorities! everyone is included!
>except for "robots" and "terminal losers" like you tee hee :^)
This "us vs them" mentality of yours is psychologically the same as that of "reactionaries", but at least in the past everyone had a community they could be a part of. Also, since your moral compass is so out of whack, this kind of erases any kind of obligation I have towards these "rules of society".
kek it looks like her ass is deflating
We don't have religious orgies or sacred prostitution, at least.
This is the biggest lie ever told in human history, people weren't happy in the past. Happiness can't be determine by mere pictures of a select few. Think of it this way, we tend to think good about ours lives when we were younger, why? Because we rather remember good things then to remember the horrible shit that we had to deal with. Why waste more time and energy on how horrible the past was when you, yourself don't currently feel happy? We already feel unhappy, why pour more on? There is always those rare exceptions to people who were never happy or that they are always happy. It is called life anons.
PS, she did nothing wrong.
Double's advocate? Really?
Robots are self-segregated. Society wouldn't reject you as hard if you didn't think there was some twisted nobility in rejecting them.
Not really.
In developed countries, I'm sure there are many people happier than those in the past. In the past, life for almost everyone was tough and chaotic. The levels of cortisol in their brains was probably much higher.
where are all the redditors coming from?
Yet the current era is the safest time in human history so far.
Too bad people this era are dumber.
>implying safe= happy
Stop this
Impressive. Very nice.
That's true, but it's pretty silly to think that the local plague starving out your village will make you happy because of the lack of security.