>no auties poll
OP is a fag.
Also who would you like for the 16th TTC4 team?
Whoa lets have another hot take poll.
This is a one question poll with a list of all the dead and never liv boards. Tell me which ones you'd like to see.
(nothing official about this, just curious)
was about to shill my own
I've got 78 responses so far.
/4ccg/ list managers who are absolute dogshit at running a team but are useful enough that we keep them around
I've considered asking /mlp/ to tag-team, but I don't want people to hate /myteam/ because of it.
Do it for the memes. Also chances are people already hate /yourteam/
tl;dr do it.
This manager, or so I hear.
/bant/ and /s4s/ are working towards a potential tag team called [b4ns].
>non-teams are allowed in the TTC
Since when?
/bant/ already has managers, and will likely debut in Spring. This may as well be an autopilot entry to ensure the 4 groups of 4 format.
I was talking about /s4s/
>already has managers
Damn, I guess having a manager for a team not official counts now huh. Wowee user
Damn off season is really dead. At least fetus next month.
This is the /4ccg/ not /poccg/
don't you have a discord for that?
Where is the option of fuck off
It'd have to be next year due to time constraints, but maybe we will then.
>page 10
Manager ratings when?
Right here:
1. Literal trash
9001. All Managers
>World Cup anthem is called Colours
Is it /a/'s year?
big deal, anyone is as good as Karth when it comes to managing
Why are weeaboos so mentally ill?
I don't see Bocchi getting an anime
green and purple are the best colors
>Epitome of memes,
>Two boards than have to steal memes from others.
>epitome of memes
More like Cancer United
That's not /mlpol/.
But it should happen in TTC5 for the memes. THE heel.
Fuck that. If you want /mlpol/ go watch the /pol/eague, don't drag /myboard/ into this shit even deeper than it already is.
A match between /spa/ and /mlpol/ would be legendary.
Reminder Bochum signed them up for TTC2.
Anyway somebody should stream a Cancerbowl like Vidya Bowl or FLGS. Just /mlp/ /pol/ /a/ /sp/ round robin for maximum cancer.
I'd say finally a tournament /pol/ /a/ or /sp/ could win but /mlp/ would stomp them all.
SDA did on PES18, though it was a knockout style and an obvious test. Reminder that /sp/ won, and this is the reason why we're not moving to PES18
Why is the 4cc so gay?
Not that I mind...
>SDA Australian potato quality
Can we get PAVAL or QD or Kekkels on this?
I am terrified to see that roster. /bant/ is a discount /s4s/, which is a discount pre fappening /b/
Fuck off stupid anime autists.
>complaining about anime on an anime website
>”I come to Veeky Forums to bitch about anime. Now if you excuse me, I’ll go on /r/_the donald and say how “BASED” trump is”
>everyone who hates anime must be a redditor and trump supporter
>complaining about complaining in a general of contrarians
Dumb, smelly, seething weeb.
>I post wojaks still in 2018
Click on this image or your favorite subreddit will disappear in your sleep tonight
>animetards actually go to reddit
Ill stream from now on without using wifi. Got that superb fast nbn now.
Very bad at video games, though.
are you from /t/? Because if you are, then it’s a waste
No. I know you gotta post a torrent to make threads though, and I there's fuck all to really make a roster from, but I want to believe
Is this man some kind of newfag? A teenager from a discord, perhaps?
>anthem isn't all the death metal from Aggressive Retsuko spliced together
Attached: retsuko.gif (636x353, 229K)
>page 9
Attached: 1507496148160.jpg (500x661, 165K)
>that brace goalhorn
Attached: sugoi serval sounds.webm (960x540, 2.79M)
the tryhard cup is on the main channel btw
Marco plays /p/ and magicalcoat /c/
next up (I think) is karth /toy/ and prow /pol/
It's karth /toy/ vs ravenire /u/
If only this was a real cup match
Attached: Untitled.jpg (903x597, 68K)