Time Commanders season 3 premiers tonight at 9pm GMT on BBC4 boys...

Time Commanders season 3 premiers tonight at 9pm GMT on BBC4 boys, fucking lindybeige is going to be commanding the Carthaginians verses Rome

Can't wait


Mike Loades is back too
And that other guy who had a sex change

It's gonna be great

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I remember watching this back when I was a kid. It was well joke. Fuck Greg Wallace though.

>And that other guy who had a sex change
bbc YES

Total War has a TV show? The fuck is this?

Is he going to forfeit because he believes the battle of Zama never happened?

I'm sorry to disappoint but Matt Easton said that that fight won't be on tv, they're going to upload it to youtube at some point in the future.

I'm so excited about it and I really hope Matt and Lloyd will make more videos together.

Yeah history channel used it to show ancient battles too.

He was in the show before he cut his cock off and grew tits.

Holy fuck how had I not heard about this? I used to watch Time Commanders back in the day.

Shit we need a Veeky Forums stream.

>Shit we need a Veeky Forums stream.
Gonna be a pain in the arse, BBC are pretty Orwellian with their content control. Anyone streaming could expect a knock on their door.

Meant for

He's not airing on television though

awwww what the fuck, what do you mean?

We just wont see it from their perspective in the show, or the fight that they took part in just wont be aired at all?

God it's going to be painful watching Aryeh Nusbacher, even from this preview we can see he's incredibly self-conscious about his image. He used to be enthusiastic about this show but now he's just like "heh ye" "hmm" in reply to everything Mike Loades says.

We might get some good Veeky Forums memes out of this

>He used to be enthusiastic about this show but now he's just like "heh ye" "hmm" in reply to everything Mike Loades says.

So he's got the female character perfected, now all he needs is the looks.

Does he still teach and Sandhurst? I can't imagine that would be easy to do still if he is this restrained.

They lost the second battle.

Incompetent fucks.

ancient battles was actually educational instead of sheer edutainment like time commanders.

nowadays you need a random faggot on youtube to do those kinds of recreations.



Yeah I'd prefer a return of ancient battles over this desu but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

The fight was recorded, they just won't show it on tv. Instead they will upload it to their youtube account or something similar. We are going to see it don't worry.

I'm not British, someone for the love of god throw up a Veeky Forums stream


Finally we get people who have actually played the game/ know battle strategy.

Not some garbage collecter who stopped by to get on the show.

Matt Easton must have said it in his video about the show, I didn't watch it all though, I got excited and came here.



Just check the comment section

Why won't they show it on the show? Isn't it the whole point of the series? I know there's a bunch of preliminary distractions like riding horses and reenacting sword fights, but what the fuck?

watched this all the time with my grandma who liked Roman history

just gonna be me watching it tonight, h-haha...

yeah, unfortunately History has even less dignity left than the BBC

i do think youtubers like that are the future in historical entertainment though, sheer interest, no budgets and free access can stream unadultered, gleefully autistic enthusiasm on any subject to people's brains.

Yeah I love channels like that, Historia Civilis is great too.

What? I know which video are you talking about but did you actually watch the video instead of reading only its click bait title?

this. please someone stream

Lindy: youtu.be/3a96OkyC39Y

>watching other people play total war is now a tv show

not even a year yet and Veeky Forums is already shit

This is season 3. This show is pretty old.

seconding this fundamental question

I used him when doing a student teaching session. It was a pretty big success, I paused between important points since info goes by fast.

It was his video of Julius Caesars Consul in 59 BC. I made a worksheet for it based off info in the video and had an essay at the end.

Can't be done, best you can hope for is someone uploads the episodes to youtube after they've aired. It's always this way with BBC stuff.

Isn't so really good so fa

The show is posted to BBC Internet website after show on television? Some English man please upload the Youtubes. Thanks

So basically the fluffy haired autist playing as the roman general charged straight into the Carthaginian trap in the town and got fucking slaughtered in seconds because he was too focused on appearing as though he knows what he's talking about.

It's just as tragic as the previous seasons; just watching incompetent know-nothings fail miserably.


Oh that was just a small skirmish battle, never mind, I expect the autist gets slaughtered in the final battle.

So Matt and Lindy never appeared in the show and weren't in the credits either, strange.

Yeah I have to wonder why they even brought them to play at all. Really strange.

Maybe they'll be in the second or third episode, or maybe they'll be part of the team of (((experts)))

>playing on potato
>small unit size

no thanks

Did you fucking idiots even read the thread?

Fluffy haired history gamer autists won.

Idiot wrestling team who probably know fuck all about ancient warfare lost.

It actually came pretty close, wrestling team gave the Romans a fright with their slingers and almost annihilated their cavalry, but they completely wasted their own elephants and cavalry, after that it was pretty much a meatgrinder that Rome was always going to win.

Not bad, I'll watch the next episode.


It still doesn't explain why Lindy and Matt were even there at all though. Lindy and Matt were saying they've been playing on the show, fought all 3 battles but their matches aren't going to be aired.


Because the show is about groups of friends who've never played Total war.

They got them on board for some free e-publicity for the show obviously.

I don't know as well but the point is that they'll upload the matches and we'll see them.

Yeah I guess that makes sense

nice quads

They're on a future episode. Either next week or the week after. It's a pilot run of 3 episodes.

>pilot run
No it's the whole series, it's how the BBC does stuff these days, lots of tiny series because it's easier to sell abroad that way.

you're just being biased against meatheads. They showed alot better tactical judgement than the boardgamers ever did.

I'm dissapointed they didn't win frankly but they deserved their loss after zerging the elephants to death in the opening.

The Boardgamers were fucking awful. Even the experts and presenter were clearly rooting against them.

Excellent, so it's going to be youtuber historians versus youtuber total war gamers?

Sounds fucking smashing.

the battle they are participating in has elephants vs Romans, has to be either Zama or something in the first Punic war.

it's no surprise that board game fags are incapable of spatial thinking and real time coordination.

Yeah I know I am being a bit biased, they expressed some brilliant quick thinking, gave the historical boardgamers a way bigger run for their money than they had any right to.

That Roman General was so fucking insufferable and stupid.

Well Eastons already thoroughly spoiled it anyway. It will be entertaining to see how they get on.

It'll be fun to see if they comment on the 'field teams' shit segments. Even Lindybeige is better than they were.

Is it just me or did Lynette Nusbacher actually pass pretty well.

This is getting confusing now. In matt's video, they talk about carthage vs rome and playing the battle of waterloo as well.

I'm more inclined to believe they were just invited to play a bit for publicity like said, so these guys can upload the battles that wont be broadcasted onto to their channels.

The LARPer? He was a turbo aspie
>Because I don't want any more Roman men to die
>I don't want to send letters to their mothers and families

Just you, he looks even more Hench than when he was a guy

You know what, he wasn't anywhere near as distracting as I thought he'd be. I can deal with this I guess.

Top fucking kek, that shit was pure cringe, I don't know how the host could fucking resist laughing or mocking him openly.

Hopefully that would be neat.

I love Time Commanders. My brothers home for christmas and we watched it with our Dad and it was just like old times. I think I was about 12 when it first aired.

They made it far more entertaining than if it was just the Wrestlers, I love weirdos on TV, there's not enough.
Like that Family with the aggressive mum from the original, shouting "Kill" over and over again.

any more details to narrow it down. I want to watch more.

Battle of Stamford Bridge episode

Yeah I just looked in the comments of Matt's video, they're involved in making "web content" according to Matt himself.

>berserker units
I never played it but I thought rome total war was a good game


it's a good game

it's definitely not historical though

in rome 1, egypt are literally 2000bc ancient egyptians using khopesh swords and everything.

Hmm... Matt Easton said he was playing the rome total realism mod. Is it more historical?

Rome 2 is what they're playing now, it's more historical in general.

Yes it's way more historical. Haven't played it in years but I'd expect that Egypt would have been completely remade into proper, Ptolemaic Egyptians.

Bet you feel shit for doubting his genius now eh

>Lloyd makes whole episode on berzerkers and how BS the show is
>says he'll be on the show
Guess they really had their revenge

Reminder that Lindy claims

>no one used swords, axes
>no one used horses
>no one used throwing knives
>no one used double strap arm shields
>no one used scythes
>no one used mail coifs
>no one used torches
>Pikemen didn't fight each other
>no one spoke French during the French revolution
>no one spoke Latin during the Roman Republic
>battle of Zama didn't happen
>Romans carried one pilum
>Vikings weren't real
>berserkers weren't real
>climate change isn't real
>stagnant social mobility isn't real
>castles were defended by three soldiers
>butted mail is better than riveted mail
>operation market garden was a success

Don't forget how he thinks a one man turret is better than a 3 man

>castles were defended by three soldiers

I have to point this out every lindy thread, but sometimes they actually were. Google some of the English castles in Wales which were often defended by tiny garrisons.

I'm so glad this shiw is back.

Some of that is true and some of that isn't what he said.


TomSka BTFO by Lindy and Matt

Aw yiss, this shit is fakkin gold

Do you reckon the posh autist threw the skirmish for better tv?

No. I mean, I'm sure he thought he looked really cool initially, thinking to himself;

>I'm gonna walk all my troops right into their center like an ALPHA, then I'll get LOTS of pussy back home

But he just made himself look like an utter fuckhead retard by remaining completely oblivious to the obvious trap laid out in front of him all the way until he was completely surrounded and slaughtered.

You couldn't pay someone to do that intentionally. He really is something special.
