Fighting Games General /fgg/
theme of tokido
Year of the dog!
Evangelion is a pretentious pile of shit
wud hunt
it's for anime brainlets
"I wanted to beat you at least in a video game" - Tokido
what fighting game is this?
Guys, remember when Tokido was relevant in jive?
me in the back
MvC:I and SFV
>that zoom
Fuckin hell, Japan.
Who should I play in Melty if I prefer the ground and I wanna get away from F-Ries?
Play succ.
me in the echo fox shirt
Can someone explain to me how the attitude system works in KoF 98?
These characters are bipolar as fuck, one match they get along, the next they're mad and I lose my meter for it. This is so stupid.
Melty is a very aerial game in general
unist, melty is not a ground based game
remember when daigo got challenged by tokido and BTFO'd him in a ft10?
t. pop team reddit superfans
wew talk about kuso mechanics
Post 30 seconds of you being familiar with even one of the series nge ripped off dumb newfag
>I don't know how to lose this
tokido's arms were too short to box with god.......
You could try F-Hime maybe
post 30s of anno living in your head rent free
oh wait you already have my b
Finish your sentences Boi.
has one man EVER been so btfo?
what did he mean by this face?
Yeah, it's awful. The game itself is great, but this stupid shit makes my head spin.
What happened in September 2015?
>tfw Mena is on the same list as Daigo as one of the few people to absolutely BTFO tokido
hey nigger janny can you stop getting me banned every time I say nigger pls. I get that you are upset because you have to go through life looking like a monkey, but you don't have to take it out on me
if i like vsav and playing aerial characters will i like melty? i keep wanting to play it but it seems a bit whack to post your ip for everyone to see
>tfw jugg jugg could be the true daigo killer
Is the akihaposter banned again?
not him but what of the anime that inspired it are worth watching? any you could recommend?
He's officially washed up now, right?
he got blown out so hard he started posting on /ggg/
>Saltford Kelly
Been awhile since I've heard from him. What's he even do anymore?
everything he said is true.
looks like he left because you guys are retarded niggers, and not because he got btfo
He just bodied Justin and beat Yipes in MvC2. Justin is definitely the biggest wash since he can't even beat anyone in MvC2 anymore.
You haven't? That's weird he travels to every single tournament.
If it's a smiley the guy gets meter when he jumps in
If it's a frowny the guy loses meter
>what of the anime that inspired it are worth watching
All of them
pretty much everything Anno likes and copies is really good unlike his own works which you can find via google
yeah bro the attention whoring larping role-playing tripfag talking about /fgg/ being attention whores...he truly btfo'd us.....damn....
>gay/trap, attention whore, anime girl posting, erp, off topic,
What a faggot. He embodies all of this.
no /fgg/. you are the attention whore larping role players
>da alpha special
probably, the game lets you double jump and airdash in the same jump and neutral jump drift, air dodge/shield/throw, air counterhits have billion frames of untech time, etc
So I lost this motherfucker, where can I buy one quick without waiting 3 weeks?
I know its called E clip, but what size should I look for a Regular Sanwa stick?
it's obvious why daigo won
I get that. What I'm confused by is how to make them happy. It seems completely random.
>call akiha bricks boyfriends
>she throws a fit and storms out
You mean girlfriend
this stuff? any that are your personal favorites?
It's a relationship thing
Ralf hates niggers apparently
brick stop attention whoring
no one cares that you have an internet gf (male)
the drinklet vs the chadchug
just report this retard, nobody deserves him
We did it punkbros
not him but if i had to pick one, ideon
gonna go reply to him just to spite you
Legend of the blue wolves
Do you want giant robots and shit? ideon
do you want high school girls drama? dear brother
its not rocket surgery just watch something that seems interesting to you
What fighitng games besides KI have 21:9 support?
its sold out, sorry
ive watched the original sdf macross and loved it, ideon looks pretty interesting
yo is the fox coming to dominate tekken soon?
If you watch it make sure you watch the TV series then the 2nd movie
Injustice 2 seems to. Might be the case for older NRS titles as well. There was a picture of T7 running on an ultrawide monitor pre-release but seems that was scrapped, though mods exist to bring it back. Not sure how glitchy it is, if at all.
When was the last fg that made you feel like this /fgg/?
pic related
How is the IJ2 scene on steam? Seems to have a steady 500 players, but I'm wondering if that's all offline story mode or an actual lobby community
what was the last game that made me feel like cartoon porn?
idk desu
FUCK, is there any other way to get one???
>mommy bulge
s-sauce right now
every time i see this slut i have to fap to it fuck you
Where is the sauce man. I want to see that mom's cock.
nigger janny you realize i can see you posting offtopic shit right? like when you get me banned for offtopic shit every 4 seconds it makes you look so bad
>tfw no succ gf
end me
based dhalsim player
based tell em off bud
based janny btfoing nrs autist
>leaves the legitimate illegal shit up
not telling anyone off just trying to help him stop embarrassing himself. it's bad enough that this newfag thinks bans on Veeky Forums do anything