y_ simply y_
y_ simply y_
Is this a known lure to get this door open? Not useful unless a better way is found to lure that scientist though of course.
>post complains that running FPS on easy can turn them into "Hold W" ()
>reply saying "The difficulty is lowered in FPS games to allow more fluid movement tech." ()
Yep, it's american reading comprehension.
thanks for the late response!
trust the process serg, trust the process
>less than 24h in a slow fred
newfriend from /v/?
The God Gamer Stigma
The Zero Time Dilemma
why didn't you sage?
You know why.
why didn't you sage?
Why bother? We're stuck on p8 for so long there's no way this or the previous attempts will go anywhere.
who is we?
Why didn't you sage? Anyway, we is everyone on srg.
>thread is currently playing: Veeky Forums 404%
arbitrary meme category
>post complains that running FPS on easy can turn them into "Hold W"
>waaaah bad speedgames are bad!!!!
no shit. play something good, you faggot 2nd worlder.
thanks for the late responses!
why did you delete?
Okay, I understand now. You were crying about games that would be terrible irrespective of their difficulty. If the movement mechanics amount to holding W, combat isn't going to miraculously save the speedrun.
I didn't read your post incorrectly, I just inferred something incorrect from the context. I shouldn't have assumed that you had any knowledge of speedrunning. You clearly don't.
thanks for the late response!
>combat isn't going to miraculously save the speedrun.
that was never implied. American reading comprehension.
ok delete this post now and rewrite lmao
>that was never implied.
No, you're right. I mean, it would have been if that post was made by someone who speedruns, but since this is /srg/ I should have assumed that the person I'm talking to has no idea what he's talking about.
>that was never implied.
Of course it was. You're saying there are speedruns that are bad because you just have to hold W instead of fighting enemies on a higher difficulty.
Okay, I understand now.
>that was never implied.
No, it was implied. Read your posts again, my brown skinned friend.
>that was never implied.
Absolutely it was implied.
>that was never implied
It was.
>that was never implied.
>that was never implied.
It was definitely implied.
>3rd worlder thinks more combat is going to make a speedrun with no movement tech better
>b-but that's not what i said!!!
>please believe me!!
*bonobo howls*
rd worlder thinks more combat is going to make a speedrun with no movement tech better
other way around
More movement tech is going to make a speedrun with no combat better? Well, yeah. But difficulty settings aren't going to change the movement mechanics. So why are you whining about difficulty settings?
You're shifting the goalposts like mad here, Christina.
>speedruns that are bad because you just have to hold W instead of fighting enemies
lol nope
oh my god do you have any idea what you're reading at this point
literally why are you replying to me i'm not even in this
lol yep.
>oh my god do you have any idea what you're reading at this point
Yes. You clearly do not.
i sincerely doubt that based on your previous demonstration
feel free to prove me wrong by correcting yourself though
He just samefagged like 5 posts, don't bother.
You complained about how the easy difficulty setting in many speedruns makes it so you only have to hold "W". That is what you complained about. The counterargument is that those speedruns will always be bad, and a higher difficulty will not improve them.
Sorry that you're wrong and have to shift the goalposts to win. How embarrassing for you.
Only one of them was me.
and then you proved your inability to read yet again
do you have autism or something? if so i could understand this
I did not read anything incorrectly. You were wrong, and you are now shifting the goalposts because you lost. How embarrassing for you.
>i-it wasn't me i swear!!!!
fucking lol
>I did not read anything incorrectly.
so you do have autism after all
kind of sad but speedrunning does cause autism so i guess it's to be expected
>so you do have autism after all
No, this isn't the case.
>kind of sad but speedrunning does cause autism
No, this isn't the case. What a sad, small person you are.
>No, this isn't the case.
so now you're in denial? still kind of expected, speedrunning does cause denial
>so now you're in denial?
No, I am correct. You're in denial about being a literal mongoloid, though. Keep flailing, little man. I thrive on this.
>No, I am correct.
so you really are in denial after all
really sad, but at least you can fix this
No, that isn't the case.
I have you in the palm of my hand. It's so easy to manipulate stupid people like you. I can already tell you're going to force the last word. It's fucking hysterical.
>No, that isn't the case.
still in denial, but i believe you can start to overturn this by recognizing your problem
>still flailing
>still forcing the last word
so predictable. so mentally ill. it bleeds through in your posts.
/srg/ - Denialrunning general
>shifts the goalposts to win
>pretends to be a different person to not have to own up to it
The exposure is unreal.
>>still forcing the last word
so now you're in denial about trying to force the last word? this is advancing faster than i thought
Can you please stop being in denial? This is really embarrassing and reeks of Toast calling himself the best at SM64.
natural gameplay
lmao. what's wrong with you?
>baby goes on a tantrum after getting called out on his autistic denial rampage
Now THIS is autism
Yes, I agree, you are throwing a tantrum.
hey you fucking idiots that's not how you do the non reply meme
>Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)15:50:06 No.207981006▶
>hey you fucking idiots that's not how you do the non reply meme
shut the FUCK up
>Yes, I agree
I'm glad it's finally over.
>screeches and whines about reading comprehension
>can't even read the second half of a sentence
Who are you quoting?
>two thirds of a sentence is a half
yeah and 15 is a third of a minute
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RIP Billy Herrington 1969-2018
select all images with bicycles
>5 are trannies
>Author of article is a tranny
The absolute state of this community.
ok done now what
stop being epic
select the fucking bicycles
>clint runs one category in one game for 3+ years
>still doesn't have the record
lmao what a mongoloid.
The guy is in his mid 20s and only recently discovered that you can't survive properly on children's food. What did you expect?
>its the guy who cant read for shit again
dumb fuck.
What? He talks about it openly on stream.
fuck's sake what are you doing
Explaining that Clintstevens is in his mid 20s and only recently discovered that he can't survive properly on children's junk food.
yeah maybe stop that since it's besides the point
god damn you're dumb
Reminder to the faggots in the thread that screeching "reading comprehension" isn't an argument. Either explain what you believe was read incorrectly, or fuck off.
No, that was the point. Reading comprehension, my little dude.
"Reading comprehension" isn't an argument. Either explain what you believe was read incorrectly, or fuck off.
>explain what you believe was read incorrectly
The part where you think I "read" about Clint's diet.
>my little dude.
Oh christ you're gay aren't you
>Clint's diet.
Who the FUCK cares? Are you his mom?
>Who the FUCK cares?
When you are in your 20's and you still eat like a child, you deserve to be mocked. It's no different than mocking someone for being fat.
>When you are in your 20's and you still eat like a child, you deserve to be mocked
Literally what does this have to do with the original post? Who cares? Are you a chef that's also his mom?
>Literally what does this have to do with the original post?
Reading comprehension.
>Who cares?
I'm laughing at him, my dude. It's amusing seeing grown men not understand the most basic facets of life. It's the same reason I laugh at Cosmo for smoking weed all day.
"Reading comprehension" isn't an argument. Either explain what you believe was read incorrectly, or fuck off.
clint isn't going to fuck you.
clint isn't going to fuck you.
Reminder that Clint is so stupid he ran OOT 100% 8 hours a day for 3 years and still couldn't get the record.
This is the same guy who only learned in his mid 20's that you can't properly live on children's junk food.
Reminder to the faggots in the thread that screeching "reading comprehension" isn't an argument. Either explain what you believe was read incorrectly, or fuck off.
clint STILL isn't going to fuck you
yeah he's clearly retarded and his viewers are like parasitic insects.
monkayshun lmao