Shadman Edition
>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (very outdated)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:
Previous thread:
Shadman Edition
>Information about chests and when to open them
>Tome and Grimoire locations (very outdated)
>Performance guide
>Mega of cool stuff:
Previous thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hagbane to the back
Sometimes Maidens dash resets instantly, does anyone know what's up with that? Maybe another hidden ability that the devs for some reason don't tell you?
Have a cozy loot hunting weekend lads!
redpill me on ranald, why is this fucker acting like a double nigger?
>host as sienna
>wait for people to join
>switch to the last available class
There, I fixed the game.
I literally cannot stop playing BH. Deleting specials and hoards by THUMPing free crit crossbow volleys into them is so god damn satisfying that I have yet to level any other character.
What other classes feel this satisfying?
>RNG god
>not an asshole
Fun Ranald Fact: He isn't actually twisting his fingers for good luck, in fact he is a mutant with two middle fingers so is flipping you off twice with one hand.
How many times do the character's rooms change? I just got to the Sienna's charred up room and im level 15, wondering if their living conditions continue to change as you level them up.
shit I wnated to make the new thread
>what Slayers think they are
Meanwhile, what they actually are
>i wanted to start another Discord bickering because i want to fuck Tom
Huntsman if it wasnt for the fucking FoV bug when using his active. Longbow is ridiculously good at medium range, being one of the only weapons that can stunlock a chaos warrior indefinitely, although you'll kill them in a couple of shots when aiming for the head.
High leveled Veteran Ranged is also a great one if you pick the increased ammo from drops, so you can just go all Doomguy on the swarms with the doublebarrel.
>lobby is private
why the fuck do these even show up in the server list
How are people this fucking bad at video games
> Playing champ
> troll spawned with some buddys, not a swarm but a few.
> Killed the buddies but the troll wiped everyone except the unchained
> Unchained proceeds to solo the troll from a ledge
recorded it if you're interested. will post link at request.
>main theme starts playing when you're the last one alive
You get a little bit of recharge whenever you do and take damage, so that might be it
>Uderzo is dead
>GW didnt pitch him a tongue in cheek Warhammer goofball comic during his lifetime
Why even live
>Can't level up because I can't beat a map.
This is bait. You get pity xp for failing and it would easily level up you after a second wipe if not the first.
>THUMPing free crit crossbow
God, all the combat noises are so fucking satisfying in this game. It's like half the appeal for me. That sudden muffling of all sound when you land a crit, just to emphasize its impact. The disgusting meaty noises when you cleave monsters apart. That sweet, sweet THUNK when you put an arrow or bolt into a rat's forehead.
>jabbing a rat in the neck and it actually dies by grasping in futility at its bleeding throat
>running up to an enemy and swinging a charged attack at just the right moment, lopping its head clean off
>watching a rat dance to the beat of lead as you fire an unnecessary amount of repeater rounds into his torso
Do it. Compound Fatshark's retarded need to nerf everything.
Anyone try handmaiden with the -30% time to stamina regen trinket?
>slash an enemy a few times and then blast a hole in his chest for style points
>rapier's pistol counts as a melee kill so you get a crit reset
Can I run it in playable framerate (low grafix and low resolution)?
It's not going to result in any nerfs.
Maybe in a new invisible wall springing up, but this video will cause no nerfs.
My GTX 970 and 4690k are currently running it like ass dick but other people are having no problem so your mileage may vary.
>elf dashes in
>All Players dead
>One dwarf vs stormfiend
>Leech grabs dwarf
>Stormfiend hits dwarf out of leech grab
>dwarf kills stormfiend and leech
>Dwarf revives entire team
I will never forget the stormfiend that saved the last players life.
I actually want to ball up and cry when I come back from champion thinking it's a little too easy and find nothing but torrents of feedback saying fucking RECRUIT is too hard.
This would have literally been six times faster if it was with the beam staff.
This is a shitty Sienna.
>playing elf
>shoot an enemy
>"Nice shot, MAYFLY."
>Saltz keeps referring to Kruber as "Bardin" or "Master Dwarf"
>it's not a bug, he's just old
Some people are really. And I mean REALLY bad at this game.
Had a lvl 30 slayer join a Legend match and he asked "has anyone completed a legend game before" before going down in seconds.
This is the one time where she says that I actually like it.
>It was necessary, master dwarf.
>"It was necessary, master dwarf"?!
>ranger bardin doesn't drop health pots now
there is literally no reason to play him now
he drops bombs instead which is miles better
it's not Bugman's I'll tell you that
1h hammer on bardin is underrated as fuck
>opened 50+ crates as dwarf
>0 twin axes
it was that way in the beta too
pretty sure its bugged to never drop them
Sort the filters by joinable only you mong.
I don't want to be a walking meme playing the elf, but I like her playstyle (fast and light). What class should I go with, BH?
Ranger with Pickaxe and Grudge-Raker or Ironbreaker with 2h Hammer and Drakefire Pistols?
>Bardin keeps complementing dawri/himself whenever he kills a special npc
What level
Team healing is memes
Or even better, get that charm that gives passive healing, but won't let you use healing items, and then tack on the extra healing
dawri =/= dawi
What equipment slots can roll crit?
I know necklace cant, but it seems like charms can roll crit power and attack speed, yet not crit? Why?
>half way through Against the Grain on Veteran
>post-shit stomping by Chaos Spawn
>2 grims, 3 tomes
>get downed for the third time as krueb and die to zerker horde
>sienna dies not a few seconds after me
>doesn't actually die(?)
>reincarnates into a second body, locked in place
>is revived by (((elf)))
>can move now, but is still shown as dead
>no cd's, no damage, etc.
>this happens
it's a feature
Saltzpyres and Siennas rooms have so much personality, kinda disappointed in the rest.
>champion is play with one hand baby mode
>legend is there are no rats, just specials
lmao take less damage next time noob *kicks you*
Rejuvenating Locus worth or not?
Just play her if you want to, don't let whiners on /vtg/ decide how you play.
The strangler strangles no more!
>hookrats still grab you through walls
I've got a Rejuvenating Locus right here! *unzips pants*
>Get red
>It's a nerfed mostly useless weapon
Feels bad but ah well.
You're the big homo if you let shitters on /vtg/ decide what you can or can't play in this game
t. Elf that regularly carries shit randoms on his back
I'm with you on that one. Getting that no ammo crit and nailing 3 Berserkers with a THUNK and then going back to chopping up swarms of clan rats with the rapier is the most satisfying thing I've done in a game.
What is the difference between red & orange aside from the colour of the name
Looks like its fucking nothing
Is there actually any up to using bright wizard over the pyro? Burning head regens fast and vent all overcharge as well as dicking specials and armoured foes.
It really feels like there is no downside to beam meme staff, dagger, photo sienna.
Maxed out stats so you don't have to blow all your materials trying to get perfect rolls that require an EXTREMELY small chance to get.
The %'s on reds are always maxed
9 out of 10 pugs can't tell their heads and their ass apart, are bots any better?
>tfw you get a perfect roll 33% curse resistance and 5% movement speed trinket
If it was crit instead of movement speed I'd never swap it again, fuck power level.
What region and what difficulty? I'm pugging champs and haven't lost a run all day.
uuuh upstate new york
I know that feel bro
been playing alot handmaiden wiht spear, but now has started playing shade wiht glaive. boy it feels good rekt those stormvermins and boss damage is good .Crossbow is nice too, maybe uses too much ammo if using burst but it kills.
>movement speed
>melee kills: 7
this build is beyond broken on Sienna
It still is really strong, even with nerfs. What staff are you using?
beam staff pyro?
beam staff with heat reduction per crit AND temp health on crit talent is broken
>fight last boss on vet
>shade one-shots the mount and wizard knocks rask it off a ledge
Working as intended, right?
How to make dorf good?
I feel you bro, I can't stop playing as him too, volley crossbow is too fun, but repeater pistol is awesome as well.
Sometimes I play as Witch Hunter tho, since I use Rapier only at him because of aesthetics and Falchion on Bounty Hunter
Is reduction on crit really better than overcharge -20%?
Same with health on crit over kill, seems odd
> Achieve lvl 15
> Take bonus ammo perk
> Get your hands on a nice shotgun.
> Blast the DOOM ost at full base.
> Run around using exclusively your shotgun.
Both good and chadly.
And what lvl 25 talent are you running? Reduced cd?
Up until release, when cooldown reduction on crit was 5% on staves, I'd run flaming skull removes overheat and it'd wreck anything and everything.
That went to shit so I'm thinking I need to switch to your version with beam staff. Doesn't the beam staff feel a tad weak though? Compared to bolt staff, the dps output seems like nothing.
>endless whining on reddit/steam discussion to nerf elf and buff Sienna
This is on Legend by the way.
nigga you don't understand how fast overheat drains/health builds up
none of yall nigga's understand
Health builds up as fast as heat drains in this webm
>compared to bolt staff the dps output seems like nothing
I'm glad that so many of you are my negroes.
THUMP on my friends.
What the fuck
Why does the heat gauge suddenly drop to 0? Is that really just a crit proc?
Ok I'm sold, that shit looks even more ridiculous than what I had.
>be Slayer
>get into a Nurgle shithole
>be tasked with destroying the pus pods
>they are on the roof
>no ranged weapon because you took the oath
>your fellow drengbarazi are manling-made bots who can't shoot the pods
This is it, you'll meet your end at a Nurgle shithole because of manling incompetence, such was life for a slayer named Bardin.
how does this happen hello
>Bardin walks up to Kruber
>"Toss me. Not a word to the elf "
>deleting some naked horde rats
Looks like fun, which apparently substitutes a valid reason to nerf it into the ground in your reddit-tinted eyes.
explain this mechanic right fucking now asshole.
Wasn't it like 4 overcharge/crit? What the fuck.
i don't want it nerfed so i can keep exploiting it you retard, it's beyond broken. you regain health like nothign else, have literally infinite heat and beam does shittons of single target and aoe damage