How badly can a Vanguard High Yeild ETF fund that averages 15% on investment a year with no minimum investment go if things turn sour
How badly can a Vanguard High Yeild ETF fund that averages 15% on investment a year with no minimum investment go if...
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could completely disappear .
thats why people buy commodities.
How do you mean disappear? I thought it could lose value (maybe 15%) but not completely vanish?
How can you invest in commodities? Just an index of commodity companies on the stock market?
if the stock market disappears all stocks disappear with it.
you buy land and vaults for physical gold oil , bullets ammunition etc. so that you can feed your army and be in a better position to barter with the roaming barbarians and neighboring tribes.
instead of being captured and made to serve as slaves in their field's and mills.
you asked me for a worse case scenario.
hedge with oil . its a win win.
>turning sour
>dystopian future where everything but physical commodities dissapear
now that's what I call autism.
Higher fees and taxes with no benefits compared to a total stock market fund.
otherwise op could just factor simple percentage loss calculations on the stocks performance during historical bear markets.
Not from the US but am I right so say that Vanguard have probably the most respsected Index Funds in the world?
just another financial service company that issues etf's and mutual funds.
no need to romanticize them just because they have a "charismatic" frontman .
put in the work , review the mathematical facts and underlying assets in the portfolio bundle and leave the
emotions and hype and name brand out of the equation and you will find a lot of etf's out there with great value and high potential
>just because they have a "charismatic" frontman
Who the fuck are you talking about? Every Vanguard executive looks and sounds like boredom in physical form, and Jack, who isn't even with the company anymore, looks like death warmed over.
>You're a very strange person. I read this board almost every day, and I've never seen you make a single intelligent post....
>just another financial service company
One that manages over $4T in assets.
Could you please explain what you mean with the calculus or is this just yet another meme reply?
this is all stuff you should eyeball off a historical chart for the most part, unless you are putting together a professional presentation or something.
>i cherry pic and straw man my way through discussions
trolling is a waste of your short lifespan.
me being responsible for all that money on a professional level leaves a firm in a position of non-creative fund management, which isn't necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, it all depends on your personal financial goals and expectations . Nothing wrong with understanding your financial toolbox , but romanticizing and over exaggerating the ability of particular tools will lead you to make sub-optimal choices .
So how do you actually initiate the investment. Do you just purchase Vanguard Index Stocks on the stock market, or do you have to supply the company with the money directly? If the latter, what guarantee is there that they'll give it back? Do you need a Vanguard account?
Also, are they sort of bound to keep rising over the long run (unless a major crash like in 07')?
purchasing exchange traded funds through your broker is the best way to trade indexes.
just watch these, its absolutely free .
Fuck yeah Chain Rule. Separating the men from the boys in first year calculus courses since the 18th century.
If that ETF goes south you have other problems than your portfolio. Namely fighting off roving biker gangs on your quest to find water that's not radioactively contaminated.
> Not linking to Stefanica.
Vanguard is one of the companies that will be at this!
that's linear algebra.
Kek. Surely ETFs can't be that good that they only go south in an apocalypse.
Didn't they go bad in the Financial Crisis 08' or was that just synthetic ETFs?
Cryptoshill get out
Okay thanks. I'll try these
>non-creative fund management
Wow, you really are retarded. Since when is "creativity" a desirable trait for the manager of an index fund?
>p.s. I'm not trolling. I honestly think you have mental issues.
Wait. How do you get a broker? Can't you buy them without one?
Don't listen to him. You don't need a broker; you need a brokerage account. Not the same thing at all.
All Vanguard accounts are brokerage accounts, which simply means that they can hold any type of investment: stocks, bonds, ETFs, options, index funds, and mutual funds.
But if you prefer, you can open a brokerage account at other places too, like eTrade, Schwab, Fidelity, or even Robinhood. They each have pros and cons.
Do some research and choose the provider that makes the most sense for you. And learn not to blindly follow advice from the internet.
>sighing up for a meme boomer account
>have to have job
>>sighing up for a meme boomer account
>>have to have job
WTF are you talking about. This isn't remotely true.
Was yeaterday whe i was going to start putting money into a fund
No it wasn't. There is no "job requirement" for investing in mutual funds. Never has been, and I confidently predict, never will be.
Please stop being a faggot.
Okay so you need a Vanguard account by the sounds of it? And can you set up a brokerage account through a bank similar to purchasing shares?
If not I'll try one of the ones you suggested.
>don't blindly follow advice off the Internet
Yeah true. I dont really just follow it. But no one I know really knows about finance related things. So o come here and ask as a shortcut, then I go and research myself to confirm it all.
>Okay so you need a Vanguard account by the sounds of it?
Need? No. It's one of many options. But a very good one, considering the low fees charged by Vanguard, their excellent industry reputation, and their solid customer service. Also, they charge no commissions for buying any of their ETFs, which is a very nice bonus.
>then I go and research myself to confirm it all
This is the right approach. Good job.
John Bogle said in an interview recently that Vanguard plans on starting a cryptocurrency ETF this year. It should be added to the ETF selection on their website once all the legal work is done. Will be holding only cryptos that pass certain criteria.
Fuck you i know what i saw
>i know what i saw
No you don't. What you probably tried to do was open a 401k, which isn't an account that an individual can create. Its opened by your employer and offered as a benefit to employees.
But that has nothing to do with whether you can buy mutual funds. No one is stopping you from opening a regular account or an IRA and buying all the mutual funds you want.
>John Bogle said in an interview recently that Vanguard plans on starting a cryptocurrency ETF this year.
I won't call you a liar outright, but I highly, highly doubt this is true.
>401ks are meant to benefit the employee
Another retarded post youre on a roll today
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but you don't have to change post IDs just because you got triggered. You are in fact retarded, and you shouldn't post here. I stand by my earlier statement.
That very well may be user's point.
Honestly, changing your post IDs just shows that you've got sand in your vagina. I've already won this argument. No one cares about your tantrum, so you can stop any time.
you lose
>weaponized autism
pic very related.
Shiller's video course was great, as was Irrational Exuberance.
Lowest expensive ratio in the industry and unique client-owned business model set Vanguard apart from the rest.
i have a vanguard account that i just invest into weekly for about 6 months now. The returns are pretty crappy. I want returns like TQQQ
noun: brokerage
the business or service of acting as a broker.
a fee or commission charged by a broker.
"a revenue of $1,400 less a sales brokerage of $12.50"
a company that buys or sells goods or assets for clients.
plural noun: brokerages
...really sinner?
it doesn't make sense in the context of the question i was answering about calculus.
yes totally watchable for persons of all ages.
light on math and heavy on relevant , practical financial wisdom.
>6 months
I honestly don't understand why people open Vanguard accounts when they don't understand even the basic tenets of long-term investing. You might be better off elsewhere, seriously. I don't you have the patience, discipline, or intelligence to invest the way that Vanguard encourages.
I didn't say he needed a brokerage. I said he needed a brokerage account, which is a SEC designation for a specific type of account. You do not need a broker to get a brokerage account, nor does your financial institution have to be a brokerage to offer brokerage accounts.
Words have meaning. You told OP that he needed a broker, which is wrong. Not you're changing your story to say he needs a brokerage, which is also wrong.
>posts advertising material
>thinks its financial science
Jesus H. Christ, how gullible are you? Your posts just get worse and worse....
OK. So now what?
you mean an account with a brokerage, a firm that acts as a broker for stocks to customers as a service.
stop .
are you saying disagree with the financial tenants that pyramid espouses, because they are pretty common sense ?...
seems like you just need a friend desu.
for the autistic trolls who have to cherry pic and straw man every piece of everything i say.
>you mean an account with a brokerage, a firm that acts as a broker for stocks to customers as a service.
Wrong. Most financial shops sell their trades to third-market brokers. They don't act as brokerages; they simply offer brokerage accounts.
Look at the calendar ... it's not 1948 any more.
>are you saying disagree with the financial tenants that pyramid espouses, because they are pretty common sense
Yes, I disagree with the marketing pitch of some for-pay financial advisor looking to sucker people into paying excessive fees. You'd have to be dim or uneducated not to see this.
I'm sorry that you don't like being insulted, but if you stop saying stupid and incorrect things, I'll have nothing to mock you about. I've got nothing against you personally, but for fucks sake everything you post is hot garbage.
I was asking a serious question, but asked it badly. I completely understand the math from this chart. What do I do with it? What are you trying to predict?
why don't you explain why you believe that pyramid is an incorrect strategy for money management, instead of straw manning nonsense semantics, before you get the shit slapped out of your life ?
If you actually watched the video course you posted you would know it's not a broker but a broker-dealer.
>I completely understand the math from this chart.
>What do I do with it?
>What are you trying to predict?
whatever you want.
Program a trading algorithm ?
Design a forecast simulation ?
Write a mathematical proof?
That you believe a "pyramid" is an appropriate way to explain the risk/reward metric in financial investing tells me everything I need to know about that particular piece of advertising.
And no, I'm not going to hold a debate with a written commercial produced by a paid financial advisor. It's not fact; it's advertising. Only a retard would post it as evidence of anything.
many buzzwords, no substance
Jesus, I'm literally cringing here.
lol shut up dumb-fuck.
no your right.
there should be some popular academic consensus determining if something is worthy advice or not,
not just the troll words from some random shit licker online
You LITERALLY searched for the word "pyramid" you barely-functional mongoloid. It's right in the search bar. Fucking kek.
No one is falling for your bullshit, kid. Time to exit the thread, lick your wounds, and roleplay again another day.
i don't care about semantics, i dont wish to expend mental energy following up on your mishandling of the english language .
i want you to replicate my search so you can see all the examples proving you a fool, since i cannot post multiple images.
look forward to painful retribution for wasting my time on nonsensical bullshit, and strawmannirg arguments against common sense investment principles.
you absolute embarrassment.
Pyramid investing, seriously?
More proof you didn't watch the Shiller course. There is no way you would post this nonsense after learning about the tangency portfolio and risk adjusted return.
>popular academic consensus determining if something is worthy advice or not
Wow. Do you actually read this shit before you hit "post"?
It's not semantics. Brokers, dealers and broker-dealers are NOT the same thing.
look forward to divine retribution for wasting my time with outright lies, mismanagement of facts , belligerent ignorance, semantic pedantry, disrespect of divine authority , and pure folly.
this is not a game.
>search for "cats in hats"
>page full of cats in hats
>"see, all cats wear hats"
This is what passes for logic in your tiny, tiny brain.
you keep conveniently ignoring this link to your own detriment.
look forward to, as am I, the wrath of God visiting upon your life in ways more severe than you are already clearly suffering from .
I delight In His omniscient justice.
So, nothing I don't already know.
Welp, I knew he was stupid and uneducated. Now we can see he's mentally unhinged and delusional as well.
At least he's stopped giving financial advice.
you think this is the first time i have delighted in Gods triumph over rebellious deniers of His Holiness ?
Psalm 2The Message (MSG)
2 1-6 Why the big noise, nations?
Why the mean plots, peoples?
Earth-leaders push for position,
Demagogues and delegates meet for summit talks,
The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers:
“Let’s get free of God!
Cast loose from Messiah!”
Heaven-throned God breaks out laughing.
At first he’s amused at their presumption;
Then he gets good and angry.
Furiously, he shuts them up:
“Don’t you know there’s a King in Zion? A coronation banquet
Is spread for him on the holy summit.”
7-9 Let me tell you what God said next.
He said, “You’re my son,
And today is your birthday.
What do you want? Name it:
Nations as a present? continents as a prize?
You can command them all to dance for you,
Or throw them out with tomorrow’s trash.”
10-12 So, rebel-kings, use your heads;
Upstart-judges, learn your lesson:
Worship God in adoring embrace,
Celebrate in trembling awe. Kiss Messiah!
Your very lives are in danger, you know;
His anger is about to explode,
But if you make a run for God—you won’t regret it!
> risk pyramid
Wtf is that what yanks use to illustrate risk/return trade offs & asset classes?
i feel educated reading this
This is an actual investment strategy people recommend in the US?
> 60% defensive/30% growth/10% high risk
^ Is that what they're talkin about? Having a pyramid portfolio of 60/30 + some high risk options?
If you are young, you are only cucking yourself by not investing in stocks/ETFs.
Bonds and other low risk shit is worthless to you.
the precise percentages and allocations should be dependent on your personal risk appetite and investment benchmark goals.
That's what I mean, are they recommending a pyramid allocation of majority defensive, some growth and a tiny bit of high risk? Or are they just using a triangle to illustrate risk of each asset class instead of a graph.....
Why? Just because their returns are not much higher than inflation?
i don't think your question is important or interesting enough to answer in further detail than i already have.
figure it out for yourself.
What the hell is going on to this thread?? Who brought up the pyramids?