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Last thread: Filter and ignore !RHAJATxdtU posts.
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Last thread: Filter and ignore !RHAJATxdtU posts.
Good night /feg/
Kagero is my wife.
Cheeky shit. Lucky I got my healer with me or I'll die from reprisal
>Filter and ignore !RHAJATxdtU posts.
Dumb bitch this is your thread and he still post it. Are you a cuck ?
Jaffar getting shit done.
That chip damage though. I might just invest in him now I refined his dagger.
>want to +10 my wife
>So that I can put her as lead & everyone would crave her
>Only rolled 1 since day 1
>She even comes at 4*
Help me Bros it's not fair
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
wait is that ponytailed cucklord you?
doesn't this count as avatarfagging?
how is your ass not banned yet?
Freddy saved the day again! I'm one step closer to the last two merges for Cecilia, and one orb (which I can get in an hour I think) away from hopefully getting another Mathilda. I can't wait to make some serious progress, haha.
So... how much ass did she tear in the Infernal Zephiel battle?
Good boy right there. Saving time to get reward instead of some try hard faggot trying to clear it """""""""""""""""""""""the smart way"""""""""""""""""""""""
oh right i totally forgot this existed for a minute
I molest and rape your wife Everytime in rival domains
>said an hour
>more like five minutes
Wow I really am half asleep.
Which FE do you want to receive a big motherly hug from?
Ninian for me
She was a huge help along with Nowi, Grima and NY!Corrin!
Dont reply to this general's token autist
I've never played fates but how did their children came to their world? Are the children based of the fathers unlike in awakening?
Oh wow, that team sounds pretty hardcore, haha.
My team was more like Fred, Cecilia, Elise and Sigurd. Which... hey, I like cavs. The entire challenge for me was finding a way to take down the red mage so Fred could tear down all the armors, haha.
>No pink hear eyes
That's unfitting
Do you think she fucks black men?
I don't care, you posted Nils, I want Nils.
That's a really cool team, Cavs is next on the list for me now I have fliers sorted! I have a lot of Freds actually, I might consider trying to make him strong in the future too!
So does the tsundere tome improve him?
Ah, cool! Are you gonna go with a defensive build like mine, or more like the Cherche 0.9 build many seem to use? Both seem pretty good, but my preference is... well, it should be clear from how often I showcase it, haha.
Why is the help looking scared? This is not a cute Felicia at all!
Don't get the wrong idea, idiot, he's just being tactical it's not like he likes being close to everyone or anything
I hate nils homos so much
Why is Elise's swimsuit so lewd?
For the fallen banner, sniping only greens. I spent 400 dollars on this banner. I got the following 5*:
Sheena, Camilla, Grima, Titania, Brave Ike, Leo, Hardin, Leo, Soren, Grima.
Can I end myself now? I just wanted a high merge grima, that's all.
Perfect for 3 Ike Soren team, IS know what's up.
It's even more bullshit than awakening
>They marry
>They fuck
>Female gives birth
>They dump them into some niggavoodoo place called Deeprealms where time is faster
>You can recruit them when they're somewhere in their teens right after.
tl;dr: No future shenanigans. Fates children are the real deal this time
(lol at least you didn't get Merric
even if you only have one ally nearby it's a lot better than a regular refine. Even better with an S support ally. It's not as good as other refines really, but if you're using him you're gonna want it.
Corrin has his army stash their children in a hyperbolic time chamber where they grow up immediately after.
So while they are extremely quirky like awakening kids, it’s because they’ve had an extremely emotionally stunted growth due to their parents relatively never being around rather than as a coping mechanism to deal with the horror of a post apocalyptic world
What is the best build for +Spd FMorgan? Blade with flier buffs? Kind of generic but if it's optimal I'll go for it.
Important to note, that also means that either the pregnant mother hid in the deeprealm for 9 months (which, going by the games reasoning of 'keeping the child safe from the war', is likely) or that war really dragged on for some time.
Is there a character in Fire Emblem more fuckable?
thank you for helping to keep this game alive!
Oh yeah that to. Let's just pretend Fates children never happened.
Something made her jump and she dropped the plates she was holding! She just needs snuggles to cheer her up!
Wait wtf. at least the future shenanigans was k with lucina in the story
Will we ever get another free Lyn? I fucked up so badly since i chose Lucina over her.
Yes! I got another Mathilda with my 9 orb summon! Now I have enough for a +5, which should be enough for me to get started even if the 4* focus were to end before I can get more of her.
And they’re forced to remind you at points that the more young looking units are older than they seem because it’s implied they had sex right away instead of sometime in the future when they’re older
>built-in chill atk
>6 stats boost from 3 ally
>not as good
It's not in powercreep level but hell that's awesome
The ones that don’t look they have mental deficiencies in their injured art
Having more defence for the team would be super nice, I'm leaning towards yours!
Then why are you not snuggling her RIGHT NOW?!
Fates children explanation was lauded by pretty much everyone.
We need camilla in that swimsuit
>Having his trip on every OP
>A bad thing for him
Choose one
>High merged Grima with BF and QR with 3 of his fuck buddies all running ward armour
Fuck I have never been so terrified in my life.
So Hot
>No event schedule
>No daily special maps
>No tap battles
>No new GHB
>No events
>No apology orbs for months
Same setup but Hardin is a lot scarier desu.
It sometimes plays with that, with Rhajat pointing out that she's older than Hayato
and Sakura was her mother in my first run of Birthright, so she was older than both parents
Ah, that's awesome! I'm glad I'm inspiring more folks, haha. Even when Mathilda and Cecilia will be fully built, he'll always be my pride and joy!
Her hands look like bony claws in a lot of her art and it genuinely makes me uncomfortable.
I'm gonna miss Alm bonus.
>keep the children safe by doing what would realistically ruin a child
Would Awakening improve if they focused on Chrom instead of Lucina and (You)? 1st cour was decent enough, but the game went to shit when Crumb no longer became the center of the story
If its AA then you could always bring a Falchion user
A bit late, and I'm not gonna get a sleepy Haar anyway but Seasonal Armor Emblem FTW.
And since Arden's job was ward everyone, I was able to do the Alfonse and Zephiel missions easily
Yeah, I think so. The game would have a better story if they'd given more time to Gangrel and Walhart, with the focus being more on Chrom. At least that's my opinion, /shrug/.
I don't find Hardin that threatening desu, since he is a bit noodle armed and also targets def rather than res. There are a lot more def tanks than res tanks.
The optimal Grima on the other hand, has close to 70 atk.
>Ranged armor
Haar is screaming in his dreams right now
I have a +atk grima that's +4, but I also got a hardin that's +atk/-res. I want bold fighter for my grima but damn my hardin's iv seems to be super optimal that i kind of want to save him. what do i do?
To be fair, being a 'fuck you dad' guy like Shiro or Asugi is better than being dead. It's not like they were completely alone, anyway
How would you change the 2nd and 3rd acts of Awakening to make it more Crumb-centered?
No there’s literally no defending it
how do I build this thing?
>implying he isn't the one who started putting it in the OP for attention
Last time didn't got my (you) for Xander's map. You only earn it if you use dancers or Reinhardt I think
I am, actually!
I guess even though it's a hyperbolic time chamber, time still passes in the real world and you shouldn't go missing for days during a war.
I dunno. My justification doesn't really help because hyperbolic time chamber makes writing children into the game barely work, especially since there are villages and other people there.
Heavybladex Miracle
Heavybladex galeforce
or Wrath build
I'd honestly take out the third arc entirely, maybe show Walhart's competence by showing he has actually stopped the evil dragon already, and is the hero of his own story like that. That way a battle of the ideals between Walhart and Chrom could really shine I feel.
Good. I'll burn down the whole of the British Isles if I ever find out you DON'T love Felicia.
Inb4 FeliciaAnon was rusing us the entire time
>sothe is a rare unit
>him being the lad fodder ridiculous because of this
Waiting for the video
Hm... I think the ideal thing for me would be a Walhart GHB and a Guard seal. If we got those two soon I'd be real happy, haha.
He hates everyone excluding dragons
Sothe's only ''rare'' because hardly anyone willingly rolls colorless if their waifu isn't on a banner
>Guard Seal
How the world ends
It would be beautiful to see how many doors it opens that would just destroy the arena.
I genuinely thought with walhardt people meant reinhardt but used as an enemyphase unit. I've never played awakening.
I'd run it over Phantom Speed on my DC/Dark Breath Femui.
Which one of these seals would be the most likely ?
>Wings of Mercy
>Escape Route
Avatarfagging is against the rules haha
They release a useless seal every time, it's not like Fortress Res was the end of the world
Renewal. God I want Renewal Seal badly for Reciprocal Aid Marth shenanigans