Was is autism?
Was is autism?
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No it was incest
>muh genetics
weak excuse
Genetics separates us from every other form of life on earth.
No, but unlike what retarded memesters will tell you, it wasn't inbreeding either
It was Klinefelter syndrome, a random disease related neither to inbreeding nor to linage at all
It was Kat Dennings
Damn was he really that ugly IRL? That is strikingly ugly
Were the common people aware of his appearance and mental/physical problems?
Klinefelter can explain the infertility but won't explain being a drolling imbecile with shit for brains and organs turned into goo.
Light retardation is a symptom of Klinefelter though
cannot unsee
I don't think Charles II was lightly retarded
This guy wasn't lightly retarded, he was a complete fucktard, borderline vegetable.
Fun thing is that Charles II was better governor than Philip IV
Or Philip V.
Philip V was competent. He made Spain healthy again with his reforms.
Not really, a fair bunch of reforms were already enforced by Charles II.
Yes. And a shitload of other stuff too.
>implying it wasn't all the Count-Duke of Olivares
>As already mentioned, Charles II, the last king of the Spanish Habsburg dynasty, presented important physical and mental disabilities suffering from a number of different diseases during his life [4]–[5], [17], hence being known in Spanish history as El Hechizado (“The Hexed”). According to contemporary writings, he was often described as “big headed” and “weak breast-fed baby”. He was unable to speak until the age of 4, and could not walk until the age of 8. He was short, weak and quite lean and thin. He was described as a person showing very little interest on his surroundings (abulic personality). He first marries at 18 and later at 29, leaving no descendency. His first wife talks of his premature ejaculation, while his second spouse complaints about his impotency. He suffers from sporadic hematuria and intestinal problems (frequent diarrhea and vomits). He looked like an old person when he was only 30 years old, suffering from edemas on his feet, legs, abdomen and face. During the last years of his life he barely can stand up, and suffers from hallucinations and convulsive episodes. His health worsens until his premature death when he was 39, after an episode of fever, abdominal pain, hard breathing and comma.
this does not sound like fucking klinefelter's I'm sorry hapsburger apologist they do not piss blood as a general rule
every day until you like it
> demanding that the bodies of his family be exhumed so he could look upon the corpses
holy shit guy was truly fucked up
people would throw rotten vegetables and shit at his carriage if he ever ventured in the streets of Madrid
>t.buttmad Cucktalan
Daily reminder that Cucktalans supported the Habsburgs in succession war.Truly sick people.How do we solve the Cucktalan problem?
So, you just assume that you are wrong? Cool
Phillip unified the crowns of Castile and Aragon put actual burocrats in the burocracy and reformed the army and the navy.He was a pretty great king. Abdul del Pantumaki
His condition has been greatly exaggerated by propaganda as the centuries passed by
Blood piss definitly is bullshit
If he had been in such an awful state and because of inbreeding, his parents would have been half as fucked up too
Centuries of inbreeding don't just befall on one dude like that while sparing all those before him
Or Philip VI
No, it was a family tree that didn't branch enough.
Of course not. Royal portraits always improved the appearence, so he was even uglier than on picture.
Fuck off with the /tv/ spam
Even if he had Klinefelter's, being super inbred increases the chances of genetic failings like nondisjunction
Well, firstly, he was a Habsburg, the ugliest line of human beings to take high office, and secondly, he was an inbred retard.
Also, you don't exactly go around parading your King who can't hold his drool in.
>The physician who performed his autopsy stated that his body "did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."
How much of this shit could be true?
Basically none of it, except maybe the lungs and the testicle-maybe the intestines, if they did the Autopsy immediately after death.
It sounds like they let him decay significantly, though
It was cancer and aids from the beggining. Union should have been with Portugal.
I'm all for letting them go (after milking the shit out of that cheeky and coward burgeousie) and turn them into a second belgium but poor af.
Honestly we should ban this image. Normie tier history. He's not intersting other than punishment to the habsburgs for sleeping with each other.
>whole generations of the same family have a rare chromossomic mutation by pure coincidence
there certainly was a genetic factor involved
probably because his corpse had already started to decompose and up until the 19th century most doctors were quacks
Except it didn't. A number of Hapsburg had genetic defects, be it physical or mental in nature.
>The Trastamaras were unironically outbreeded by this.
Wow really makes you think
>Was is autism?
Was it autism?
You already admited that you are wrong, no need to me mad Abdul del Pantumaki.
He was right to grow a beard holy shit
t.Anacap from Pakilonia
>it was klinefeltes
What? Klinefelters doesn't fuck your shit up that bad. It makes you taller, more feminine and infertile.
But the line wasn't inbred yet by Charles V's time
It's his children that went full incest
Charles V still had hapsburger jaw and difficulties chewing his food properly, along with epilepsy and gout that led to his retirement at St. Yuste in his later years.
>babby who doesn't understand inbreeding coefficients detected
That's what he said though
According to your graph, Phillip IV should have been half ass bad as Charles II (but was perfectly healthy instead) and Phillip III should've been another Charles II-tier monster but didnt present any notable defect
It confirms the hypothesis that Charles condition was the result of some random disease (like Klinefelter) rather than just inbreeding
>inbreeding coefficient correlates to gene expression or phenotype
This is what happens when babbys like you who don't understand human genetics attempt to talk about human genetics.
>Hapsburger apologist continues to force the klinefelter's meme with no physical evidence nor sources
Debate on Veeky Forums is fucking pathetic.
>inbreeding coefficient correlates to gene expression or phenotype
So you're claiming that inbreeding isnt the cause for defect?
What are we even debating then?
Veeky Forums tier debate in all its glory.
Go study human genetics and get back to me.