because why the fuck needs generals posts? this isn't reddit LMAO, get the fuck outta here with ID's
Xiv thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone cum on me.
The cutest lala.
positive vibes only :)
I'm not OP, but why do we need that extra shit in the post? Just make one single link that goes to google docs or some shit, it clogs up space.
>tfw finally free and get to play VIDYA GAMES
what is the EU guild?
fuck off, we're anonymous. we don't need people to know who we are in game or out.
Ask reddit if you want to know people.
someone's butthurt lmfao
Symposium on Odin
Not the same guy, but I don't think he is.
Doing some power/speed leveling for Shisui if anyone has a 63+ job they want to run with. Offering to tank.
Aether data center.
There is also a linkshell with other /xivg/ people there, you can ask for an invite for that as well
[ Kupo Corps «Donut» ] ->
> Plot 26, 10th ward, Mist
Tieve Melriss, Kimori Melriss, Teorec Evrardoux, Myon Soft, Rys Sol
< NOTE > Omega is a new server.
[ Bahamuts Baked Goods «CAKE» ] ->
> Plot 31, 9th Ward, The Goblet
Zana Amariyo, Ganon Dwarf, Nozomi Hanabi, Ciela Luna
< NOTE > New FC, small amount of members. Not exclusive to /xivg/.
[ Symposium «Ayy» ] ->
> Plot 1, 6th Ward, Mist
Sorriow Arbalest, Heist Rising, Maevis Ayrionsgland, Ashelya Arbalest, Al'eah Ephara
< NOTE > Veterans from another Server.
[ Identity Krisis "IDK" ] - >
> Plot 12, 10th Ward, The Lavender Beds
Lycoris Marais, Miqz Zz
< NOTE > Open for everyone!
I need the posts
Sleepy Catboys Edition
>Current Events
>Eureka 4.25:
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide:
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
Previously on AMC's Breaking Bad:
Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)04:14:36 No.207938903 xth for catbois
Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)04:14:47 No.207938925
I'm in love with a cat daddy.
Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)04:15:27 No.207938980 no one likes catboys
>unironically joining an FC with ippiki in it
What an amazing post
thanks samefag.
>being such a little bitch that you avoid an entire fc because you dislike one person
Thank you, darling.
>unironically whiteknighting ippiki
Make like an Amber and cut yourself
fresh off the presses
Can you PLEASE stop namedropping people. This is an anonymous site, we don't need people to know who we are.
np sweatie
People against thread ID's
>drama lamas
>third worlders
>people who eat soy products
>futa's (homosexuals)
>people who say they will go to meetups but will make the other person wait forever
>mentally ill trannies
>grey parsers
>people who make shit generals
>plays raen instead of xaela
>insecure jelly spined people
>friends list filled with people who dont care about them
>has to talk to themselves because no one else will talk to them
People for ID's
>Straight cat boy players
>people who do their beast tribe quests
>people who want discussion
>people who will show up to a meetup, on time with a nice gift for their new friend
>Purple parsers +
>people with crafting professions maxed and are ready to help new players with some armor
>mentally healthy individuals who aren't insecure to make multiple posts to try and enforce their opinion
>wait until page 10 to make a general in order to give other generals a chance
>has a friends list of many caring individuals
who told you you could reply to one person? it's an anonymous board, talk to the thread
>people who want discussion
And what discussion is there to make about this game, legitimately asking
this post is not about the game
you contradict yourself
hello where are the lalas?
Didnt people do that in soft when Skye joined
>People for ID's
>>Straight cat boy players
Since they don't exist why even count them
So who is who on Balmung?
which balmung fc has the most futas that like female miqo'tes? asking for a friend.
I'm me.
now this is some real cringe image
Bad meme.
What else is new? also post fat cats
You're a bad meme
Well you can see it by going to Balmung and stepping outside of QS.
Give me an erection.
I'm not a meme...
Stop! She's my cute lala gf.
Solo DPS queue is incredibly painful, especially when you've done all the quests you can for now.
Queue with other players!
I believe in you
I don't really know any other players!
Thank you, user. I won't let you down.
what server?
Balmung! I luckily just got in!
Extending the offer again if anyone would like to join.
o cool, have fun!
Is there a pf?
Lalafell are not for gfing
just got out of some really good rp on mateus!! Feels good to be on the official rp server
Listed a private party for Shisui. 1379.
anyone wanna do roulettes and vc? im bored and feeling social
Don't tell me you're already in a relationship!!
So what's everyone's plans today?
I'm working on DRK in the PotD
Of course I am.
im going to seduce my friend and have her send me pictures of her butt
then maybe level drk
Yeah I can do both.
Can you wait like 20~ minutes for me? We're helping a friend clear some stuff.
level other classes probably
do you even know what you two look like irl
both sweaty men
What's even the point in living anymore?
I'm going to try to hit level 70 today!
oh I know but I wanted a few laughs
nothing wrong with that
I wonder how many xivg relationships end the moment they share personal pictures that aren't cropped feet/dick pics.
We met in meatspace before the game even came out.
Hey, I'll heal if you still need shisui runs
as much as i hate amber i can only laugh thinking at the horror of seeing kiss' face for the first time
what is your favorite cutscene /ffxivg/
el goblino..
does it matter what grand company i pick?
Not really. You can change at will.
whenever estinien was in the focus
Anyone like catboys....?
remember when kiss told people he was a twink and older men had hit on him in the past?
good times
Please put that C@ out of it's misery.
Can someone post a pic of him?
I am quite fond of them!
nap and kill rats
Trust me you don't want to see his pic.
no thanks I don't want to get banned
Still running if you're around. Just got out of one.
Yeah put up PF pls
so pretty much what every other grown man claims to be
Its up.