Mallet Man editio
Mallet Man editio
Other urls found in this thread:
imagine being so fucking ugly that makeup and dressing up like a girl can't make you pass for a trap so you pretend to be one and post pictures from /soc/ and /b/b
fucking kys
you know yourself you and the mod who sucks your cock
what's my ceiling lads? can I go beyond d5?
xth for I took a really long break from this shit.
Whats the current state of /lolg/? Did swift get permabanned or killed himself yet?
>bothched link in the OP second time in a row
c'mon now
Random Poll I have to admit that I'm kinda surprised by the results so far.
duo with someone user or stick to Cait I mean look at that kda and wr
>he's still at it
Shit man do you ever sleep?
On Swain, should I be building Tear into Rod, Rod into Tear, or Archangels into Rod?
Or should I not be building any of this and be building something else?
What the fuck is this
s t o p
it says rights there
there are 2 or 3 other avatarfags ruining the thread so it doesn't matter
and one of them is a mod
oh god, i hate this girl, every body paint she does looks terrible. She's already done some for shadowverse.
2bh duoing in low elo sucks unless your duo is extremely consistent or a smurf. if you duo, the game adjusts your team's MMR to balance out your communication advantage, which means you very often get 3 absolute retards who get stomped and make the game very difficult to win
>one of them is a mod
nani the fuck now?
the absolute state of league
>body paint looks like shit too
but dude boobs right
>posted it after the migration from last thread
R8. I'm only thinking of the ww, nas and rengo ones.
>Yasuo is broken
>I can't wait for him to use windwall so he is so broken rito nerf please
What the fuck? who even watches this trash?
gamer grills
If this was plat 1 maybe but p5 and d5 are very different
yes the faggot will leave their posts and delete yours bashing them
ww one is good
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona, Illaoi, Magma, Fire, Kayle, Shyvana
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc, Syndra, Orianna, Lissandra, Camille, Xayah, Morgana, Storm, Dark, Nami, Elise
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Sejuani, Zyra,Soraka
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora, Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven, Quinn, Sivir, Air,Kai'Sa
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe, Water, Nature, Akali
Submissive: Sona,Janna
elaborate my friend. g5 to p5 in 44 games is pretty decent right? i think i could get to d5 in under 200 total
The same thirsty nerds that watch Pokemoney and that other bimbo I forgot the name of.
He's broken because his kit does fucking everything and even if you completely shit on him in lane he'll eventually scale into a monster. Just another quality CertainlyT kit overloaded with a million bonus passives.
I watch it. Stfu neckbeard go play with your linux or whatever.
which one of the avatarfags is it?
Get the Hecarim one if you play him
it's cool
try to stick to one champ if you want to climb fast
yeah i think i'm mostly gonna play cait/jinx since i'm good on them and they are top-tier ADCs atm. plus brand support cuz he's crazy OP
CertainlyT is so cancer with Yasuo he actually forced every champion after Yasuo's release until Bard to have a knock up for "Synergy" purposes.
Rek'sai was intended to have a stun
Braums ult was intended to knock up only the first target
Azir wasn't supposed to have a knock up on his E
Vel'koz's E was pitched to be a fear originally
All of that was changed because of Yasuo's existence.
>ekko is op
>cant do shit in teamfights in proplay
how is this champion op again
Autists btfo
I'm now imagining the rooms that would hold the girl and the people who voted for them. Syndra is going to be GAPING at the end of it.
>I pick champions with no cc
>I don't play tanks
>Gragas becoming popular again
Why is this champion always allowed to be relevant? Why can't Riot just let this fat fuck stay in the dumpster?
There's no interaction required with the champ. Nothing about him requires skill. He's just a fat piece of shit who's really good at tanking damage because he has damage reduction and a dash. Fuck this champion and its braindead player base.
All of those sound like shit anyways
Because he's fun
You didn't know?
Orianna, Maokai, Gragas, Caitlyn, Janna/Thresh must ALWAYS be relevant.
wait yas is a tank killer
cc there's an argument for but he shreds tanks other than rammus
>his kit does fucking everything
no thats camille
get good
if yasuo was actually good he'd dominate high level play
he doesn't
get good
Aurelion Sol's E was actually meant to turn him into a projectile but they had to design a completely new state just for the E, because if he turned into a projectile Yasuo could PERMANENTLY delete him from a match with his windwall.
I really don't know
no hope in this general
Someone post the yasuo copypasta
no! Stop
where's lamb
>we'd rather design new mechanics that make exceptions for yas windwall
lmao the absolute state of small indie company
shhh, Ahri is sleeping
>all those votes for a syndra
Wtf guys...
You can't fuck death
Lmao. She's a buttslut.
Enchanters suck just dodge or troll if your support is one
Is the clown worth learning?
get fucked ahri!
or better yet, don't!
Not with that attitude.
they have the highest winrates of all supports
I wonder what Exileh's skill order is.
because they are easy to carry. I dont want to carry you. I want to play a fun botlane that doesnt involve fags like you getting free wins.
So I won my first ever game against a Trist today
>because they are easy to carry
this literally makes no sense
>Kayn buffs
>Duskblade nerfs
>nami not relentless sexual aggression tier
wtf user my fetish?
If you wanna prove you are better than others by playing a shit champion yes
You do understand what they're referring too, right?
>Kaisa passive works with hurricane bolts
>Kaisa E gets extra cooldown off of hurricane bolts
Hurricane+reaver best build.
>find egirl who doesn't play support
>send her a 30s video of something i enjoy
>she tells me that even if it was 5s she wouldnt click it because it's not something she enjoys
>tell her i watch the shit she sends me because i know she enjoys it and it would make her happy if i watched it
>well i dont force you to watch them
>tell her she literally has said if i dont watch something she sends me she will stop talking to me
>wow you cant tell when im joking?!
Holy shit, are women literally incapable of using their brain or taking responsibility for their actions? To think I was going to boost her to Diamond this season. Smh.
Any you lads got good e-girl stories?
>there is more pizza delivery Sivir porn than GGMF porn
Riot btfo again
>playing blue Kayn
I am going to miss two shotting people in a split second with W + AA as easily unless I'm hyperfed though
>giving into girls online
your own fault tbqh
where can i find a living creature that i can wear without killing it?
>months go past
>top lane is still just build tabi bramble and automatically win
lanes were a mistake
the game should just be 5v5 in a big jungle
lol @ bodypainter topless on twitch at riot hq
>playing ADC
>be Kai'sa
>doing well in my lane
>jgler keeps feeding
>top keeps feeding
>mid laner thinks "laning phase isn't over for her yet"
>we finaly get a good teamfight
>my team is all low and I just respawned
>they stay fighting a turret when sivir and bard is up
>keep telling them to get back
>sivir gets a quadra kill
>team keeps initiating random fights
>our jungler has 10 deaths
>throws herself into the enemy team to lose the game quicker
>mid laner starts blaming me for the loss
lmao what's wrong with people
>if i dont watch something she sends me she will stop talking to me
Do you always take everything everybody says at face value without asking whether they mean it or not? What an autist.
Why couldn't they do this kind of marketing to promote Zoe's release?
seems like a wasted opportunity, riot
rate my shop
That's just a way to playtest the waters to see how someone would react, and if they react poorly then you say "Haha, jk". What the fuck do you do about that? Treat everything as a joke?
Did everyone get fucking Tyrant Swain?!
That W is doing so much damage holy shit
>picking the virgin red kayn over the chad blue kayn
says a lot about you homes
If you haven't realized that our reality is all a big joke then there's no saving you.
How long until Gangplank's daughter releases?
>Swain every game
>90% of the time with the dragonmaster skin
can this shitters fucking stop
hes a pirate, he probably impregnated women all over runeterra and has plenty of daughters everywhere
>dude nihilism lmao nothing matters lmao