choo choo edition
The nexus is coming soon.
>Acid Judoka/Cut-Content:
>Retaliation Ralph Pilot Skill
choo choo edition
The nexus is coming soon.
>Acid Judoka/Cut-Content:
>Retaliation Ralph Pilot Skill
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Wew I fucking love electric whip
>laser a and whip
Collateral damage: the mech?
Its probably the best weapon in the game, just because how utilitarian it is. And having 1 on any team helps
Now just imagine if it also lit enemies on fire
I just won with Zenith 4 Islands. Fucking RNG saved my ass. Had 31% Grid Def and I needed one to hold. It RESISTED
Also found out that Harold is pretty good on fliers. Free push that you can use quite often.
Redpill me on this guy.
Is he good?
just let him hit you and it'll flip your opinions on him
He's good.
Free shielding is great.
No push though so less damage and less enviro bullshit.
But more Vek on Vek action
Does phase cannon damage buildings as the shot passes through by default?
He does excellent damage, shields himself when he attacks, and can turn Vek against each other. I like him a lot, good for precision work since he doesn't push.
Is this salvagable?
Meteor the full health scarab in front of the firefly, punch the scorpion out of the way, teleport the other firefly onto the skill tile. Other scarab dies to fire tick.
the best i can see is 3 kills and stopping the spawn which leaves 2 alive still and 1 doing damage
Use meteor mech to put a shot in front of 7.
It goes into the fire and 4 takes push damage. You lose a grid health, but that's fine. It'll die before shooting.
3 dies too before shooting.
More flamethrower mech to push 6 to where meteor was.
Swap 5 with the emergence hole
Swap [6] onto the yellow danger tile where ranged mech is standing.
Punch [5] so he hits the mountain.
Use range mech to push [7] into lava and [4] into hub.
Everyone but [5] is dead, you lose one grid.
I'm fucking dreaming this game now.
Fucking Tetris effect
I can accomplish wonderful things with blitz, frozen, rust, and rift, but absolutely nothing with flame, judo, zenith, and hazardous. Why?
Lol my 4 island wins right now are Flame, Zenith, and Hazardous.
Abe makes Zenith and Hazardous much better, btw
I had a horrible loss the other night and kept dreaming about how I could have done things differently
I'm sure, but the thought of giving up my +move/reactor Archimedes hurts a whole lot.
Same. It's so perfect. I just wish it had more content, I cant see myself sinking hundreds of hours into it.
Kill Switch tech is the best. Let it get crowded, then kaboom.
Literally broken with nanobots.
How do I get rid of ACID effect. My Hazardous mech is useless now.
Repair purges status effects.
Here's a thought.
The number of stages for the final battle is equal to the number of Islands you completed, that is why its a minimum of 2 islands to go there.
They will change it at some point so if you want to complete 4 islands, you will need to do 4 final fights, making it like the other complete island.
>3 islands into my first hard run
>doing well
>make a mistake
>'ah shoot let's reset this turn'
>hit end turn
>9 grid damage
I don't have the will to try hard mode again
The good news is that you only need to win once on Hard for all the Achievements
What squad is next strongest after Rift Walkers and Rust?
With Hazardous, if I have one HP, and do a kill move. Do I die or will my health fall to zero and immediately replenish +1 (or +2 if upgraded) ?
Maybe Hazardous. I like the fire one a lot tho.
They come back to life with 1 or 2 points. Shit is broken OP with the self-destruct stuff.
probably the most solid unit in the game, godlike with archimedes since he never takes bump damage from blocking spawns
>disabling end turn warning
Seen so many people make this mistake.
Is there any pros about destroying pods or is it just for the achievement's sake?
I realy love this game but I feel the last stage is a bit mundane compared to the rebel flagship in FTL.
I really hope they will expand the content at some point.
just achievement
I disabled it and everything went find until my last run when I accidentally clicked end turn after moving a single mech. Yeah that shit is back on and is staying on.
Whoever brings me out of this victorious is god of Breach.
>the rebel flagship in FTL
I love FTL but it was my least favorite part of the game. Is it even possible to win without boarding?
upgrades, weapons and move speed?
Post more screenshots, weapons, move speeds, turns
All have only default gear.
Leap Mech - MS:5 No upgrades.
Unstable Mech - MS:5 Fully upgraded weapon.
Nano Mech - MS:4 Health upgraded.
>he let the blobber live
you deserve this lost as a learning experience
By Health upgraded I meant Viscera Nanobots passive.
Couldn't have killed blobber because I'd have suffered 2 grid damage and lost.
>its not the last turn
good lord man
remember the bomb can be destroyed and you get a new one
save the grid if you have to choose one
>I like the fire one a lot tho.
What upgrades and things should I focus on for fire? I hated hazardous.
>remember the bomb can be destroyed and you get a new one
Wait, this is a meme right?
>leap mech
>no upgrades
They drop in a new one and the turn timer increases by +2
First range for the teleporter I guess. Is too good to pass. Then depends if you get some useful weapons you may want range on the prime or damage for the arty (it lose some utility with that, since you can't shot your own mech nor buildings anymore). I used the "no web" pilot for the prime, saves you for a lot of headaches.
I though user was lying to me too, until it happened.
I can't save everything right?
Enemy HP and upgrades.
All of them have full HP because 5 spawned that turn. Got default weapons with max damage, so the tank does 4, jump does 3
so what mods do we have until now?
i have seen the anime portraits
i got cut content + acid judoka,
grapple mech 1 damage
and giving ralph the retaliation skill
is there anything else?
If a boss falls into lava it dies right?
lava=water+fire, massive units cannot die to water
just looking at it you cant save the circle, but you can easily save the other 3
2 damage isnt a big deal
it leaves you enough power for the next stage
What the fuck am I looking at.
block 3 so the grid takes zero damage
push 5 into the environment
thats all the damage you can avoid
oh yeah forgot big guys
is that everything then?
i think so
what's cut content and the ralph skill?
Blitz, maybe Frozen Titans. A lot of people swear by the fire guys but I have no idea why.
i am not 100% sure what they do exactly
i only downloaded them but didn't test them as i am not far into the game yet
one gives ralph the retliation skill insted of his stupid exp+ skill which allegedly attack all 4 tiles around him when getting hit
samus mech when
get in line
godzilla monsters first
>1 hp enemy spawns on fire square
i think i gotta play xcom as i play(ed) the xcom like games now and really enjoyed them
>cut content
what cut content?
iirc some weapons that didn't get finished/added or were removed for whatever reason, some are in the files, but are commented out
dunno if any of the diagonal ones are still in
Just realized there's a cracked mountain with one of the rare things in this mission. Didn't realize it until this last turn, and maybe if I hadn't realized my Ice Mech didn't have it's shield and self-froze, I might have been able to to do it by freezing the train and spending my other 2 to get it. Mirror has Rail Cannon and all mechs have plenty of move.
What would you guys do in this situation? Go for the rare and fuck the mission (only playing on Normal, but it's my first clear with Frozen Titans, and it's a good one), or protect the civilians at all cost?
The devs said that they are a lot better prepared now than after FTL for post-launch support.
Not that FTL was abandoned or anything. Just that they're ready for more content at a faster pace. There was interview saying that getting the UI really solid was the hardest part and now it is relatively simpler to make more content
you can't get it since the pod drops next turn
I only ever fucking notice those things after it's too late.
I have to be more attentive in the first turn.
They spawn in mountains and ice right?
yes, chance to appear allegedly increased per island done during a run
It doesn't drop, you break the mountain and step on the gold sparkle in the rubble. I did it and my pilot even said it activated.
Yeah, it's a shame, this is my first one. I've seen pictures of them in ice tiles as well, yes.
Should I just say fuck this mission and get it? Feels bad that i'm missing out on a core but still.
You can get it and reset turn.
Train missions suck. I never take them.
Better to take an ez mission and get the bonus at the end.
You're fucking kidding me, I can't even get it?
Guess i'll just have to pay attention next time. Fuck that sucks.
Reset turn doesn't help me here. Train missions are easy with Frozen Titans cause if you want, you can just freeze the train.
>you can just freeze the train.
Only gets one segment of it, doesn't it?
Have you ever tried shielding the train? It works the same way, freeze and shield cover the whole thing.
>>You're fucking kidding me, I can't even get it?
sadly no, iirc the pod must appear and it only spawns the turn AFTER you touch the beacon
both train sections count as a single unit iirc, so shielding/freezing/unfreezing works on both simultaneously
Good to know
I avoid NPC missions like train and satellite
At least it means I don't fail the mission, but damn, thanks for the heads up. I was about to end turn after touching the beacon.
Better luck next time I guess.
Just starting any tips?
Think less about direct damage and more about positioning. All 3 of the starting mechs can move enemies around.
The starting screen doesn't show the upgrades that the weapons can have, but they're very important. For example, the Combat Mech can be upgrades to have a dash punch.
Objectives are more important than grid health, most of the time. Objectives give money to heal or straight heals but more importantly, if you clear a sector with all objectives completed you get a free bonus. That's particularly good for new players because you can get new pilots that way. Ralph sucks.
the # of emerging vek is determined by the amount of vek currently active
don't be afraid of using your mechs to deal bump damage
also keep your eye out for pic related
>the # of emerging vek is determined by the amount of vek currently active
Not that guy, but really?
I thought it was set at the start of each mission.
That changes a lot
>also keep your eye out for pic related
yea if you have 5+ vek alive you will notice only 1-2 spawn, while if you slay everything 3-4 appear
I can't git gud with judoka. My grid attrition always ends up too high after a while. Pilot recommendations and tips pls (other than hope to find a good weapon after first island)
I hope they add a straight puzzle mode in the next expansion.
Like "Here's a really complicated battlefield. Kill everything"
Do them all and unlock a new squad
>first 4 island hard run with zenith
>die on last turn of final battle because I only have 2 grid left and 4 enemies target 1 pylon and I can't stop all of them
this game is working against me
I just won a 4 island with Zenith today
Similar thing happened except that I dominated the islands and had 30% def.
Last 2 grid got resist
>last battle
>with 2 grid health
you have only yourself to blame
Sometimes not. Not that guy, but RNG can sometimes fuck you. You only have 3 actions and if there are too many enemies that are too far apart. Welp, you're just gonna take grid damage
I had a fucking dominating game.
Then got fucked up by like 5 Alphas in the first stage of the finale.
Lost like 4 grid.