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Stop lewding Morgan you fucks
pickle ikers in the house toniiight
I was going to make the new thread. Jerk.
Do you have any more Noire from this artist? Or any more from this artist in general?
Is my blessed gardens bugged? It says days until new map: 9. for water garden. While it’s 7 14 21 for the others.
Sexualize Morgan
>That OP
Its like I'm back in middle school again
Who the fuck is Gerome?
Breeding lots of sheep with Genny!
Move the disclaimer back to after the previous thread link please.
>You can now select three of your units to be able to perform a triangle attack together
I like Fire Emblem!
Assuming I'm crazy enough to dive into red hell, what's MaMorgan's best build utilizing Dull Ranged 3? Everyone keeps suggesting "lol just use Fury Desperation" but I'm pretty bored of that combo at this point.
It's all Noire's daughter is good for though!
Bruce Wayne
Its Hours not days
Read it very carefully.
Bros how long till Orochi? I just wasted my orbs on getting Morgan and I'm down to 50
Got a spare Brave Axe+
1. Give it to +atk-def 4* Cherche, who still needs DB3 for which I have no fodder
2. Give it to +atk-hp 5* Hawkeye, who comes with DB3
Please read the OP!
Which FE girl would like a good acid trip?
Your brain is bugged
You should get that checked user
So we're 3 months into 2018. How would you rate all the main banners they've released so far? For reference:
>World of Dawn
>Sacred Memories
>Love Abounds
>Fallen Heroes
>The Exalted King
You could also rate VIke and Lephraim too.
Doesnt Hawkeye want slaying and DC
>muh patterns
>I can't even read but the numbers don't match so the game's bugged hurr hurr durr
>Blue magic users with Triangle Adept beats low-res reds
The disclaimer looks ugly desu. At least keep it contained with the content
Having cock stepped on by Athena until I blow loads
When is the Tempest
I can't believe FGO is so dead I started playing FEH regularly again
>1/3 alts
>1/3 alts
>5/5 alts
>1/3 alts, or 2 if you count grima as an alt
>1/3 alts
Absolute garbage. Sacred Stones being the best of the worst.
He's at the end of a long line.
I want FE 16 to be more like Fates and Awakening instead of like the other FE games. Unbreakable weapons, starting a family, and 2nd generation units are really fun aspects of the game to me.
wtf 2 BKs was a mistake
His fault for not running CA
Give brave axe and db3 to cherche
>Using CA
Be silent.
Aside from 4* Life and Death they were all trash. All the fucking alts being pumped out next to armor whale bait and now no demotions.
Yeah but he has good res and all that, I don't think he is the best user of a Brave Axe. Then again he has DB like you said so I guess why not.
Wendy wears spats. Spats are great! I wanna sniff them!
Short hair is inherently better
>World of Dawn
9/10, all good units. Zelph memeing his own self was hilarious to see
>Sacred Memories
6/10, Myrrh is the clear winner, Eiricav is a weird choice, Lady Lel is best girl
>Love Abounds
9/10, fuck colorsharing though
9/10, not my personal fave but all are good
>Exalted King
6/10, adds nothing new to the table besides Gaurd Bow for blue mages.
Better than og Ike but thats not saying much
He's okay but shines when you pimp him out
Fallen Heroes was the only one that I thought was cool. They really need to cool it with the alts, though.
I actually figured that since it didn't have anything directly to do with the contend itself, it'd just be like the "PS." of a letter, hence after the previous thread link.
>already forgotten about
>Implying alm needs anything else in his b slot
Should I give chill def to almond buster Alm?
This is the absolute best anal slut in the entirety of the Fire Emblem franchise.
Say something nice about her!
>Not using CA
Good luck with those TA Nonos then
Linde feets?
>least popular female Fates character
You've got time.
Zelgius starting the shitty alt bullshit will always sadden me
>So we're 3 months into 2018.
wait shit, already?
What were they thinking (other than not at all) when they gave wewLaD to Zephiel?
Please, bros. One of you posted it. Could you get me some links or sauce?
imagine forgetting about celica
But I don’t run TA :^)
That was actually Rhajat, regardless of what memers say. ISIS realized people wanted more of the same exact character but different
What's it like to fuck a tight loli cun-cun?
>FotM is forgotten about
>"PS." of a letter
That makes sense
i'm glad she's happy to see my penis enter her anus!
Mmmm dragon cummies
>sword infantry
oh the irony
All of those would look better with long hair except for Hinoka because she's unsalvageable trash.
I don't want to forget about her
That is the fate of every infantry sword from now on. Even Chrom will not be talked about in two weeks.
One where you tag melee only opponents or kill green units he can one round like slow Axes with low res. I hope you like Darting/Deathblow or Swift Sparrow if you don't intend to use Fury for killing those things, though I guess Triangle Adept can work if you intend to never engage blues. He can probably still survive green mages even with an offensive build too, so running Distant Defense for baiting one shouldn't be too necessary, especially with Dull Ranged to null bladebuffs.
Where can I acquire a rom for Thracia? Are there any good or bad translations? Is the story good? Is the gameplay good? All I know about it is that it takes place halfway through 4 and follows A FUCKING LEAF.
Now, your memory is restored from temporarily induced amnesia.
That's pretty funny coming from 10th place.
>great IVs Effie at 4*
>no feathers
>she needs Berkuts
>no feathers to 5* Berkut
Is IS ever going to reduce the amount of feathers you need or hand out more of them, I need so much shit but I can't do anything because of feathers.
There are no good translations for Thracia
Is Cancel Affinity preferred over Windsweep when your Alm is Speed+?
lol okay TharjaSonyaCamillaShadeLokiTsubasaAnon
>Caeda, Catria, Minerva
Huh? Who?
You can already get 20k feathers every couple of weeks from being Tier 19.5 in Arena and doing AA every week, in addition to shit like TT/Gauntlet.
There is a certain irony in using the word user in your tripcode like that.
>"he needs to have lower defenses to use reprisal effectively"
Same reasoning fucked Odin forever because they thought a self attack buff with a blade tome would be too good with more than 20 Atk.
Imagine going balls deep into her defenceless anus until it prolapses.
Is that someone from FE Switch?
>3 man banners
>one of these 3 is always an alt
>no demotion last banner
>character additions have slowed to a snail's pace
Shit. Love Abounds was great, all I wanted to see was more variety on seasonal banners. Instead we're getting less variety on regular new banners. The only new character last month was fucking Hardin. Not "Hardin with Wolf and Astram" or "War of Shadows Allies ft. Hardin". Evil Hardin from Mystery, because they wanted to throw actual oldfags a bone with their evil IMAGINE and titty Reflet bullshit.