for chuuni
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For my wife
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post cute Chikas
Attached: Chika106.png (1024x1024, 66K)
Can someone write something nice about Honoka-chan please?
Umi is love.
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For Kanan!
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She makes the other girls look good by comparison.
Attached: DWyyDOfVoAAsGap.jpg (2048x1152, 255K)
Can you say something actually nice about Honoka-chan please? No backhanded compliments.
Attached: DXqcYpgXcAArtgC.jpg (1023x879, 120K)
Post cute Chuunis!
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She can take a dick like a champ!
I love this chuuni!
Attached: DMGRY88UQAANZ8j.jpg (800x1014, 95K)
I love her, she's so great!
For my lovely wife Dia-chan!
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>tfw you will never have the confidence to dance along to cartoon girls singing in a language you don't understand in front of your whole class
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he is a god amongst men
at first I cringed but fuck it. he deserves respect
Chika loves her beautiful senpai Dia-chan!
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Kanan's abs are a miracle of the universe.
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Piece of shit suicide fag
Stop trying to loop in llsifg anons as stereotypes.
Sorry, I have no intention to commit suicide. That would make Dia-chan very sad and lonely!
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Piece of shit reddit safespace
I love her
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What's your favorite Kanan card?
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Attached: sleeping lovers.png (1224x828, 178K)
What you posted and pic related
Attached: 1232Kanan.png (512x720, 154K)
Just got the hacked apk, 14 5BTs, and I got 7URs.
New Years and then Circus
Nice job using your good luck on a side account.
I love her!
Attached: 63944991_p0.png (600x800, 237K)
I mean, I didn't screenshot any of them, this is basically all I have.
>Implying it matters in any kind of way.
Attached: file.png (1287x754, 611K)
>9 5BT scouts
>9 SRs
Good to know that my shit luck is universal and not just linked to my main account.
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Guys quick I need the picture of the little ayumu drawn on a whoteboard
When do we start calling hags fossils? Is it after PDP has their first live?
So how many Sunshine manga chapters have been release in Japan, does anyone know?
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Reminder that Umidah saved SIF EN
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It's ok, mission accomplished
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Why are all the Aqours girls so much cuter than the Muse girls?
I love You's massive soft tits.
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Post something nice about the /llsifg/ stereotype you hate the most.
Almost everytime they post here they're basically trying to get attention, but at least they stop for a while once they get btfo.
"15" iirc
Keep in mind that there are chapters with parts A and B
That describes a lot of people here.
poshn/clucks/rubyfags/flips never stop shitposting when they get btfo, unfortunately.
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>getting btfo
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I can't wait to see who bullies Emma's big boobs in the pdp anime!!
Attached: emmas boobs are too big.png (2893x4092, 3.33M)
Happens all the time. Honestly you got btfod in life as well for being born as a poo
For magnets.
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I miss them.
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which one of you is this?
Attached: Untitled.png (1681x1012, 2.41M)
isn't one of them dead and the other in prison for child porn?
it was made by klab actually
>watching an overwatch stream
Someone with really good taste.
what were they even thinking with this
probably either some roastie or a soyboy with shit taste
Kanan is my second favorite Aqours and I just started playing Overwatch again. I'm mostly playing Ana. How is my taste?
you play Overwatch, it's automatically shit.
You're a roastie/nu-male so your taste is shit by default.
Attached: 1502134967487.png (1920x1080, 3.67M)
>haven’t played in almost a year
>still salty that I never got my Itai no Itai no Tondeke! Ruby
Not sure if better or worse than this.
Attached: 1507987232389.jpg (1200x675, 104K)
What do you define as "roastie" taste? Which girls fit this definition?
Overwatch is the future of e-sports, Dotard/LoLbabby/TF2grandpa
Get over it.
I sealed my cheerleader wooby, I wonder if there's another ruby with that voice line.