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League of Legends general /lolg/
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fuck yasuo players
O w O
It's nearly time
*notices bulge*
why poki there?
>SMASHED Kog'maw
>Sivir skin
good shit riot.
Remove Jayce and all "R" form from change champions from the game.
Describe the type of player that uses each of your main's skins
Bard main but metaslave. Probably likes time stop porn
Thinking man. Probably new to bard. Has good music taste, Likely into bdsm
>Snow Day
Autism, in the most concentrated form. Mains bard but refuses to play in meta. Only faps to vanilla
>Bard Bard
General reddit poster. Always churns out some really high assists to make up for their high death count. Sub.
Poor but knows they're good despite playing at 17-20 fps. Only watches BLACKED or cuck porn. Notable exception being green, being a pothead or kid that makes weed jokes all match
I love when they do this. Makes my heart skip a beat.
I needed a chick somewhere and apparently Poki was dating Bjergsen at some point?? idk but it fit with the Bjerg being dr.manhattan so I just chucked it in
>it's a BTR episode ft Riot
who the fuck thought they would be good, probably scarra that bald faggot
All the Riot episodes have been great though.
Threadly reminder to filter tripfags
>tfw no qt petite gf
Why do they recommend GG
make pink wards invisible again
Do a Halo one.
If I want to learn about the game I read the /dev diaries
I for one look forward to the new Sivir skin.
why do they push an honor system where i cant honor the fucking teammate when they rightfully deserve it
Granted but she gets introduced in two months as new champion with visual update and reworked abilities to make her even more annoying.
>w/Draven vs. Olaf and Zilean
>end with 10 kills cause the meathead is cocky
And by meathead I mean Draven who didn't respect their Olaf R + Zilean speed just potential, Zilean R, and just generally not baiting out abilities or poking for big damage like I was prior to fighting outright.
Also "subtly" inted by running to enemies, running from allies, 3 TEARS, etc. Never had such an ape before.
every kat skin is the same kind of player
theyre all shit and only grind a kda
Poor or wants to imitate Faker. Likely a normie.
Hipster, probably doesn't even like Goths
>Sewn Chaos
Baited by the splash art, therefore gullible and not able to control the ball very well.
Mostly TRON watchers that say they're really into sci-fi but cannot name a single author and will probably try to bluff it out with star wars or star trek
mostly people who got caught up in the emotion of TPA literal whos coming out of nowhere and taking it all, easily influenced and low-key emotional
>Winter Wonder
Most people own this because its a cute skin, mostly normies using this skin too
Mostly girl gamers who got it as a gift from a boyfriend or beta orbiter, usually not skilled. Sometimes a guy will use it but only ironically and they are usually pretty good
>Dark Star
edgelords trying to play a more meta champion that isnt kayn or aatrox. complains that mages are pussy champions when he dies.
you know the deal, new or smurf
rare, probably got it from a hextech chest, likely only average in skill
nobody uses this
oldfag ez main
will rape your tender boypussy and make you scream his name while he fingers your egirl support
oldfag that stayed in a time capsule
decent but uses the wrong masteries
e shifts into your team gets ccd and dies.
Does this about 8 times before losing the game
>TPA ezreal
can pop off bt mostly plays ezreal for fun. Has a few tricks up his sleeve but is not looking to hardcarry
korean adc
>debonair: chromas
shitter looking to blame his support
rushes duskblade when behind
realizes half way into the match that his q cant crit
>SG ez
teamplayer. looking for assist or supportive ults that clear waves.
plays safe and reliable. not going to hard carry.
might be a girl (female)
>he doesn't farm aram for honor, keys and chests
>6000 games on ARAM
what ...are... you?
>fly vs clg
they're so bad
Never bully your support!
Honor your support every game!
>realizes half way into the match that his q cant crit
shit i didnt know this
They are unworthy, unless it is done with some of the less Legendary figures.
Why can't I honor opponents yet?
at what rank can I start to consider myself a good player on the NA ladder?
i just hit plat with relative ease
>haha I got an ADC in aram and the other team didn't haha i'm so good
really user
What if my support likes being bullied
>the absolute state of CLG
so they finally got a fun jungler but got rid of the commanding nigger and they're even worse than they used to be, how nice
I miss hotshot and his autism
usually new and not very good
OG Jinx player prepare to get gunned down
Respectable solid player
usually a dedicated Jinx player, high probability they main her
shitter, might be an egirl
>needing ARAM for that
How many key fragments since the message update on Feb 23?
Remove the villain passive from Destruction man, and buff him according to that, there, Garen fixed.
Me, an intellectual. A man of patrician tastes, refined perfection OR a scripter
No one uses this skin
No one uses this skin
>Scorched Earth
Pre season 4 high elo player
>Guardian of the Sands
Faggot who never plays said champion and likes to waste money
seems like a good place
>Why can't I honor opponents yet?
For the same reason you can't hornor multiple peolpe,if every gets honored,them nobody does.
Not saying it's good,saying that's probably their justification,if they have one at all.
all you support mains are pathetic, suck my dick
Respect Olaf lvl 1 he'll run most champs down
I want to raise kids with Kled!
I'm joking, I hate kids. I'd rather just cuddle.
*kites you*
I wanna BEE with Lulu!
>go against my counter
>because they counterpicked
>they know my pick depends on skill if i plan to win
>fight of the gods up in top lane for first one to die
>its 20 minutes in and both of us are 0/0/0
>we're both too good at putting up with each other
>we're both telling everyone to get the fuck out of the lane so neither of us explode
>the match is still going for another 15 minutes
>we're both 0/0/0 still
>the allies we have just decided to win or lose without us
>my team wins
>enemy top respectfully executes himself
>and so do i
>we both end 0/1/0
god i wish i could have honored him. he was some real good shit
the broken down minecart that is clg
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
I got the ace of hearts? Whatever it's called skin from a box. I base Ez the best.
lulu is a war criminal, I ask you to cease any contact with her from this very moment forward
do people unironically think stixxay is a good adc?
>kites a predator+ghost+yoummus Garen
heh nothing personal villain
Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
And she's ALL MINE!
why is stixxay even a pro player?
he has 1 champion in his pool and half the time he's shit on her as well
>STILL cant hit D5
when did you anons realize your peak?
The only good Tristana skin, if you use it you either have a good taste or you're poor, can't tell.
Okay this is fine too, you're a cool guy.
>Rocket Girl
Tasteless shitter.
>any other
Even worse than the above.
>Riot Girl
See above except you're also a poorfag.
>Dragon Trainer
Kill yourself right now.
>being too unskilled to do it on the Rift
You can easily do it in blind.
That's aram shitters for you.
>No one uses this skin
all the xerath players that used them like his old kit better, thats why
the only time you'll see either of these are if the classic niggas showed up and need to save their god awful team
Whenever I see scuttle get bullied I feel sad.
*steals your ms with bork*
teehee, c'mon then, catch me!
*swaps heal to ghost*
you almost got me!
*activates righteous glory*
you nearly got it this time!
As an adc, if they pop my GA should I sell it for something else?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I honestly feel bad for Huhi and Biofrost
reminder that Fly was a starting mid for KT Rolster as recent as Summer 2016, this is your brain on NA
Saw Viktor was in his free week after Doublelift got blown the fuck up. Won't type all game but is relatively chill.
>Prototype Viktor
Has spent way too long playing this game and is a slave to masochism. Probably a steampunk convention attendant. Definitely listens to the Mountain Goats.
>Full Machine Viktor
Will dominate their lane while running the "can't catch me" build. Can't wait for chromas for the skin.
>Creator Viktor
Lorefag who really likes Terminator. Builds like a conventional AP mage. Unironically listens to dubstep. Might feed.
>Deathsworn Viktor
Has no idea how to build Viktor. Won't get his 3rd Hexcore until the 25 minute mark. Expect him to win lane but will feed later.
Feed or otp god
>ashen lord
Somewhere in between
holy shit xayah is getting more and more popular, how come? did she get buffs?
>changes particles
Why is Riot so garbage at making excuses and why is this retarded community eating them up like with Lancer Blitz, Sweetheart Skins or GGMF?
Does anyone have that really old pic of when /a/ had more views on own3d than the CLG guys?
Don't you mean with lulu?
Trist got nerfed and xayah was still better than trist it just depended on the skill of the player. Any retard can pick up trist and do good but not with xayah
>>Creator Viktor
> Builds like a conventional AP mage.
H-how does he know?
most of the people vocal about ggmf actually hate it though
It's like WW. Everyone around them is shit, so theyre at the top of the heap. Xayah is brain dead easy too.
>two non-East Asian players and player with the nickname "Game Over" are dragging the team down
When I couldn't get out of low plat for 3 seasons, then out of gold on champions that needed any brain to play. I've been playing for 7 years. Pretty sad.
It's either a tank being able to out DPS an ADC in any 1v1 scenario,or tanks being capable of oneshoting your ADC.
Pick your poison.
I want to swim in Lulu just like our son does
if clg comes back in this somehow, that black shield on stixxay in the last fight will be the mvp play
wants to try out bug man to see what bugs in this game are really like, probably disappointed and gets shitcanned fast
>dragon knight
knows him inside and out regardless of what it might be, even down to the bugs but will still expect others to know him as well as he does
wannabe morde main. likes the "old" feeling but cant get dragon knight. will settle for less. probably shit more than good
discount carry. will do the job but will probably do a shitty job at it. unlikely to cooperate until it gives them some kills
will fuck your shit up on the spot if they tilt. goes for both sides, 50/50 success rate
the most passive, aggressive, and passive-aggressive of morde players but the best player you'll ever meet. has an ego complex. "you are playing around me" kind of playstyle; they'll force you to adapt to it or you lose
>dark crusader
concentrated pure autism from yours truly
what could go wrong
Doesn't play her often or is Chinese and won't pay for a skin
Shitter who only uses the skin to spam memes about her ass
Plays her often, likely faps to cropped Lotus nudes
Uses the skin for promos/serious matchups. Good taste.
Hard on for legacy skins
Regular Irelia player and has patrician taste. Be afraid of anyone running this skin.
>Stixxay sold his boots
he's not Teddy, he's going to get caught out and lose the game
>Gigantic Cho and Zac sitting on a bush
Kinda hot
yeah xayah is a very high iq champion
only mensa members can play her and have succes
>no veigar nerfs
>can still just press r on your carry and win off of it
>even if he's down in kills and farm
>pregnant lulu
please tell me you have more of this
Recalling right next to me. He was horny. After this I left the adc and went support him instead. Near the end he started lewding me in chat.
delete tanks
>Regular Irelia player
For clarity, this should say
>Mains Irelia
Shut up GOY and buy the skin, Vietnam and OCE love the fucking skin okay!? It's literally perfect for 3500 what else would you want?!