League of Legends General /lolg/
xth for NTR.
>he wishes to be a girl
girly boy is the superior aesthetic desu
who else here /femme/
absolute state of this game
shhh, Ahri is sleeping
>tfw no qt petite gf
>your main
>your favorite snack
Don't ask me why i need to know this information.
Jsst give it to me.
It is of the utmost importance.
chocolate I guess
I could be cute and feminine and boys would like more. Why wouldn't you want to be a girl?
>phat ass
Don't be a pussy and build duskblade on him after triforce sterak's
rawr! Ahri is hungry
None yet
>favourite snack
I'm struggling here
I've got something for her to eat
>Oreos dunked in milk like I'm a 10 year old
Your main
Your alt main
A champ you hate
An item you hate
Best skin for your main
Worst skin for your main
Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.
>skt name
>yasuo player
your fault for not dodging tbqhwyf
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. pref blackberry jam but I'll take just about anything that isn't orange or yellow in color.
why is Ahri so comfy?
I swear to god I've seen that exact name or something mostly identical but with a T1 added on a Yasuo before.
Starting a 31 days of taliyah, hoping at the end i'll be actually good at her. Wish me luck
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
no main currently
I don't want to be as girl, I like being a boy and cuddling cute girls.
but what if boys give you the wrong attention, you know boys only have one thing on their mind.
>tfw you'll never have breakfast in bed with Ahri while watching morning cartoons
Will Rito ban me if I tell my team the reason for my poor play is being high on mushrooms?
Peppered Jerky
>revert Rengar back
>reverting Leblanc back
>we'll back to Rengar top spam jumping from bushes making the lane un fun passive garbage for 20 minutes
This game is just straight up not fun to play anymore
good luck slut
If you play any of these, delete your account
Lordekaiser, Dark Crusader
>nothing in particular just whatever is overpowered
>Ionia/light blue eternal sword and sand for ekko
>tfw this autistic lulu poster, and the rest of their kind, will never die of a sudden heart attack
>tfw no bingo
>Rengar top
There are a lot of champions that fucking beat Rengar's ass dude. He can't duel for shit and is only good at taking on people that can't fight back against him. Rengar is a pussy.
someone post it thanks
Infinity Edge
Star Guardian
I will continue playing according to comp, mod and whatever Hextech motivates me to pick up via skins, even if I dust the skin despite coming to like the champ.
it's the tails definitely, I'd groom and hug them all day if I could
>Yorick and his 6 lil niggies raping you with corruption pot
Fuck off
Which bit, or all of it?
Is this game dying or at least stagnating?
>Twitch views are down
>none of my IRL friends play this game anymore
>consecutive terrible champ releases
>bad patch after bad patch
>more and more cosmetic focused stuff flooding client
>no one cares about LCS anymore
Is the prime life over?
Teriyaki flavored beef jerky
>time to play some league
>first game
>every lane has died and is already spam pinging for ganks before im level 4
>second game
>support got autofilled and trollpicks lux goes full ap and dies everytime he walks into lane
>3rd game
>adc fps kaisa and feeds her ass off trying to make dank plays but even worse the lanes are horribly mismatched in terms of mmr
shills will tell you otherwise because riot cloggs worlds with viewbots but its dying
when a game's newcomers are all chinks and literal bots you're on your last legs.
How do I get better at ADC???
I play ADC all the time but I still suck dick I win more with Jungle even though I've played 1 jungle game for every 10 AD games. I want to be an ADC main not a jungle main tho
Realistically, who is the best mid laner right now?
>tfw pushing with maiden, 4 ghouls, zzrot, banner minion and steraks+triforce Qs
More like stale.
But yeah, it's been pretty bad the past year and a half.
Lulu's vaginal fluids
>alt main
Varus, Ashe, Olaf
>champ you hate
Shaco. 5 second true invis tied to a blink is night impossible to play around at all times. Twitch is a close second, but Twitch I can predict far better than the fucking clown. Twitch just does more damage.
>item you hate
Infinity Edge and Duskblade
>best skin
Headhunter. The headshot auto isn't as meaty as it could be but the rest of the sfx are S+
>worst skin
Honestly? Officer. It's total cocktease bullshit and is actually worse in-game than Sheriff.
Yes. Summoner's Rift has been completely solved by Koreans.
This game has been out for almost 10 years and the champs still aren't free
>try to climb
>+17 lp
>-21 lp
there is no such thing as a best
there are a lot of strong champions, and it depends on the lane matchup and team comps
try using your brain instead of asking stupid questions
Poppy is good, though, I've qualms with her charge. Yasuo is understandable, much as he isn't a guaranteed win. But maining Lux, even with those mostly nice skins.
>"Whatcha staring at user, you perv?"
>"What do you want, for me to sit on your face or something??"
how do u respond?
>not with the herald too
Bronze Yorick
>tfw no Magma Chamber with offlane/safeline dynamic
I'd rather she sit on my dick 2bh.
Biggest and best bust!
Biggest and best ass!
>didn't solo push top and put all the minions in bot, TPing to Maiden to preserve her life when people run to get your ass in op lane
gold Yorick at best senpai
Sadly it seems it is. Its too big to die quickly but it will enter a slow and irreversible decline, just like WoW. The normalfags have all switched to overwatch or some battle royale faggotry and the "hardcore" playerbase are leaving because theyre fed up with riot's shit balance, casualisation, esports shilling and constant kikery
>Ahri nendoroid finally getting re-released
which league girl is objectively best
Kayn Top
Tea + butter and toast.
>care about rank
>have close irl friend
>he's not that good
>wants to play solo/duo
What do? Seriously?
give me that ass on my face please god
If Magma Chamber came out, what would it have to deliver for you to play it?
duo with him in flex
solo in solo/duo ranked
>tfw still play with the one who got me into the game
>tfw people heed my pings, MIA and calls usually or at least give me retrospective honors for them
>tfw haven't had a lux on my team in ages and the last was mid and decent
>tfw have only had ONE (1) bad Kai'Sa so far and the rest did well in ADC, top and jg
>honey nut chex mix
Cassiopeia is the PRETTIEST League girl.
>try to play a normal
>get a level 7 Yi adc with Ryze support
>we lose
>play another
>Rumble support
Is Saturday just shit pick night? Holy shit I'll just go play Nier then
Salt and Vinegar chips
Hey guys I need movie recommendation for tonight. Watched Blade Runner 2049 the other night and loved it, if that helps with suggestions
Yeah I don't hate yasuo because he's op (he isn't), I hate him because of his cancerous playerbase, the fact that he ALWAYS ints on my team and also his effect on the game in general (having to balance crit around his retarded passive and making something like 8 champs have knockups in their kit that were not originally intended)
>care about rank
>someone who isn't very good is one division below you and you can actually duo with them
why do you care about your rank again?
How about focusing on making the biggest and best impact with her kit and posting results to discourage inflexibly building, full protection or full AP memers on Sona?
Sona Buvelle!
He's not stupid though, he's going to catch on to it. But yeah I suppose that's the only way.
Have you seen the Nice Guys? It has Ryan aswell
Because I want to get out of silver. I didn't say I'm any good either.
>tfw finally got my Riven slave mod in SDT going
So whats the verdict?
fucking peep oreos bro
you don't have to try to trick him into playing flex or something.
just tell him you want your solo queue rank to be solo only, and if he wants to duo you're more than happy to play flex with him.
what said
if you are close enough in divisions to duo he's not much worse than you
it just shows what you actually think of your """"""""friend"""""