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FE switch when
Good op
>Fury Moonbow
Why this is bad again?
Chrom, how do I build Nino?
It's not bad, necessarily
It's just overused, cookie cutter, and boring.
What do you do with the third E!Takumi? How do you kit him?
T-Thanks for the (You) by the way.
Fury and Glimmer
>New Water Map is just 1 map
I dont know what I expected but Im extremely dissapointed
At the very least I hope we get full new batches at the start of every month
Thinking I might deck this guy out. How do these upgrades sound?
>+Spd Rexcalibur / Wind's Brand
>Spd Ploy from a +Def / -Res Deidre (if I give him this, should I give him a +Res refined Rexcalibur instead?)
>Wind Blessing
step on me
Filter and ignore !RHAJATxdtU posts.
Some faggot in the arena got me with CA on his third taco
Did Bruno died ?
Yeah the blessed gardens are pretty whelming. I was expecting like a new rotation of 5 maps, but nope just 1 map that gives a blessing and 2k feathers.
Rival domains should be the new mode that gets its own special access, not the dumb gardens.
I am starving for content, is gbf good? can I have fun in that game?
Should I roll for Extremely Helpful Man?
I have 30 orbs, and Im not saving up for anything in particular except V!Lyn on a b8%
>bunch of posts on twitter talking about how good Warriors Tharja looked and how big her chest is
>a few posts mentioning she had a dual attack with Robin
>still no footage
I guess they weren't allowed to record while the event was going on, but the Warriors twitter should post something too damn it.
>being so much of a shitter that you need to bring in TA -Raven tomes into the Arena
Post your King of Bern, anons.
I'm not an Arena junkie so no bully on +0 merges pls[/spoler]
Do you have a fulltime job? Do you want one?
If the answer to those questions is not no and yes, don't play granblue.
>red hell
>mfw +atk -res Cav Chrom was my free roll
Feels good to luckshit, does the +5 to the stats stack with the blue stats from fortify/hone?
So the current banner is only doing slightly worse than the Fallen Heroes banner. Not that surprising since Celica and Robin combined are far more popular than Chrom.
Fuck off already fag. Learn how to filter
It's pretty good fap material
The one with splash damage does have Moonbow but I'm still not sure if go all Draconic Aura or Luna on them.
CA? Sound good.
>being so much of a shitter that you need to bring level 40 units into arena
Breeding barn when?
What cavs did you use to clear the infernal xander cav quest?
>Wanted my daughter
>Got Chrom's daughter with a lance instead
>Already have a neutral
Who wants Aether?
>No don't filter the beaner! Filter it instead!
You're a smart one retard
>being a cavshitter
It was AA but my fault for not checking everyone
Everyone in your arena core
Usual Xander and Camus solo everything for F2Pers.
And therefore a meme.
What if I'm not a faggot?
Is Dull Ranged even worth giving anyone?
Look at other thread.
The Fallen Heroes banner also had more widespread appeal. There's some Awakening characters I'd love to have in the game, but of course there's no damn reason to ever roll on the banner when it's just fucking Morgan and another Chrom alt.
Let alone another red horsie on a cav.
These guys. Cavs was surprisingly hard for me and required a lot of trial and error. I don't really have a lot of investment into my cavs anyway.
Who makes good use of Ignis? Already gave it to Arden, Michalis, and Eldigan.
Some one post this with an imgur link if its good I dont feel like making an account
the king of cavs himself
its crazy that some people no longer consider Camus ftp because of his availability
do you like endless grinding?
do you like not getting what you want when doing quest?
do you like feeling dying inside?
do you like repeated content?
if your answer to all those are yes then gbf is for you. if not, just play f/go instead
As a Summoner, maybe you can call upon my deceased parents... No, forget I said anything. It's foolish...
It's too niche to ever be useful unless you're slotting it in to deal with a specific unit in pve content
Why not just have a PvP RD work like Arena? The units you fight would be based off of another player's brigade, but their power would be scaled to your brigade's. So bring in whale friends, and you'll fight whale units. Use regular units, you'll fight regular units.
I did it with Sigurd the first time
I went back and cleared it with an f2p cav team for laughs
No thanks.
Mad brainlet here, how the fuck do I do this?
Guess I'll try to make +def -spd Morgan work somehow then
>the gardens
I expected like, something, but it's just "more maps"-- like the blessing is just an arbitrary gate and you don't even need a hero so you just sorta. Yanno. Do another map for orbs.
I'm happy we're getting dew but Rival Domains was neat as hell, gardens were a fucking loot cow letdown.
On the other hand they're not as whale gated as we thought and I like that.
Be nice if they tried a little harder to do SOMEthing new like rival domains. But I understand the engine doesn't give them a lot to work with.
>I wanted parents--instead I got heroic martyrs
Being Gerome is suffering ;_;
It's heroes like you that make this job worth doing.
uh oh
Ma's waiting for you, buddy. And she's getting merges
>Gordin is harder to get kills with than Serra
jesus christ he just got killed by a Merric
Holy shit his voice is Batman
I have +res -spd so I'm in the same boat as you
I honestly don't know what to do with him
>cav shitter STILL can't beat one of the piss easiest infernals in the game
Remove yourself from the gene pool.
it's FMorgan and FRobin by /ourguy/
Based on the blurred preview I dont think thats the image user
But its occured to me the link is to a boris image so thats probably better than whatever it was there, so thank you
Even if they do that it's going to boil down to turtling or more likely, hyper offense hell with any "sub-optimal" units being thrown to the wayside.
With the AI at least it allows people to succeed using who they like if they are dedicated/put in enough resources.
If they give any sort of decent rewards, for a hypothetical real PvP mode, it's going to alienate a whole lot of people, I reckon.
I got like fifty of your mom but I'm afraid your dad Vaike is going to have to wait a bit longer.
Dude, Merric is actually more bulkier than you think.
Merric is a meme because of his shitty attack stat, not because of his other stats.
When will we get her?
Who's his dad?
Why has Tempest Trials never rewarded a cute girl before? Practically every new banner has at least one cute girl but not TT.
>mourning your parents
lol get over it fag and get a hobby or somethin
>Mad brainlet here
>uses cavs
My fucking sides
>Cherche and Frederick have hammers
>Gerome has Poleaxe
Rein kills Xander
Seig gets repo'd and kills the two green mages, then tanks the sword and possibly the staff
Rein kills the sword and the other 2 clean up
So Kiran is a necromancer corrupting young boys. We grow evil by the day.
He's slow climbing up in tier lists its just that no one really notice
The "Masked Marth" character is actually Lucina!
You mean Nifl toilet
Girls are shit
>blessed gardens "new map"
>It's just 1 "new" map.
>One "new" map a week
Well, I don't know why I expected anything else. I was holding out judgement because possible lucrative rewards, but it really is just shit.
>starting waifufaggotry wars
Literally worse than tripfags
Go play in traffic.
and Gordin's attack is fucking 39 at 4*s even with atk+6
>Reddoot poster is slow in the mind
why not just let him kill flying ponies and dragons, and not the mage with good defense, speed, and HP?
>people actually thought they were going to give us tons of orbs, feathers and dew every week